Begins this series here.
Chapter Nine:
Death is what we make of it. Just as in life, we create our own scenes and stage settings, so death is also what we expect it to be. If you are deeply religious - then that is what you find on the other side of life. Your particular guides will look like angels. If you believe in Allah, then it will be that particular scenario that will greet you. If you are attached to physical life, well, then you may have a harder time separating yourself from life, and may find yourself clinging to your body. These hallucinations begin directly after death, but only last a certain amount of time. But in every case - the after-death experience is unique to the individual.
There is no separate, indivisible, specific point of death, instead, just as life is in a state of becoming, death is also part of the state of becoming. Just as the cells in our body die and are reborn on a daily basis, without our realizing this is happening, so, too, are we dying and being reborn. If our cells did not die and be replenished our physical image could not continue to exist. At the same time, consciousness, as stated previously, flickers and blinks on and off. In fact our bodies are completely replaced over periods of time. We do not have have the same body that we did ten years ago. Everything has been completely replaced over time. Every cell, every membrane. So we are alive - even while we are dying.
Our consciousness may withdraw from our bodies slowly or quickly depending on many variables. We are not left alone - there are guides and teachers to explain the conditions and circumstances. The after-death experience is anything but somber, on the contrary, they are generally far more intense and joyful than the reality we now know. We will be learning to operate in a new system with different laws. These laws are far less limiting than the ones we operate under now. We need to learn and understand these new freedoms, including the creative potency of thoughts and emotions. An individual may find themselves in ten different scenarios in a blink of an eye, not understanding they are doing it themselves.
You may, or may not, meet friends and relatives on the other side depending on personal preferences immediately following death. You may find yourself far more interested in people that you knew in past lives than those you were close to in this life. Your true feelings towards relatives that have already passed over are known to you and to them, by the way. There is no hypocrisy on that side of the veil. Your own motives will also be crystal clear. You will not be automatically wise if you were not so in life, neither will there be a way to hide from your own feelings, emotions, or motives.
You examine the fabric of the life you have left and you learn how your experiences were the result of your own thoughts and emotions and how these affected others. (Sounds like the "life review.") After you work through this life you begin to be aware of all of your other lives, and begin preparations to return to your next physical existence.
Your consciousness may leave your body before physical death. The simple consciousness of atoms, cells, and organs can continue to exist for some time after the main consciousness has left the body. There may, or may not, be disorientation according to our beliefs and developments upon death, but often there is immediate recognition of the situation. In fact it was stated that there are many deceased that attend their own funerals. Many of us are overjoyed to find we still have consciousness after death, and some are fully aware of their circumstances because of previous training and development and are ready, after a brief rest, to progress to other stages.
For those who are firmly fixed in illness there may be hospitals and rest homes, with the patient not yet realizing there is nothing wrong with them. There are also training centers, whereby the nature of reality is explained in accordance with the individual's ability to understand. These training centers contain certain classes in which instruction is given to those wishing to return to the physical environment. (Hmmm, classes, I think I'm going to like this place...)
There are those that are so thoroughly focused in this reality that they refuse to believe they are dead and may continue to focus their attention on those they knew in this life. There are those that are so engrossed in a particular project that they may try to complete it. Some who have hated their body are strangely drawn to it after death. You also may be able to become whatever age you imagine yourself for a certain period of time. An old woman may find herself young and vital, finding her form corresponding with an inner image she carries of herself. Others may take the form where they had a particular point of greatest mental or emotional height, regardless of age or beauty. You will feel comfortable in the form that you choose.
We react to a certain set of assumptions that we have all agreed upon in this reality. After death we merely divest ourselves of physical paraphernalia, tune into different fields, and react to a different set of assumptions.
Up Next: "Death" Conditions In Life