Friday, July 15, 2011

Love Bomb

I've posted in the past about Hate Bombs - those emails that you receive that start out funny or interesting and then they drop a Hate Bomb - usually something about Obama.

Well I found a site that does the exact opposite. Every Thursday I receive an email about someone that needs encouragement - maybe they are depressed, or going through a hard time. Then I have the option to go to that person's blog and leave a word of encouragement. It is easy, it is positive, and it just might make a difference in someone's life. If you have someone you would like to nominate for a Love Bomb, you can do that as well.

This week I dropped by a blog written by a mommy whose tiny baby was about to go through open heart surgery. At last count she had 113 commenters.

If you are interested, you can join here. Go ahead - drop a Love Bomb!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Natalie said...

What a fantastic idea!!! I have actually been doing that the whole time I have been blogging, just because..... but it is fantastic to see this take off. Awesome.xx

Brian Miller said...

that is so cool...def on my way...need to drop me some love bombs...

My Inspired Reality said...

Nancy, I can always count on you to point me in the right direction:) Love bombs...I love them and am joining:):)

susan said...

There's scientific proof that humans are successful as a species because love and cooperation are inborn traits. I don't know where the strange people who own everything came from.

This is a wonderful and natural idea.

Leah J. Utas said...

That's a great idea. I hope we see more of this.

DJan said...

Thanks for the positive idea someone figured out. I'll go drop a Love Bomb and check out the site. Thanks, Nancy!

Grandmother Mary said...

An opportunity to be kind, what a great idea. I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'm off to join. Have a great weekend.

37paddington said...

you are a good soul, nancy. thank you.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea...thanks for sharing this info. I'm off to join the love bomb brigade!

karen said...

Nancy...fantastic find...this is what the internet is for! Changing our world...supporting each other ...making a difference. Thanks so much for finding this. I'm on it...its exactly what I have been looking for. And now I'm off to send some love bombs. But my first, one goes out to you. Boom shakalaka! xxoo

Poetic Soul said...

This site sounds like a great idea, i bookmarked them for later

gypsywoman said...

how thoughtful of you to pass on - it's all about paying it forward, isn't it! have a glorious lake weekend!

Terry said...

This is a wonderful idea! And what a way to perform a "random act of kindness" thanks for posting this!

Paula said...

Wow, what a great act of kindness. I love this idea!

Ryan said...

Hey, found you through "here under the rainbow" and am looking forward to following your blog. Have been a part of "Love Bomb" for just over a year and love the concept! Feels great to add some sunshine to someone in need. Cheers from Ry at Current Ripple.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous... I will pop by and have a look :)

Unknown said...

What a great concept, especially in times where there is just so much of the opposite in our face daily, sometimes hourly if you're a news junkie. Thanks for the heads up Nancy!