Friday, June 10, 2011

What Do They Want?

They want what you do.

They want jobs!

They want peace, prosperity, simple pleasures. They want safety for their children, extended families, friends. They want education and purpose. They want enough.

They want to be free of dictators - all kinds.

They want choice. They want clean water, a roof over their head, food in the pot. They want to be able to travel and experience other cultures. They want stability.

They want what you want.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

It's so easy to take all that we have for granted, and to forget that so many in this world have so much less.

Thanks for the reminder.

ellen abbott said...

why is that so hard to understand?

Shrinky said...

Amen to that.

My Inspired Reality said...

Yes, indeed, we are all pretty much the same inside, aren't we? What else can be important?:):)

Jane said...

Your blog post raises some interesting points to contemplate.
(Love the name of your blog. It's so appropriate for this phase of life.)

Thanks for visiting Artfully Graced. I will be drawing a winner of one of the crabby paintings on Monday. Check my blog for the winner...and if it's you, I'll contact you.

Brian Miller said...

amen. in the grand scheme of things we are not that much different...

Anonymous said...

This post made me think of the word "enemy." End-of-me.

If we are all interconnected beings, I wonder why we would want to destroy parts of ourselves, no matter if that part is one we have yet to completely understand...

DJan said...

The pictures are so descriptive of the similarity between cultures. The smile, their hopes and dreams, not any different than my own. :-)

Also, please have a great weekend yourself!

Anonymous said...

Great post. Some countries are way ahead of us in many ways. Costa Rica is so ecologically oriented that their power comes from: hydroelectrics, steam, solar, and wind. No nuclear plants anywhere. More than 38% of the country is preserved either by the government or through private ownership. Some countries, in other words, already have the choices that we do.

Rob-bear said...

They sure do. Maybe, if we work together, we will all succeed.

Deborah said...

I don't know where the Arab Spring demonstrators get their courage from. I am humbled by their willingness to continue to push for democratic freedoms in the face of brutal opposition. But the hopes of the Spanish and Greek demonstrators are a bit naive, I think. Their country's problems are economic, and no amount of demonstrating is going to change the fact that extreme austerity measure are needed to bring their economies back to health.

Miss Footloose said...

And "they" even love there children! I once heard this comment somewhere, a if this was a surprise or a revelation that needed to be made clear. Unbelievable how much ignorance there is in this world, even now with all our ways of connecting and learning.

Grandmother Mary said...

A great and enlightened post- thanks. We are one people. We want the same things for us and our kids.

gayle said...

All people in all walks of life and places basicly all want the same thing. We are so much alike!

Amanda Summer said...

this is so true everywhere - i am visiting israel and greece and all anyone wants anywhere in the world is peace, the ability to make a living for their family, small pleasures and freedom from violence, as you state so well here.

as shrinky said, amen to that.

Hilary said...

We're all connected.

Rosaria Williams said...

such a simple set of basic things, and yet, we tend to pile a whole lot of other stuff. Great post, Nancy.

susan said...

They've been a very important lesson to us all. Unfortunately, the forces lined up against so many of us who long for a simple and decent life are very powerful.

susan said...

and tenacious.

Whitney Lee said...

Great reality check.