Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weird, I know! But I'm back.

Okay, so you were probably wondering where I have been. I've been trying to avoid a person that was hacking his way into a friend's blog, and I felt the need to move along. I started a new blog that I will continue, and I'll delete many of these posts that are of a personal nature. In the meantime, I'm working on writing an e-book based on this blog. So hang with me folks. There is energy flowing! 


Brian Miller said...

ugh. sorry someone is junking up cyber life...been there...good to see you...good stuff on the e-book

Natalie said...


kate i said...

Sorry you're having to deal with this sort of thing Nancy, but it sounds like you're busy and enjoying a new challenge.

Nancy said...

Brian - Looking forward to new challenges, and catching up with all of you.

Nat - Life is weird.

Kate - Thanks for stopping back by, and yes life is interesting at the moment. :-)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Yes, I tried to access and couldn't get there. Make sure we know where you're going. And, good for you, writing the e-book. Write on!

Teresa said...

ugh - sorry that someone out there is being a jerk. unfortunately, they are out there.

great idea to write an ebook. congrats!

luksky said...

ding dongs...they're everywhere. Sorry to hear. I recently had someone hack into my personal e-mail and send out rated X stuff to everyone on my contact list.

Whitney Lee said...

I'm glad you're back. I'm often so caught up in the minutia of raising young children that I don't have time to seek out the information you so generously provide. I really depend on you and others to steer me toward the new and interesting and enlightening information that's out there. Keep us posted on the ebook!

Bruce Coltin said...

Now I feel better. I wasn't ready to lose you.

gayle said...

Sorry this happened!! Can't wait to hear more about the ebook!

Pat said...

Sorry to hear about your troubles!

My husband was just telling me about a woman who sold her book as an ebook for only $3 and is making money hand over fist! That is the way of the future, it seems! Good luck with that!

ds said...

Sorry you had to cope with such a cyber-mess. Best of luck with the e-book and the new adventure4!

Miss Sadie said...

Great to know you've "come out on the other side" or whatever. Sorry that you went through that scare.

I'll track down you alternate blog.

As some of us say in Canada, "Be cool but stay warm."

Nancy said...

Midlife - It's been wild, but glad to be back.

Teresa - Thank you!

luksky - My question remains the same - why?? Geeze!

Whitney - I know exactly what you mean - time is tight when you're a mom of small children.

Bruce - Thanks!

gayle - Will keep you guys updated as it progresses.

Pat - It is certainly easier to do. After reading over book proposals for publishers, I knew I didn't want to go through that - especially to be rejected. This way you can put it out there - and let people decide whether or not they want to read it.

ds - Thanks!

Miss Sadie - Sage advice! :-)

karen said...

I'm really glad you decided to bring Life back. I very much enjoy reading your posts. The topics are both interesting and educational. Thank you. Best of luck on your new adventure with e books.

Anonymous said...

These hackers are so irritating. I noticed random spam sent from my email address ( I sent junk mail to myself!), and changed my password. It stopped. Apparently, some people get our email addresses and run lots of passwords to try to get into the accounts. Scary stuff.
Recommend changing passwords when something fishy happens.
Your new project sounds cool though, all the best with it. :)

Anonymous said...

Some people just have nothing better to do with their time than spoil things for others :0(

DJan said...

Well, I hadn't gotten around to stopping my following of Life, so I'm happy to know I don't have to do anything. Following both blogs so I won't miss anything, Nancy.

Grandmother Mary said...

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this and that it limited my contact with you and your blog. I'm interested in your next blog and your ebook. Blessings.

Unknown said...

Hope you'll let us all know where to find your new blog, Nancy. And I, too, am sorry you've had to deal with this; you're the second blogger this month that has had to make changes due to someone else's sickness or whatever.

Congrats on the ebook; let us know what, when, etc. about that too!

Trish MacGregor said...

Yay! Glad you're back.

Nancy said...

maggie - Thank you.

livenomad - Great advice.

Sex, Drugs - I wonder how they really feel inside.

DJan - Thanks :-)

Grandmother - Thanks so much.

Gaston - What is going on??

R&T - You give good advice - I need to take it more often. :-)

Unknown said...

Smiles....take care

Linda Pendleton said...

I was hoping it was only a temporary cyber bugs that took your blog away. Glad you're back and good luck with the ebook idea. I assume you plan to have it for Kindle and Smashwords when ready?

Nancy said...

E-mom - Glad to see you!

Linda - Thanks. That is my plan. I really like the idea of letting your work stand on its own, without being filtered through a publisher.

Amanda Summer said...

yay -- glad to see you back here, nancy! you've done a lot of good work here you should be able to continue. great news on the ebook!

Hilary said...

Ugh.. sorry you're having these woes. It seems to be happening to quite a few folks lately.

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

I have been visiting your blog for a while now, without leaving comments. I enjoy it so very much.

THEN... you disappeared! It was sad not to have you around.

I am glad you are back!

Nancy said...

Amanda - Thank you. :-)

Hilary - So far I have been lucky, but other blogs have not. It is happening a lot lately! What is going on?

Negerigeletschtempoit - Thank you, that is very kind. :-)