Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Prince Charles - The Deep Thinker

Regina, at CMN, has written about Prince Charles's new book - Harmony and the Prince - and I realized how deep, and profoundly spiritual this man can be. He gives practical advice of how to live in harmony with our environment, and many other thoughts about how to see the world and its leaders differently. It has been literally ignored in the UK press, evidently, and most people that she asked did not even know about it.

Of course it's going on my lengthy Amazon book list. Anyone with ideas about how to do things differently is worth my time. It has also been made into a film, and was a documentary on NBC last November. Here is the trailer:

Prince Charles - really? Who knew? But as Regina suggests - never judge a book by its cover.


Brian Miller said...

huh will def check it out...my next book is the steve jobs book that just came out...def like different ways of looking at things...

Stella Jones said...

I like Charles. I think he's had a hard time of it overall. I know he is a spiritual person. Ever since I heard many years ago that he talks to his plants, I thought 'this must be a kind person'. We only know what we hear in the press and the press is very good at destroying people or building them up to be what they're clearly not.

California Girl said...

PBS has a show of Charles in his gardens @ Highgrove. I taped it last night but caught the beginning. He is really into the environment; has been for years.

When I see him and hear him speak, I get the feeling he'll never be king.

Nancy said...

Brian - I'm giving that book to my husband for Christmas (so I can read it, too.)

Star - Very good point. You have to wonder who is pulling the strings and for what purpose.

California - Really? Why do you think? He may be the very best choice for King. The world needs people that can garner the press to step up and speak out.

DJan said...

It's so hard to judge a person by what is shown in the media. I actually didn't know these things about him, but then again, he hasn't raised up much on my radar. I feel better about him now, though.

Natalie said...

Indeed. May all gentle souls shine, and may all book cover judges BUZZ OFF.

Von said...

When someone is financially supported as Charles is by the British public anyone could afford to be deeply spiritual and spend time talking to plants.He has no job or likelihood of one and can indulge his hobbies without conscience it seems because he is as he reminds all in the title of the book A Prince!Sorry, thumbs down!

Nancy said...

DJan - Yeah, so do I.

Natalie - You tell 'em, Nat.

Von - Do I sense a dislike of royalty here? Can't say they've been high on my list either, but he does seem to genuinely care.

Cloudia said...

we put people in little boxes and then are surprised when they are more than the caricatures we have prescribed for them-

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Anonymous said...

I like Natalie's take. may all book cover judges buzz off! Thanks for posting. I didn't realize this stuff about Charles.
- Trish

Rob-bear said...

Ah, yes; HRH Charles, Prince of Wales. Bit of a peculiar gent. Had great difficulty staying faithful to his wife, Diana. So very sad. All kinds of other interests; trying to be a good dad to his sons.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

If I were a prince, I'd sail around on my yacht and have others cook for me, wait on me. But that is just me. Of course, a prince probably does have someone to do most of that for them, allowing them the time to open up their world to explore their passions. Like a publisher is going to turn down a book proposal by Prince Charles.

Deborah said...

He's been lambasted by the British press and his ideas given short shrift by many people. He's viewed as peculair by the British, generally, I think. Yes, he's got money and privilege, but he's been organically farming for years and I think he's pretty genuine. He had a mentor long ago , Laurens Van der Post (I think) who was a big influence on him in this area of spirituality. He's easy to mock and dismiss because his views are unusual for some of his position, but he isn't a crackpot, in my view. And I don't think his marital problems have any bearing on his creds!

Nancy said...

Cloudia - Great point.

T- Maybe we are all much more that what people think us to be.

Rob-bear - I guess he's just human.

Midlife - You are right about that. He has plenty of people willing to do his bidding.

Deborah - You mentioned Laurens Van der Post - that is the second time I've heard his name - I'll have to check him out. I agree with his marital problems and his credibility. We are all so much more than our mistakes.

Grandmother Mary said...

Good for him! And thanks for telling us about this book. I'm in England right now, I'll see if I can get it here. What a worthy cause. We need more leaders like this.

California Girl said...

you mis understand, I have a "feeling" he'll never be king. It's an intuition not a judgment. :)

Nancy said...

Grandmother - Let us know what you think.

California - No, I understood what you were saying. I was just wondering why you had that "feeling". I tend to trust people's intuition.