Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Medicine Cards

I decided to treat myself to a little gift of Medicine Cards. They arrived today with a beautiful hard-bound book of animal totems. It is suggested that each soul can find its personal pathway through the medicine of animals. The teachings vary from tribe to tribe, so the cards used certain aspects of each animal's medicine to relay life lessons coming from the elders of the Choctaw, Lakota, Seneca, Aztec, Yaqui, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mayan traditions.

The term "medicine" is anything that improves one's connection to the Great Mystery and to all life. Mind, body, spirit, personal power, strength, understanding, are all part of the medicine of living life in a way that brings healing to Mother Earth and to all our family, friends, associates, and other creatures. It is a way of life.

The idea is to be in complete harmony with the strength of that creature's essence when calling upon the power of an animal. It must be approached with humility and intuitiveness.

"Small native children know that if they are lost, they can call on the medicine of their parents - which brings to the child the strength of the parents even though they are not physically present. The parents will feel the pull of the child's need, and oftentimes will be able to see psychically through the eyes of their child and determine its location."

In this same way one can call on the power or medicine of an animal when one is in need of specific talents, which is based on the concept of unity - or the law of oneness. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding my nine power, or totem, animals. (I hope one of them is an elephant.) After all, they represent my abilities, talents, and challenges that I face in my Earth Walk.

Also, I really want to know why we hear and see so many coyotes!


Brian Miller said...

i have never heard of these...have tarot, but these are new...hmm...will look into more...

DJan said...

I look forward to hearing which ones are your guides, Nancy. Very interesting that you love elephants, I do too!

Anonymous said...

I've always loved these cards!

Pat said...

I've never heard of these, either. They sound very interesting!

Alida Sharp said...

Interesting...I have never heard of these before.

Hilary said...

Frank has this exact deck (among others) and refers to them from time to time, as do I on occassion. They can offer a bit of insight... though not elephants. I believe they're mostly North American creatures. There are a few blank cards to add your own insights. Enjoy them.

Reya Mellicker said...

One of my favorite decks! I'm also fond of the Druid Animal Oracle.

Linda Pendleton said...

Oh, I haven't seen those cards for quite some time. Good cards from what I remember.

Grandmother Mary said...

Coyotes have powerful medicine. And if you've seen it 4 or more times, it's probably one of your guides. Love this deck.

Rob-bear said...

Thanks for sharing your discovery. The cards seem quite fascinating. Which animal is your guide?

Marlene said...

Nancy, I have used these same cards for years they are amazing and will speak to you when you ask a question. I found when I first got them, it helped me to first read the book and each animal story then I did some readings.. the blank cards are also wonderful to fill out yourself..these cards are unlike any I have ever worked with.. you will love and treasure them I am sure. Marlene

Nancy said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone! I want to take time to read the book before I find my nine totem animals. I think it's important to follow the directions in terms of honoring these animals and their "medicine."

Rob-bear - Not sure yet. I'll post when I find out. Evidently this deck has only North American animals and not elephants, which I would say is my animal "guide" because I am so drawn to them, but maybe not - we'll see!

Anonymous said...

oh, I just love these cards! When I got my deck a few years back, I became addicted to them! LOL From the moment I did my first spread, they brought such illumination, grace and healing to me. The cards and I connected on such a deep level - better than several other decks I've had over the years

I'm so excited for you!! :)

luksky said...

How interesting! I want an online I would love to know what my totem is...