Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We're on a staycation this week. Instead of traveling someplace, we have opted to stay home. Luckily we live where many people travel to vacation anyway, so why not just stay home and do what the tourists do? From the picture you can see my husband is not doing anything too rambunctious and my daughter and grandson are happy to soak up the sun after a very cool Pacific Northwest winter. (This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago - but you get the picture...)

Staycations have many advantages:

  • No X-rays or pat downs by creepy TSA agents.
  • You can bank the money you save.
  • You know where the best hamburger for the price is located.
  • You are comfortable in bed - no need to haul your pillow everywhere you go.
  • You've already located the best beach.
  • Going out for a really nice dinner is okay when that is all you're spending for the week.
  • You have all the right clothes in your closet. Nothing is forgotten.

Now, I realize it doesn't take the place of an exciting two weeks somewhere wonderful, but the way things are going in the world right now, home feels pretty good to me.

  • Oh, and you can take your dog!

What about you? What are your vacation plans?


Jen said...

I'll staycation at your place anytime! :o)

My Inspired Reality said...

That looks like paradise...I am with you on the staycation bit:):) Enjoy the Summer:)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Airplane ride to Denver followed by a road trip to WY.

Enjoy your time.

Whitney Lee said...

This idea is great except I can't actually stop doing all those pesky chores long enough to actually act like a tourist...
That being said, I've done pretty much nothing except lie around like a blob since we got back from the beach; I obviously need a rest after my vacation!

DJan said...

No plans to go anywhere except to the mountains every week with my hiking buddies. I'm having a blast doing it, and an hour and a half on the weekend down to the local Drop Zone to jump out of perfectly good airplanes. Don't need much more than that.

Of course, if I lived in Tahoe, I wouldn't be tempted to go anywhere either. Staycations are where it's at.

Nancy said...

Jen - You're always welcome - especially when you bring my grandson.

Kala - Tahoe is wonderful this time of year. Thank you.

Midlife - WY will be beautiful. Have fun.

Whitney - I'm finding that to be true, LOL! More of a vaca for my husband than it is for me. But that's okay because I get to do what I want everyday, thanks to him.

DJan - Especially where you live! The mountains are where its at!

Rob-bear said...

So glad that you waxed eloquent about staycation. It's about as much as our energy and pocket book can afford.
Like you, we live in a place frequented by travellers, etc.
Lots of places close to home where I can take photos. Swimming pool just outside our door. Green space galore. Why go anywhere else, in a world as troubled as ours?
Thanks, Nancy.

California Girl said...

hahahaha! all good points. the rate we're going money wise, staycation is looking better & better.

actually, I've been taking mid-week days off so we can take our boat out on nearby lakes. I time it to the weather (it's New England after all). We've had some fiercely hot weather but the day rocked on the boat.

Brian Miller said...

my vacation was spent going to indiana for my sisters wedding...hoping to squeeze in a weekend trip in the coming weeks...

luksky said...

Because of my hubby's schedule we don't travel far and only can be gone a couple of days at a time. This Christmas though, I am seriously thinking about booking a family cruise and saying "Merry Christmas".

ellen abbott said...

Vacation? What's that?

hee hee. I always take my pillow. Or did. When we did occasionally went somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Staycation! You've created a new word. Makes perfect sense to me!

claudia said...

I did my vacation and it sucked! Next year I am staying home and putting razor blades under all my fingernails while sitting on a 240V live wire. That should be more fun!
Sorry to sound like a Debby Downer. I'm over it. From now on it's a staycaction for me as well!

ds said...

Plans?! What are those? Does taking one's College Student back to school count? That's about the only place I see on the horizon...

Nancy said...

Rob-bear - That's what I'm thinking.

California - It just doesn't get any better than being on a boat in a lake on a steaming hot day. Seriously, that's heaven.

Brian - Weekends are good!

luksky - Do it!! :-)

ellen - Yes, I haul mine with me every place I go.

T - Don't think I made it up, but it sure fits the description.

claudia - Oh no! The vaca from hell? I've known a couple of those...

Nancy said...

ds - Maybe a little fun along the way?

Janette said...

My "vacation" has been three trips out to Phoenix to care for my mother. AGGGG!

Nancy said...

JBO - Maybe next year will bring a more fun vacation. Hope your Mom is feeling better.

Marguerite said...

Looks like the perfect spot to be! I'll be headed to the beach in Maryland, in late August.


hmmmmm.......well, since october, i've been to louisiana for a few months, back here to the east coast and then back to louisiana, then back here to the coast and then to the black mountains in north carolina and back - in september/october back to louisiana and texas for a few weeks - and notwithstanding my own gypsy blood and always being up for a road trip, i'm thinking i may staycation right here for the next month or so -

Life, Laughter and Paris said...

Staycations can be great. Let's face it - travelling isn't relaxing. It's fun....but "there's no place like home".

Linda Pendleton said...

I love your idea, Nancy. There is nothing like the conveniences of home.

Natalie said...

Hauling five kids and all their associated paraphernalia everywhere means staycations are the norm for us and we LOVE them. Where I live is paradise anyway, so it doesn't hurt a bit. Glad you are having a rest.♥

Nancy said...

Mauguerite - Sounds wonderful!

Gypsy - I don't blame you for wanting to stay put for your vacation. Wow.

Life - Our your own bed, LOL.

Linda - I seem to be more and more attached to my home. Is that age?

Natalie - You do live in such a lovely location, I can see why having a staycation is the way to go with five kids. Much easier than trying to haul that much stuff around. I feel that way and I only have a dog.

Hilary said...

Sounds great to me. We're hoping to get back up to the cottage again soon.