I recently finished this book by Lynne McTaggart. It was not an easy book to read but the content was often really astounding. For instance, we have always heard that plants respond when you talk to them. But did you know that if you stress a plant (such as putting a needle through a leaf), that it will remember you and react when you come near it again? These and other very interesting experiments were discussed, in scientific detail, in the book.
I just recently visited the website associated with this book. The idea is to read and understand the book, then go to the website for coordinated intention experiments. I have not had the chance to participate yet, but I found the website to very interesting.
If you feel the call to learn more about consciousness, especially focused consciousness, you might want to visit Lynne's website.
What was even more interesting to me was the community that has formed with " A Call For Conscious Evolution." This is a very exciting group, in my opinion. It is discussing all the current issues we are facing with definite ways of dealing with them. I think most us of feel pretty overwhelmed and helpless with all the problems facing our world right now. Often we just don't know what to do about it. I think this is one way to utilize a group dynamic to understand and actually work toward solving some of the problems.
Anyway, if you have a minute, you might want to check it out.
did you not just LOVE this book! i'm telling you, i still carry a copy in my car - and got copies for several friends - can't get enough of it! i was totally enthralled with the all of it! so glad you got it and enjoyed it - everybody needs at least ONE copy!
I'm very interested in reading this book. thanks Nancy.
You have obviously found a lot of the book insightful based on all of the posts in which it is mentioned. I'm going to have to check it out. Your last suggestion (The Power of Now & A New Earth) was a hit.
Thank you for sharing.
intriguing...going to check out the link now...
Gypsy - Thank you so much for recommending it!
Ellen - It's worth reading, it really is.
Whitney - So glad I have made some good recommendations for you, thanks for letting me know.
Brian - Let me know your take on it, if you get a chance.
I'm on my way to this community.
Phoebe - I was thinking of you when I wrote this post today.
I haven't read the book, but I just followed your link to the website and read about some of the experiments. I'm intrigued by the results, but of course as an academic science geek I'd like to see more data and see some of the experiments reproduced by an independent third party.
It is exciting stuff though. There is so much that we still don't understand about the power of the human mind.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your lovely comment.
This book sounds most interesting, on the face of it, what you say doesn't seem possible; I will check it out.
Jeff - My husband is a science guy also. He is reading the book and has had some problem with some of the conclusions she has come to with some of the experiements. However, he is intrigued also.
Friko - Some interesting stuff. There are experiements going on all over the world having to do with consciousness and intention. Who knew?
That is some fascinating stuff. I just followed the link and read about the leaf experiment. That just proves the power of positive thinking.
Pat - Interesting, isn't it?
NOw that sounds like a very good website to visit..I'm heading on over to check it out. We all feel at a loss as to what to do...we just need the guidance to point us in the right direction. I had no clue a plant reacted like that to a needle prick. No wonder mine shrink when the scissors come out!
The idea that intention IS a cause ripped oen my old world....I'm loving this new and daily-proven reality. Power, fulfillment come from within. Relationships are transformed. Good post!!!
Comfort Spiral
Alicia - This book was full of eye-opening experiments going on all over the world. I think we are on the brink of some very profound discoveries.
Cloudia - It is very empowering. I totally agree!
Have you heard about the experiments being done on water? Water also responds to human beings! Amazing.
Elizabeth - I know! It really is amazing.
Hmmm ... there have always been despots (thinking of Vogue mag) but yeah we're all dialing it down a notch or two - good for all of us!
The subject of intention is something I am so eager to talk to you about (in just 3 days!!) After many years of working seriously with intention, here's what I want to say.
Even the best of intentions can lead in harmful directions. I'm not against setting our intentions to do good in the world, but the tricky part is to then let go of attachment to results.
God or the divine or the greater wisdom or however you want to think of it has to be the deciding force in all cases. We need to do our best, but then give it over.
My experience with the people who are really into intention is that they get so bound up in their own ambitions, and are so oblivious to the fact that their egos and unconscious functions are also contributing energy to whatever they're working on, that things tend to eventually go way downhill.
A group whose intention is to consciously evolve? That sounds so pretentious to me, so grandiose. I worry about what lies underneath that noble idea.
One hundred years ago, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn set their intentions on creating a golden orb of harmony and beauty that they visualized encompassing the whole earth. After a few years of working together, their whole organization fell apart, and they got really nasty with each other - charging stones with toxic vibes, for instance, and sending those stones to each other's houses. Things can go wrong in ways people can't possible imagine, no matter how sincere the intentions may be.
My focus is to cultivate my sense of curiosity, to stay open and to be in daily contact with the greater wisdom, to dance in alignment with the flows of goodness and beneficence, when I can and to realize asap when I've gotten off the beaten path.
OMG. I have said way too much! I'll shut up now.
Reya - Can't wait to talk with you about this on Saturday! I hear what you are saying. The best of intentions can go awry when there is so much involved. I sort of look at it as using energy in a new, conscious way. I see how people act - especially when they are nasty, rude, or obnoxious and I think - you are just unconscious to the fact that you are directly connected to that other person, and your actions. I think the majority of people are unaware of the power of their intentions. It's like their energy is a big fire hose - spewing in all directions. Why not focus it into a small garden hose?
As for this group, I think it's exciting to see they are thinking good thoughts about some very difficult issues. Anyway... until Saturday! I don't think we're going to have enough time.....
I've just put a hold on this book at the library. I look forward to learning more. Our intentions can be so very powerful. Just think what might happen if this power were to be harnessed for the common good. But I agree with Reya that ego can get mixed up in it too. Thanks for leading me to this book today.
Joanna - Be sure to share your thoughts on the book. I love exchanging ideas and thoughts on all this new information coming from so many directions.
It makes sense to me that we affect everything and everything affects us. It sounds like a book that will be in my future.
I just read the book myself, as well as her book The Field. I thought both were excellent, although definitely hard reads; it took me a while to get through both of them. I'm excited to participate in the online experiments...
I'm planning on going to see her at Omega in October.
Sounds like a fascinating topic. I will look for this at the library. I'd like to know what pruning your plants makes them think. I always feel guilty - like I'm hurting them.
I find your reading list most eclectic. Reminds me of my bookshelf.
Ruth - If you read it let me know what you think!
Nicole - Wow - you need to fill us in! I'm interested to hear how the online experiments are going, as well.
Midlife - My bookshelf is indeed eclectic. Please tell us what you think if you do read it. As Nicole mentioned - it's a slog a times - not to be read in an evening LOL!
nancy, I have read one of Lynne's book, can't remember the exact title just now but about the "zero point field..." that was interesting...
I will check this new one out based on your recommendation...I hear her every so often on a radio show I listen to at night.
its been a while since I read this book, but I recall it was a good one. Really makes you think about how you behave around all life. I know spend a few minutes talking to our gold fish, LOL (he is 9 years old so apparently he is happy enough to keep living!)
linda - I wonder if you read "The Field"? I haven't read that one yet. It was not easy reading, but worthwhile, I think.
Nancy - That was exactly my take on it. Now I wonder about my effect on all living things. Your goldfish must be very happy to live nine years! Kudos.
Sounds like a very interesting book that I'd like to read. I'll check out the website, too. Thanks!
Marguerite - Ditto with letting us know what you think if you do read it.
I am getting this book today. Always a wonderful stop here. Thanks.
So interesting about the plants . . . you know, many good gardeners claim that they talk and sing to their plants!
Mental - Tell us what you think!
Bee - I have african violets given to me when my children were born - they are now 22 & 26 - plants are very soulful.
Nancy! I bought the book after I read about it here and at gypsy's blog..and have nto been able to sit and read more than 2 chapters..I am very anxious to read it!
My kitchen should be done soon, so thats the first book I'll start!
"For instance, we have always heard that plants respond when you talk to them. But did you know that if you stress a plant (such as putting a needle through a leaf), that it will remember you and react when you come near it again?" This caught my attention because I learned from my massage class that plants really do respond to our thoughts. I also read a book (I forgot the title) that when this guy put a lie detector on the plant's leaves and thought of burning a leaf, he got a frantic response from the plant. So since then, I tried treating every living thing with respect because they could feel our intentions. I'll find time to read this book you recommend.
Marlene - I think you will like it. I feel for you and your kitchen! Those memories are still fresh!
Spiritual - This is the same experiment they use in this book.
To a large extent I think Blogtopia has been a very integral part of opening our points of view to one another. We learn we're not as different as we may have originally thought - unique, yes.
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