Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

Here's the view from my neck of the woods. It is snowing right now. Spring skiing anyone?

We had the most fabulous Easter brunch, with copious quantities of champagne. Here was our view:

This is the view of the lake from the Hyatt, (although this is a spring view - notice the umbrellas), snow still on the mountains in the background. It's usually there until sometime in June:

Hope you all had a wonderful day as we look forward to spring. I've been enjoying all of your pictures of flowers. As you can see, we are not quite there yet. Snow expected all week.


Brian Miller said...

oh wow, fabulous pics! would love to be either in the snow on the mounatins of on the beach....happy easter!

PAT said...


Happy Easter!

California Girl said...

Looks like a beautiful place to have a meal.

Happy Easter Nancy!

Leave a Legacy said...

Hi Nancy,
Sorry haven't "talked" to you in a while. Life got in the way there for a while. I still enjoy your beautiful pictures very much. I'm enjoying our unusually warm and sunny weather here in PA, but I have to admit that I love the beauty of snow.
Happy Easter!

Rosaria Williams said...

I'm not fond of snow, but this is breathtaking.

DJan said...

Wow! Happy Easter to you, Nancy, and thank you for the thoughtful comments you leave on my posts. You're a real good friend, although we still haven't actually met in the flesh (yet).

luksky said...

What beautiful pics!!...even if it is snowing. I can't believe it is snowing somewhere in the U.S. We topped out at 86 degrees today.

Natalie said...

OMG! That is spectacular! Happy Easter to you, Nancy.♥

Anonymous said...

What an amazing sight you do provide ! Believe me, that i do miss snow with all me senses. Currently it is already above 70F and Orange and Lemon trees start to blossom.

Wishing you a wonderful start into the new week and a nice Easter Monday as well.

Leah J. Utas said...

Beautiful spot. Happy Easter.

Teresa said...

How beautiful! I love the pictures.

Happy Easter!

Gemel said...

What a place, I am getting a very LONG list of places to go thanks to all the blogs I visit.
Glad you have such a wonderful day :-)

Mike said...

My goodness, what a beautiful view!

Happy Easter to you!!!

gayle said...

Beautiful pictures!! Hope you had a happy day!!

Lori ann said...

it's hard to believe we are not that far away from each other and we have hills covered in flowers. my gosh! the snow is still falling, and it's so gorgeous there. your easter brunch sounds so lovely.

Marguerite said...

Omg, breathtaking view and pics! Snowing AGAIN?! It was 83 degrees and beautiful, here today! The champagne brunch sounds like fun! Glad that you had a Happy Easter!

Hilary said...

Wow what a beautiful spot. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing. :) Have a good Easter.

alaine@éclectique said...

It's still snowing? Beautiful pics; I tried to reply earlier but we had connection problems.

We were watching the dog and deer; how gorgeous is that!

Our Easter is nearly over. Wishing you a peaceful Easter Monday.

Anonymous said...

lovely photos,
Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Easter!

Reya Mellicker said...

Wow!! It's SO beautiful! My friend is spending the summer up there so I'm hoping to get back again sometime in August. If so, hope we can meet up again. I've been thinking so much about intention. I'll send you an email.

Happy Easter!! xxoo

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

What incredible pictures... Must be a cold snap world wide... got down to 75 here last night, coldest since we got here

ds said...

Gorgeous scenery!! Wow.