Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Care2 Petition Site

One of the ways that I have been trying to make a difference is signing petitions that I feel strongly about. Over the last few months I've signed them for abused animals, women's rights, teachers, the environment, wild horse roundups, and even to have Congress investigate Rupert Murdock here in the United States. There is a petition for every imaginable cause. And if you would like to start a petition - you can do that as well.

We often sit in our living rooms thinking we have no control over our world, but in reality we do have some control - if only to add our voice to the cacophony of voices standing up for the downtrodden and disenfranchised. Adding your name to a petition can actually make a difference. So why not?

You will receive notifications of petitions through email that you can join or not - your choice. It's easy and takes only a minute or two of your time. Click here to get started!


Brian Miller said...

hmm...thanks for the intel on this...

Shrinky said...

Oh blimey, you and my lil' sis' would get along like a house on fire, you have NO IDEA of even half of the stuff she has me signing up to!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, Nancy!
And you're right about petitions. They are ONE way for our voices to be heard.

DJan said...

I sign them. Not all of them, but the ones I feel most strongly about. It does make me feel like I can add my name to others and hopefully show somebody that I care, too...

susan said...

It's hard to effect change but every little bit helps. Sometimes just knowing about things helps.

Rob-bear said...

I occasionally sign petitions. But being a Canadian, I don't think it appropriate to be signing American petitions.

Linda Pendleton said...

Nancy, I often sign for various causes or passions. But then I wonder if whoever it is meant to get to even sees it.

Hopefully it is one way we may make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nancy. I am going to check out this site over the weekend. I had been wanting to find something like They make it so simple to get involved.

Kayla said...

OK... I signed a petition on this site. They asked and I gave my name, address, country and email... Is it legitimate? What is going to happen to me? Will someone use it to make fake ids or identities on the internet? OMG!!!