Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have been following a rather disturbing story for awhile now. Chemical trails are not what we think they are - they are not just contrails from airplanes flying at high altitudes. Needless to say, this is deeply disturbing information - especially because it is being done in secret. CMN has been on this story for some time, and as the mother of an asthmatic daughter, I find this information chilling.

The island of Maui is trying to detour all airplanes from flying over the island because the organic produce being grown on the island is no longer organic.

The following video is short - only 10 minutes - and is one that everyone should watch. It's time to wake up to what is going on around us, and more importantly, to us.


Jen said...

I have been trying to tell people about this for a while now. Everyone just looks at me like I am an insane conspiracy theorist, but, if they were just contrails, wouldn't we see them EVERY DAY? Not just every few days? I don't know that much about water particles in the air at high altitudes, but something is not right here.

Brian Miller said...

ok watched the vid...this is way scary...

Pat said...

Wow -- VERY SCARY STUFF! This needs to stop!

Hilary said...

It is of course very disturbing but I'm not inclined to jump on the bandwagon just yet...

Leilani Tresise said...

It is within our power to stop the insanity of the so called power people of this planet. If we dont... whatcha wanna bet mother nature will.

luksky said...

wow! I'm not easily shaken, but this is scary! Then I start to think about what other things the government does that we don't know about.

Nancy said...

Jen - I agree.

Brian - Agree.

Pat - Agree!

Hilary - I felt the same way about a year ago when I first starting hearing about this. Now? I think something is really wrong.

leilani - Agree.

luksky - I know. I wonder the same thing.

susan said...

Now that we're living in Canada we're mostly seeing normal contrails that disperse fairly quickly. The ones we saw constantly over Portland absolutely weren't normal.

Good of you to alert people to this.

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for a long time. These trail are often visible over Florida - our sky is wide and usually very blue. Something amiss, for sure, and undoubtedly harmful.
- Trish

Nancy said...

Susan - Interesting! They seem to not be doing it in Canada!

T- I have a big-sky view from my home, and I am a native to this city and I can say, without a doubt - something is different in these chem trails. The University has used what they call "cloud seeding" for many years, so I'm familiar with that - this is different.

Sue Malone said...

this story has been around since the mid-90's. Some very good dedicated websites followed and provided information. Some of those websites are gone now. They bug me, the trails, but I have heard reasonable explanations. I don't talk about them much any more, even with all the efforts of so many folks, nothing changes in 20 years. They are still there.

Nancy said...

Malone - I've always known about the cloud seeding, but these look different. This is all new to me - sad to think this problem has been around since the 90's and nothing has changed.

Umā said...

Recently I asked J if he noticed that the should-be-blue sky often seems obscured by a thin layer of clouds/haze. I had no idea about this and will definitely research it further. Scary, scary stuff.


perhaps this is the way of the NWO in terms of controlling the population - decreasing it in size to be more controllable - killing off a huge segment of the unwanted's - while watching the video i kept visualizing all those FEMA concentration camps with railroads going into them through electrified fences - one day here in delaware, i stopped counting chemtrails at the number 28 - that was just one day -


oh, and i've notice the hazy blue skies for several years now and keep asking people do they not see it too - it's as if one is looking through cataracts [from what i can imagine of that visual disorder] - there's been this "film" over the skies for a very long time -

Nicole said...

Glad you posted on this too Nancy! The thing is the idea of chemtrails sounds so irrational that we say, "Oh well we can't do anything about it anyway" and "they" wouldn't do that, so it must not be true, it is too disturbing to think otherwise.

But the biggest reason I think people choose to not believe it is because these stories are suggesting that these trails are harmful to us and ultimately our planet and that the people in charge know it. Add the lack of control one has about it in the first place and the fact that when several are above your house there isn't much you can do to avoid it. So it is easier to not believe it or research it out. But what if?

I like Jen's thought, why don't we see these everyday in the multitudes that there have been lately, not just some days? I agree. And yes, the sky is appearing hazing afterwards, not as it should or has in the past. My opinion of course, but my intuition not paranoia is sticking to it. On my site of course I was left a comment that they are contrails only. They may be "some of them" others I feel are polluted with something, but why, I don't know.

I am on the fence with believing that these are for the sole purpose of harming us, but an idea for advancement (say protecting us from harmful sun rays, etc.) doesn't mean it doesn't have its ill side effects or drawbacks.

I am glad more people like here have witnessed these too and thought there was something out of the norm about them as well. Take care.