Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Dog

I will leave you this week with a dog smiling, and looking strangely like its owner. There is controversy whether or not this is an actual picture, or one that has been photoshopped. However, since our very own Lucy has been showing her teeth lately in toothy grins, I say - real. What do you think?

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Real. My dogs do this ....... but, is it a smile or a grimace?

Nancy said...

Kathy - I say smiling - he's sitting on the couch next to his owner. What's not to smile about?

Brian Miller said...

thats a little smile though...

Leah J. Utas said...

That's a terrifying smile. I hope it's photoshopped.

Amanda Summer said...

i have seen fotos of dogs who smile this way —— it is completely possible, i believe. and dogs and their owners often resembler one another. scientific fact ;-)

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

I think I LOVE IT!!!!!

Rob-bear said...

A smiling dog is the source of confusion. What is he planning to do?

Cloudia said...

a smile is always welcome!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral


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Anonymous said...

Shucks. I've seen particular breeds with a natural smile but I enlarged the photo and saw tell-tale "whirls and tugs" that signify photoshop. Once you learn how to do it, and do it well, it's so easy to check out what happens to one part of the object when something is stretched or pulled on another part of the object. Now, aren't you sorry I showed up? LOL

luksky said...

my little chihuahua used to always smile. It was her submissive smile.

Linda Hoye said...

I think it is real. My dogs smile, don't they all!?

ds said...

I say that's a happy dog...

Leilani Tresise said...

I say REAL! lolol.. it really is quite something! love it!

Anonymous said...


L'Adelaide said...

how hysterical. a bit too "shopped" methinks but one never knows with dogs...they have secrets. xox

Unknown said...


Nicole said...

Yikes! That's cute and freaky all at the same time!