Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Are we beginning to see a youthful revolution? Have they finally had enough of the old ways? War, greed, and out-of-control capitalism have left too many angry and out of the loop. The polarization of the haves and the have nots, the unending consumerism and decimation of our planet, the lack of integrity of our political leaders may have finally come home to roost. And what is interesting is that it appears to be spreading from country to country all over the world.

Coming out of the Fourth of July holiday, I thought this video appropriate for the times:


Brian Miller said...

i hear you...i highlighted that a bit yesterday in my ID post...thanks for the vid as well...i think it is only beginning...

Rob-bear said...

I note unrest in a lot of places. And a lot of it goes unnoticed, particularly the major media.
I don't know if we are in a time of change. We are seeing protest; whether protest will lead to change is uncertain at best.
In a lot of places, things are so badly broken, that I don't now if they can be repaired.

Anonymous said...

Unrest is everywhere. The other day I was at the grocery store and and remarked to the fish guy about the cost of tuna. He rolled his eyes and leaned across the counter. In a soft voice, he said, "It's terrible and getting worse. I remember when tuna was about 50 cents a pound."

Natalie said...

I liken the unrest to children who are raised by domineering parents - one day the children will certainly revolt against the tyranny.

Frank's Corner said...

I am not computer savvy but there is a song I would like you to hear. Go to YouTube- Ferron It Won't Take Long. A very inspirational song. Thanks for this video...there is hope in the spirit of humanity.

Nancy said...

Brian - I think you are right.

Rob-bear - The major media is owned by all the same people. They tell you what they want you to hear.

T- There are rumblings everywhere. We had dinner with ultra conservative Republican friends the other night and they are tired of all the same stuff we are. When the country unites, there is going to be trouble.

Natalie - Good point.

Frank - I loved the song. Especially the last clip where it says "true patriots always question authority!" Thanks for the intro to Ferron. :-)