Monday, June 20, 2011

Cosmic Flow

We live in interesting times. Everything is hard and nothing is easy.

Or is that really true? 

We are definitely going through transformative times, a cultural revolution is on the way. Our old ways of seeing are no longer working. A new holistic world view is emerging from science and mysticism. It's  permeating every corner of society.

So maybe we are not paying attention when we are in the flow and things seem effortless, instead we concentrate on trying to force our way through - and not aligning with the creative forces of the cosmos.

Life is a gift. We have nothing to prove. We have no one to blame. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and it is impossible to make a mistake or do anything wrong. Even when life is messy - you are not doing anything wrong. We are not here to be perfect. Whenever we make mistakes it forces us to look within. It makes us ask bigger questions which always yields pearls of wisdom, if we let it. We become bigger people, more loving, compassionate, and certainly wiser.

So why not quit beating ourselves up for what we are not doing right and start concentrating on the things that we are doing right.

So how do we know when what we are doing is the right thing?

By the way we feel.

Take a nap! (It actually helps.) If it seems like hard work, or you feel trapped or stuck, then you are not aligned with the cosmic flow. If your actions feel joyful, if it makes you smile, if you breathe more easily then you are moving in the right direction. If your actions feel heavy, painful, difficult, then you are going against the flow. We live in a loving Universe. It's learning to think with our heart, and not necessarily with our head, that connects us with our feelings. Learning the value of paying attention when things feel good and right, then using the memory of those feelings to shift gears when times are tough may actually be the key to going with the cosmic flow.

Thank you to Hilary at Smitten Image for POTW!


Anonymous said...

Terrific post! Right in the flow with the Hick/Abraham material. the Seth material, Tolle...

ellen abbott said...

I think whether our lives feel good or bad depends on how we face the world. when we go with the flow, we can enjoy the sights around us. if we swim against the current we are exhausted and stressed but we both end up in the same place, downstream in our lives. I'd rather enjoy the float than struggle against it.

Brian Miller said...

that paragraph that begins, life is a gift...i need to print that out and put it on my fridge...great stuff..

Joanna said...

Oh yes! What an incredibly inspiring post. I love the part about our not being here to be perfect, and the litmus test of how wte feel. What an amazing teacher you are, Nancy.

My Inspired Reality said...

I love this post Nancy, such wonderful words to live life by and a great start to my week:):)

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

great post... I feel younger every day recently... and i just got up from a nap!


harmony said...

Happy Monday! I love this post. Thank you so much. It brought a smile to my face.

DJan said...

This is good advice, Nancy. I feel energized and in the flow, so I will take that as a positive sign that I'm in the right place at the right time... Thank you!

The Good Cook said...

I once had a professor, a Jesuit Priest, respond to the question "how do we know when we pray for wisdom if our decision is the right one?"... his response, which I will forever remember and draw upon was "because it brings you peace".

I am working right now on "gratitude". The state of grace and being thankful for all that has come into my life regardless of what has gone out. It is hard, hard work, but the more I concentrate on it, the more joy and love enters.

Yes, our outer world is a reflection of our inner world and that which we manifest is our future.


Linda Pendleton said...

I've often said we need to "roll with the flow," and as spirit guide Dr. Peebles has always said, "Lighten up and don't take life so seriously."

We need to relax and let go. Stress does us harm and we can only change ourselves. It's all about action and reaction...our choice. And looking internally not externally. Hard to do at times, huh?

Good post, Nancy.

Natalie said...

Oh yeah! You sing it, baby. :)

Reya Mellicker said...

I believe we romanticize the past. My theory is that every age is a time of transformation and possibility. I'm with you about focusing on our gifts and talents rather than always engaging in self loathing. How does that help?

karen said...

This is an excellent post Nancy. Thank you.

Hilary said...

Very well said and it feels true.

Nicole said...

Amen sister!

susan said...

It's usually a good idea when we're in emotional pain to sit quietly and examine where in our bodies the pain manifests. Such an exercise done with love and tenderness can make old fears lose their grip.

Sueann said...

Yes and yes!! Waking up each day with a positive outlook can make all the difference!
Love this post
And congrats on your potw

Reena said...

Great post! Congrats on your POTW.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reaching that most enlighten point where I have nothing at all to prove.

This is my first chance to stop by since I've been sick with stomach flu all week. Mila