I am finding it difficult this month to remain positive. We have been bombarded with chem trails and it has not only affected my health, but has made me so sad for what they are doing to our planet. Geo-engineering is alive and well. I live in a very beautiful place and to see those awful chemicals going into Lake Tahoe has lowered my energy and made me feel sad, fearful, and angry. I know these emotions are bad for me. But trying to raise my vibration has been difficult.
Just as I was in the deepest despair, after reading an article on the possible extinction of wild elephants, I clicked on Lilou's interview with Inelia Benz. I have been receiving email notifications from her but have been busy doing other things and haven't read them. Was the Universe trying to get my attention and I was ignoring it? At any rate, this video was exactly what I needed. It was toward the end of the interview that I felt she was talking directly to me.
I feel so much better.
We are not alone. We have helpers all around us, we just can't see them.
huh...cant see the vid at school...but sounds like this is just what i need so will be back this eve....
hi nancy! well, it's wonderful to drop by your place and i've missed coming by every day like i used to - but this past year, in particular, has found me doing other things and being distracted with pesky health issues and so - i've not been as active as before - also, i finally published my first book of poetry [i think i remember getting a little note from you about it ;) - and am almost done with second manuscript, with a third manuscript to begin - anyway, there is such an increase in chem trails around here this past year, it is more than a little unsettling - and, to add to all that, this area is mostly agricultural anyway, so chemicals are EVERYwhere literally - so discouraging - and at times, on otherwise bright sunny days when the blue skies are covered in criss-crosses of white i am saddened too - and it reminds me of my own childhood when in the spring/summer evenings, the trucks loaded with DDT came through neighborhoods with kids outside playing, sending the poison chemicals straight into the lungs of these children - it seems some things have not changed - our planet and our children and ourselves continue to be riddled with the toxic chemicals, all with the blessings of the government - anyway, i just came across this site which i thought you might find interesting - thanks so much for the video - i needed it too - so glad i dropped by - hugs to you -
oh, i'm on FB a lot now - if you're there, please look me up! ;)
You're back! Just this afternoon, I was standing out in the yard with our neighbor and pointed at a jet leaving a trail. The neighbor is a pilot for American. "What's that?" I asked.
"A commercial airliner leaving a chem trail."
Brian - She really nailed my insecurities in the video.
Gypsy - Hi! Nice to hear from you - so happy with all of your writing sucess. It has been awhile. Unfortunately, I'm not on facebook.
The chem trails have been thick and I am starting to have health issues from them. I get a chest cold every time they spray for several days. When are we going to put a stop to this blatant, in your face, crime against humanity and our planet??
T&R - It is just astounding that people don't look up and wonder what the hell they are spraying all over their children!
Hi Nancy, I've been feeling the same way lately - very discouraged and angry and fearful and sad for all of us and the planet, and I'll definitely be watching this video too.
Uma - It is always darkest before the light.
Hey everyone
This is all quite new to me. Around 6 months ago I started to experience real changes in my life, great changes of energy and I can't explain it very well. I have tried with my friends and even though they are all great and I love them, they seem a little scared of me I think. My life has turned on its head, as if I'm wakening up, looking through new eyes for the first time. I'm 26 and a few months ago I spontaneously decided to start taking buddhist meditation classes and took my mother ( she has struggled with depression and anxiety for sometime). I have read so much aswell, regarding spirituality and the mind. I get these rushes all the time that make me feel great but I dont know what they are. My mother is in the best spirit I have ever seen her in and she said to me last night, she didn't feel like my mother anymore, she felt like my student and she had so much to learn from me. Weirdly I understood this. I have always been a little different but happy soul, however I have felt really quite sad this month as if I'm losing that energy. I'm rambling on here because this isn't a conversation I can have with my friends. I am hoping someone can tell me I am not crazy, cus it feels like it sometimes. This has taken over my life, I like it but it scares me too. Thanks for the good work you have done on this site. I've spent the whole day reading through it! Great reading
bigt1888 - Thank you for your comment. I think you are experiencing a new frequency or vibration as you begin "waking up." It is very exciting and you will probably go through a time where you will want to education yourself on a variety of new information. As for this month - there is something very negative going on - just as Inelia says in the interview. I couldn't put my finger on it either, but she explains it in the clip. I am so happy you found this site and it is of value to you and that your mother is also waking up to her own personal power.
Thanks for your reply Nancy, I got on to this site by looking up the Seth books which led me here. It feels like information overload at the minute and I need to take a step back sometimes but it is really exciting. I haven't watched the video yet as I am in work! Im in Scotland btw. I will continue reading your site tonight. Thanks again!
Just a little question though, do you have any advice on meditation in trying to connect with this energy? I am just a novice at the moment and feel like I am shooting in the dark at the moment.
bigt1888 - I was just thinking I would finish the Seth series - synchronicity must of brought you here to give me a nudge :-)
I wish I was better at meditation. But I have always just used deep breaths, a small prayer or mantra that is your own (something you want to do or be), and then practice quieting the mind. It takes practice, practice, practice. One of my problems is falling asleep, lol. If you are seeking - the Universe will begin to unfold for you. Just be aware that there is no coincidence - be aware of where you are being drawn. Be impeccable in your treatment of others. This is very important right now because everything is happening so fast. Your thoughts are manifesting at a very rapid rate so they need to be as clear and clean as possible. Let go of hate, anger, greed, etc., as fast as possible as they are lower vibrational emotions and you don't want to draw that energy to you. Remember to trust the feelings in your body when you have a thought - if it is negative it will reflect in a tightening in your chest, stomach, etc. Our bodies are the first indication that our emotions are ingaged in the thought process and thought+emotion=energy that your are drawing to you. If it is positive then positive things begin happening, if it is negative then you begin to draw negativity to you. It is really quite simple. If you would like a good book to read get The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. (I know how you feel about not having anyone to talk to about this - it is much the same for me.)
Um - that would be engaged - please excuse my lack of spell-check!
lol don't worry, my spelling isn't exactly perfect either, I just figured the American spelling was different anyway :)But thanks for the advice. I have been exceptionally aware of every interaction I have with anyone lately and I make sure its a positive experience. I have always been told I'm so laid back I'm horizontal, ever since I was a kid. I rarely get angry, jealous and I don't care too much about material things. I guess my problem is attachment, but that is something I am working on. It's like I am holding on to my ego, not ready to let everything go just yet, not that I expect it to be easy. It is quite isolating and my biggest fear was losing my friends but they have always thought I was a bit nuts anyway...think thats why they like me actually lol. Thanks again Nancy
bigt1888 - You sound like you are well on your way to living consciously - which is what it's all about. It's a process, that's for sure. As for friends, you may lose a few but find others that are more like you. I think we all go through that, I think.
Weird, I don't know how many goosebumps I got watching that video. I encountered the girl doing the interview a few months ago when she talked to Mario Buereguard, author of Brain wars. This makes so much sense it scares me, and your certainly right about coincidences btw. They seem to be happening all the time right now..and just this second I recieved a call from a reiki master lol, seriously! I'm just going with the flow as they say
bigt1888 - Synchronicity! You are definitely in the flow. The more you are awake and aware the more you will be aware of sysnchronicy and how it helps guide us in the direction we need to go. We are never alone in this.
Hi Nancy! It has been a long while since I stopped by to see how you are doing. Despite this post I hope everyone is doing well. How is Jen? I have been offline with blogging for some time but recently started my poetry blog back up. We will see how it goes. Slow I am sure since things are always so hectic in my family life. But I completely understand about your spirit getting down when seeing those chem lines. I too experience the very same thing. When we have beautiful clear blue skies and white puffy clouds and I am amazed. However the next day by 6AM the sky is typically covered in a white film and crossed multiple times over with chem lines. It is a helpless feeling but I believe we must have faith that a greater good will prevail and bit by bit others will awaken to the lines in the sky and question them along with so much more. Take care of you and yours. Cole
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