Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Well, after a sabbatical to spend time reading and researching, I think it's time to hone my writing skills and say hello. Thanks to all of you that left messages for me. I appreciate the thought that there are people who read what I have to say and value the information I try to pass along.

The world is changing so fast, and there is so much going on that it's hard to know what is right, what is wrong, what is real, and what is not. This blog attempts to bring things to light. My hope is that together we can begin to see patterns in our environment that will bring us closer to understanding our mercurial world events.

This last week has been a busy one for me. I've manned the phone calling all of my representatives in Washington, the Secretary of State, and even emailed the President. And while everything seems to be spinning faster and faster, there is one thing I know for sure; we are WAKING UP. We are waking up on a global scale. No longer are we sitting in our rocking chairs feeling we have no power to change things. We were game changers this week. We said NO to war. We said NO to killing more innocent people in Syria in trying to right a wrong. We sent a clear message to our elected officials that we would no longer sit on the side lines while they made life and death decisions for us. The whole world said NO. That is huge. That is really huge. We gave diplomacy a chance.

Congrats world. Whatever your belief, you voiced it.


Brian Miller said...

thank goodness for waking up eh? and good on you getting involved in the system....

DJan said...

I so agree. If only we had done this when Bush went to war with Iraq. Our world today would be completely different. So nice to see you again and read your words. :-)

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

It was a triumph, for sure! Nice to see you back, Nancy.

Nancy said...

Brian - I think it's the only way to change things. I guess they have to hear from us on a regular basis.

DJan - Nice to see you! Yes, things would have been very different had we said no. We tried to say no but were still in the mode that maybe our elected officials knew more than we did. Boy, were we wrong!

T&R - We nee to keep up the pressure. Now for getting rid of that Monsanto rider on the agriculture bill...

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Yes, yes, please write about the Monsanto rider. And welcome back!

Nancy said...

Blissed Grandma - Thank you! It's good to be back. I will write something on the Monsanto rider. I just signed a petition to the agriculture bill.

CrazyCris said...

You're baaaack! :o)

It's nice to see the people in DC took a step back from war, but I just hope the diplomatic route will work, because what's happening in Syria is hugely tragic! :o( But in any case were there to be some kind of military action it should only be done under sanction of the U.N. with a global backing...
I just hope that part of the world manages to calm down before the fires conflagrate into a much bigger conflict on a much more global scale...