Saturday, November 19, 2011


Nothing like leaving home to go on vacation and then learn that your city is on fire. I don't know if we are lucky or not to be 2,000 miles away from our home this week. We've been in constant contact with our house sitters on whether or not they will need to evacuate. Over 25 homes have burned in Reno over the last two days.

A strange fire. It has moved all over the place, picking out homes in very odd places, not just the ones close to where it started. High winds have made it difficult for fire fighters to get it under control. My heart goes out to all of those that were somehow the recipients of this fickle monster.

It's funny, but when you try to tell someone what they need to save - it really isn't much. I mean, we have a whole house full of stuff, but nothing of real value. The valuable stuff is already out of the house, I guess. When you get right down to it, the only thing that really matters are the living. So now that Lucy is safe, we can enjoy our view:


Brian Miller said...

wow. i hope that you are safe in this and dont lose anything...but i like the fact that what you really need to save is little...that speaks to a simple life...

Rose said...

Sending prayers your way that your home and your neighbor's homes are all safe.

Hugs, Rose

Kathy G said...

OH, NO! Please keep us updated.

Grandmother Mary said...

You're right, of course, but I'm glad you're safe.

Leilani Tresise said...

my thoughts are with you Nancy! Much Aloha!

DJan said...

I hope we will get a post telling us that the fires passed you by, as well as all the others in its path. Very scary, Nancy.

ds said...

I hear you, but I am glad that you are safe, just the same. Hope the fire will soon be under control.

Cloudia said...

hope it all sorts out!

Say, are you here in the isles?

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

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Nancy said...

Brian - Thank you, we are safe from losing our home. But 32 other people were not so lucky. I guess most things are not so meaningful anymore. Just people.

Rose - Thank you, so much.

Kathy - It appears all is well - for us at least.

Grandmother - Thank you :-)

leilani - Aloha, Leilani!

DJan - They seem to be under control. Such a weird thing to have happen.

ds - From what we can tell - that appears to be the case. Thank you.

Cloudia - Yes! Maui. Aloha, Cloudia!

Rob-bear said...

Sorry to hear of the mess in Reno. Blessings and Bear hugs in all your uncertainty.

Up here, it's about 0°F. Our challenge is helping homeless people find shelter is this weather, with its snow and ice.

Other ends of the temperature scale, our two stories.

Umā said...

Oh dear Nancy, I hope your home will be safe but I'm glad you have such a good attitude about this kind of thing.

Pat said...

How scary! It's true that things are just materialistic, but if they've been in your family, or are photos, it's hard. Hope your home will be alright.

Jayne Martin said...

It's hard to imagine anything much more terrifying. I'm so glad your home seems safe. I have cousins in the area and checked in with them immediately. We have had so many awful fires here in California. My heart breaks for anyone enduring such an experience.

Teresa said...

you're right - the most valuable things are the lives. stuff can be replaced (or reasonable facsimiles of the stuff) but the people cannot.

Anonymous said...

Your dog is safe, your kids are safe, you are safe. The rest doesn't matter. But hey, I'm glad you're not there.Take care, Nancy,

Marlene said...

I will send positive thoughts that your house will be spared..your family and dog are safe and that in itself is the best blessing of all! Marlene

Hilary said...

I don't think I could be this relaxed about it all but as you say.. the most important parts are out of the house. I hope all will be fine.


so sorry for those so terribly impacted by all this - and so glad to hear you fared so well - it's been wet here for a very long time already - and chilly - i'm still not quite sure what happened to summer - that ole thing called "time" i suppose!

CrazyCris said...

Yikes! That must have made for a stressful holiday! I hope your house made it out of that unsinged and your friends are all ok!

How could there be such a big fire uncontrolled in a city? Forest fires I get, but in town???