Here is an odd synchronicity.
Just as I was struggling with something in my personal life that has to do with forgiveness, I logged onto David Wilcock's website - Divine Cosmos. It just so happens I am in the middle of reading his new book The Source Field Investigations. But I am also in the middle of reading book one of The Law of One.
David just posted a 20-minute video pertaining to The Law of One, which was written in 1984. What are the odds?
Anyway, he talks about personal spirituality, divination through Tarot Cards, and the ultimate responsibility of humans on earth at this time - which is?
This supposedly frees us from the wheel of karma and reincarnation, by letting go of the guilt of the past, along with the fear of the future.
Our old traumas, usually early childhood traumas, are the hardest to work through, but give us the best chance of freedom from repetition. Once you have made a commitment to forgive the people who may have hurt you, even inadvertently, you can then remind yourself that you have already forgiven that person when a negative thought or emotion comes along to replay your hurt/anger/resentment, etc.
Negativity bias is when the brain automatically returns to a negative thought five times more often then a positive one. The only way to change that thought is to replace it with positive thoughts. In the case of forgiveness one can say - sorry - can't go there - I've already forgiven that person and myself and anyone else involved - time to move on.
I guess I was meant to hear this information tonight - just after a long-winded rant today on the very person I need to forgive.
You never know where the information you need might come from. I'm not sure that everything David talks about on his website is part of my own personal cosmology - but taking the information you need, when you need it, is part of trusting the Creator. Whether is is from a writer/website or a billboard on the side of the road - when you are open to synchronicity, you find magic.
Here is his video - maybe you were meant to drop by my blog for a reason...