Monday, July 11, 2011

Letting Go

July is the month for letting go, according to channeler and energy worker, Lee Harris. You can read his energy forecast for July here.  He says we may need to surround ourselves with different people. Some of our old relationships may not fit this new energy. He also refers to the nervousness and lack of settling in many people, and that we cannot fail to be affected by these energies.

Yet he reminds us -  all is well - no matter how it looks.

I have found this to be true in my own life. Some people are not, shall we say, relaxed? We need to let their stuff move on through. Most of us have enough of our own stuff without taking on their stuff, right? Letting go of the old, especially old wounds and activities that no longer serve, has been part of my personal paradigm for a while now.

Coincidentally, my husband and I have also experienced a renewal of old friendships that have been on the back burner for many years. Friendships that were almost forgotten. In one day we had three sets of old friends call and want to get together.

So what do you think that is about?

Do our friendships serve certain functions at different times in our lives? Maybe circling back around as we enter into new life stages? Could we be looking back to old friendships that may share our value systems, because many that we are around now do not? Or maybe we just want to see if the spark is still there...

You can watch Lee's forecast for 2011 here.

This is just a little reminder that it's okay to let go sometimes.


ellen abbott said...

So true.

Brian Miller said...

mmm...i feel this this month...for sure...the letting go...there are friendships that mean different things at diff times...

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I was writing the other day how I think July is my favorite month. Such a time to just be. Of course, being the summer person I am, that helps.

As to new friendships - I seem to be hiding these days. Enjoying it. Feels like a regrounding. Or a grounding with feet in a different place. If that makes any sense.

Kathryn said...

I've just taken another step on the path to letting my adult children go. It just occurred to me the other day, that their ambivalence about spending time with me has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with their new and exciting stages of life. Independence, freedom, energy - they feel all of these now, and they also feel that I will always be here if they need me. I felt some measure of peace when I realized that it's all natural and good. So, yes, there is a bit of letting go happening here.

Stella Jones said...

Yes, I'm a great believer in people coming into our lives for a reason. Interesting thought isn't it! With my Wicca hat on, I know that Midsummer is a time of great change. The Sun King is at his peak and now his power will wane and the Holly King will take over. As we pass into the darker side of the year, our thoughts and actions turn inward. In times gone by, passages in life were explained in symbolism and that way they are easier to understand. Often it is just a feeling, a strong feeling, but a drive - making us want to do this or that. We just feel we need to. Fascinating post Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the grand cross that occurred with the solar eclipse on July 1. Letting go, moving forward. Off to take a look at the video.

ds said...

Yes, there is a need for change, but what it is or means is not yet known...

Natalie said...

Nancy ~ Snap!
I was just about to write about this exact thing. 5 old friend have turned up and a long lost aunty in one week! I am surprised and somewhat delighted (for the greater part) I must say. For me, it feels like a chance to return to 'ME', the me that was somehow purer. These people are all peeps who had a profound role in my childhood as protectors. They are here again to help me finish all the unfinished business. I am so humbled and grateful.
AND...I adore the angel image.xx

susan said...

The good thing about true old friendships is in having people who love us for who we were but who allow us to change. Understanding we as human beings aren't cast gold but are golden in our essence is a blessing.

Unknown said...

I totally agree, unfortunately when one has decided its time to disown their sister even though they will have to meet them at future family functions things become complex... Still I called my Blog Australian Twins and am thinking of doing one called Translating Dreams about my travels I love your blogs whenever I go on blogger I check them out!

Rob-bear said...

July … letting go, … different people, … new energy, … lack of settling.
Hmmmm. Ah, er, well, hummm, again.
"Whatever," says Bear.
For the record, July tends to be Bear's least favourite month; it's just too hot where I live! (Can you imagine living through July wearing a fur coat, when the weather is in the 80F range?)

Shrinky said...

Oh dear, I have become an AWFUL friend as of late, not so much purposefully letting go as absentmindedly allowing calls and catching up to slip through my fingers. Unsurprisingly, I don't have that many friends to begin with - the ones I do are thankfully very forgiving. I must make more of an effort to let those I value know I do, thanks for the gentle nudge!

DJan said...

Your posts often make me reexamine my own life and wonder how it is evolving in terms of your own journey. My newest friends are often made on line, and I love the expansion (and sometimes contraction) of these important entities in my life. Thanks for the reminder.

Poetic Soul said...

July is letting go month, interesting.

gypsywoman said...

oh, nancy, i think EVERY month is letting go month in many ways - letting go of all those things and relationships which harbor only negativity and doom and gloom or which are just slowly draining us - love the story of your three sets of friends at one time - and really interesting your post and that incident for you all - as i recently had come across someone about whom i had cared a lot in days gone by - many moons ago - and without a lot of boring details, when we connected this time, it was as if those 20+ years had never happened - and i was so excited but sadly all too soon learned that the person i knew then was no longer that person - and so, before more energy was drained i cut the cord - cleanly and clear through - no more murky drainage for me -

anyway, neat post and thanks so much for it! now off to the site you mention - have a glorious day, lady -

Amanda Summer said...

i was about to mention the story i had read about people coming into your life for a reason and then saw your video at the bottom of the post!

yes — some people are meant to be in our life for a day, some for a week, a month, a year, a lifetime. we can't always know — but it does help make more sense of why some relationships end and why some last.

and why some come back into your life ;-)

p.s. i am a july baby and this whole topic of letting go speaks to me a lot -thanks for this post ~

karen said...

The site link was pretty true for me, and your post a real eye opener for what is going on in my life at this time. Grateful for your insightful posts.