Monday, July 18, 2011

Anthony Synchro

It seems a woman was attacked by another woman and run off the road, causing her vehicle to roll and almost killing her. The woman that was attacked looks like Casey Anthony, the woman released after being found innocent in the high-profile death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee.

The other driver was arrested, and was thought to be on drugs when she stated she was trying to "save the children."

Now here is the synchro - not only does this woman resemble Casey Anthony enough to be attacked - she also has a daughter named Caylee!


37paddington said...

parallel realities! they say everything that can happen, will, which would mean that somewhere, Caylee is living out her life. i know that would not make sense to most people but it might to you.

Anonymous said...

Eerie synchro! And like Angelia says, maybe it IS a parallel reality.

Nancy said...

Angella & T - Interesting thought.

karen said...

Thanks just freaky!! Can't say I haven't been outraged about this case...who doesn't report their daughter missing even if it was an accidental death. So maybe in a parallel life there's a Casey Anthony look alike actually serving a sentence.

Nancy said...

Karena - I've been reading about multidimensions from a scientific point of view, and that could be a possibility!

California Girl said...

That is ridiculous. People are nuts.

Nancy said...

California - And scary.

Brian Miller said...

ok you made me shiver...

luksky said...

Now THAT is weird!!

Rob-bear said...

Sad, and a bit scary.
Too any people doing weird things.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I'm probably one of the few that has not followed this story until I heard the verdict. Of course it was all over the headlines then. I don't know what is sadder - the mother and horrible fate of her daughter or the people out there wanting to get her.

Nancy said...

Brian - Pretty creepy, huh?

Luksky - It is really weird. Some kind of cosmic joke? Or is the Universe trying to tell this woman something?

Rob-bear - You've got that right!

Midlife - Unbelievably sad all 'round.

Linda Pendleton said...

Oh, wow. How crazy it can get.

Amanda Summer said...

ok, that's really weird.

what angella says makes one think.....parallel realities.....

Nancy said...

Linda - Weird, huh?

Amanda - I wish I could wrap my mind around that concept a bit easier. :-)