Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Movies Worth Watching

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've built quite a video library over on my sidebar. All of these movies I can personally vouch for, but one or two stand out in terms of content, how easy they are to understand, and how interesting they are to watch from a visual point of view. Two are made by the same company, Avaiya, and of those two I would like to highlight one of them today.

Leap! Let Your Adventure Begin. I found this film to be interesting, amusing, and perfect for someone who is new to the whole consciousness field of understanding. From the movie jacket:

"Each of us is cast into this amazing Human Game. For many of us, we've created countless situations and storylines to hide our true power and limit our experiences while playing. Ike Allen and Chad Cameron have created Leap! to remind you that you're here to be the main character and hero in this amazing creation and ultimately, uncover your own meaning, totality and True Identity. The only question now is will you take the Leap! or stay asleep?"

Here is the trailer:

I have watched several more that did not make it to the sidebar. They may have been interesting, but not well-made, or vice-versa. In other words, not worth your money. But if you are a visual learner and would like to understand more about how science is on the cutting edge of some really fantastic leaps in understanding, I would highly recommend this film. I can guarantee it will make you feel good!

I'm also open to suggestions from you. Watch any good movies lately? 


Brian Miller said...

i need to get a message to myself to create a little easier road...smiles. interesting vid...

Anonymous said...

The Kids Will Be All Right...not a consciousness type of movie, but certainly a fascinating and moving story about a brother and sister who have two moms. Enter: the sperm donor. I can see why Annette Bening got nominated for this. Julianne Moore is great, too.

Stella Jones said...

No, I wouldn't watch that film nor would I take the leap. I'm not a believer in life being an illusion. I am trying to deal with the reality of it all and don't need any more theories.
I have enjoyed watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy of films lately. They are very violent and I don't like violence but they deal with revenge and it's aftermath. The books were wonderfully well written and the films were absorbing.

DJan said...

I saw The Tree of Life last week, and even though while watching it I was not thrilled with the movie, many scenes and parts of the consciousness of it have come back again and again. Not many movies do that for me.

Rob-bear said...

I guess the place to start is by asking, "What the Bleep do we know"?
Very little, it appears.
Reality, an illusion? I think I'm with Star.

gayle said...

I am more of a book person than a movie person but this movie sounds awesome!! I really want to watch it!!!

claudia said...

My reality is sometimes an illusion. Mostly when I take things too seriously. I have to step back and remember who I am and what I am doing. Then I realize again, that yes, this is my story I am writing...the movie sounds intriguing. Thank you.

Umā said...

I always find something new and intriguing here, thanks Nancy. I just posted about a community herbalism program I'm trying to get the word out about - come over and visit, I would love it if you shared info about it with your readers!

Michelle Wells Grant said...

My good buddy Midlife Jobhunter sent me over and I'm so glad she did! My thinking is so similar to yours ... love it. Thanks for the film recs. I've now added you to my blog roll!