Do you ever find in your writing that you use the same adjectives over and over? I use terrific, wonderful, fantastic, lovely, and beautiful in most posts and comments. Why? Well, they're easy for one, and I'm too lazy to get the thesaurus and be more creative. So I'm going to turn over a new leaf and try writing without using the same 'ole, same 'ole. How about:
Instead of terrific, I use - excellent, blue-ribbon, dazzling, first-rate, fabulous, breathtaking, sensational, or the informal - awesome, bang-up, mean. ( ex: That was a mean post, I hope you continue to write in such a blue-ribbon manner.)
Well, that might not be the best example of using new superlatives, but you get my point. I need to break out of my rut when using descriptive words. So keep your eye out, and don't be surprised if you break out laughing at some of my new words. I'm just stretching my vocabulary!