It is time for America to wake up to what this corporation is doing in the world. They manufacture genetically-engineered food, plus they strip the seed's ability to reproduce in order to require farmers to buy only seed from Monsanto, raise the price of seed so that developing countries cannot eat the food they raise, because they must sell their crops to buy more seed. It is also the frog in the pot that is slowly being boiled. By the time we realize what the ramifications are for what they are doing, it may already be too late.
If you care about what you and your family are eating, you'll watch the videos produced by a leading physicist. Found on the blog IET, I felt it important to pass along. (Go here to watch.) These genetically-engineerd products are now being linked to animal miscarriages. Can you imagine what it must be doing to us - to our DNA, to our children?
All of life may very well be in the balance. The Middle East is fighting for freedom from corrupt governments, but America is under the thumb of corrupt corporations, determined to have everything in the end. Including our ability to save seeds and grow our own food.
Next time you are buying something for your yard, think about all of the other life forms being affected - including the disappearing honeybee that is detrimental to our food supply. It is time for all of us to shop responsibly - before it's too late.
Avoiding their products is a start, such as the dangerous Roundup, aspartame (Nutri Sweet, Equal), and Ambien, the sleep aid. Unfortunately, the last one will be missed by this writer...