Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Community Herbalism & Natural Medicine

There are big things going on in the world of change. We often don't hear about them, and they go unnoticed by most of us, so I would like to pass this along because prescription drugs are a bugaboo with me, as most of you know. We are being prescribed more and more drugs at younger and younger ages, and it is scary how many prescription drugs are now being prescribed to children. My posts here and here talk about this problem.

Secret Notebooks and Wild Pages has done a post on Community Herbalism and Natural Medicine that is well worth your time to read. The Thread is a community based educational program located on the East Coast. Please visit her  to see if this might be something you could advocate in your area, or if you live nearby, you may want to stop by for a visit.

It's time to plant the seeds of how we want to see the world change. It will not get done unless everyone decides to do their small part.

I also believe it's time to go back to nature to address many of our present-day illnesses. Mother Nature has always provided for us. We've just been led to believe otherwise.


Reya Mellicker said...

I'm getting into the healing power of the green world in deeper and deeper ways as I grow older. I honor the energetic as well as physiological aspects of healing with the help of plants. The taste of the herbs I grow in pots in the front yard is incredible! They are so delicious.

I feel lucky to not take any prescription meds. I stay away from that side of health care as much as I can, instead seek "alternative" medicine. It really works for me, or has so far!

I have no compulsion or even desire to change the world - I believe the fate of the world is completely out of my hands, but I can have an impact on my own existence, and maybe radiate the love to a small circle around me. For me, that's good. Radiating love in your direction, Nancy.

Brian Miller said...

it is time to plant the seed on how we want to see the world...true that...

thanks for the link...looking into these...

Umā said...

Thanks for passing this along to your readers Nancy, I appreciate it! I've learned so much from your blog it's an honor to be mentioned here.

Pat said...

I take SEVERAL prescription drugs a day. Fortunately, if I were to lose weight, I could probably get off of 3 of them. UNFORTUNATELY, I haven't had the willpower to do so. But today, when taking ANOTHER prescribed pill from my doctor, and reading all the side effects, I started thinking about what the heck I was doing to my body. I think it's time I started to take control over what I'm putting in my body - both food and drugs!

Nancy said...

Reya - I think small changes affects the whole. You have more influence than you know.

Brian - Baby steps...

m. heart - You are doing good work. Thank you for sharing.

Pat - I don't take Rx drugs, but only because I refuse to go to the doctor. I'm with you Pat, it's time to take matters into my own hands. I'm advocating the diabetic diet my girlfriend taught me, even though she is not diabetic. Five small meals a day, nothing after 7:00 p.m., and instead of walking three miles all at once, I'm walking a mile - three times a day.

DJan said...

I hear you, Nancy! I'm almost free of my blood pressure medication since I lost weight, down to a very small dose. And the statins? I'm hoping to get off those, too, although my family's tendency toward high cholesterol has every one of us on them. At least I'm on a low dose of that, too.

I am hoping to find out more, so I'll also check out your links.

Grandmother Mary said...

There is so much of our illnesses that are related to our lifestyle. The good news is if we change our lifestyle, especially by making better food choices and exercising, we can be healthier. Herbal remedies can then take their place to help us as the next layer of defense. The combination of these actions would dramatically reduce our need for drugs. Thanks for this important post.

Whitney Lee said...

Thanks, as always, for doing the research for us and pointing us in an interesting direction!
I'm leaning more and more towards natural stuff; I even try to avoid over the counter stuff. I've found that powdered magnesium is an incredible substitute for a lot of what I've taken in the past.
Unfortunately it looks like I'm probably going to be on my seizure meds for the long haul...But if I can avoid the usual scrips for bp and cholesterol and, of course, the overly prescribed anti depressant band aid, then I think I can live with taking that anti convulsant.

ellen abbott said...

I take two prescription meds...for my thyroid and for cholesterol (both parents died of stroke). I hope to keep it at that. oh, well, and calcium as I was diagnosed with osteoporosis but I refuse to take the (expensive) med for that. too many bad things associated with it and now there is some evidence that it doesn't really prevent fractures. anyway. I have always preferred alternative approaches to health care and only rarely go to an MD.

I've never believed that synthetic drugs made in a lab are as effective as natural compounds. compound being the key word here instead of an isolated 'active' ingredient.

Anonymous said...

Great post with excellent info. Thanks, Nancy!

ain't for city gals said...

I so agree with you on this...I have been thinking about doing a post on this..The Slippery Slope...when my dad got sick I thought I needed something to help me get through it...I took the lowest dose possible of Xanex...I actually cut that pill in half. I took a half a pill for four days. Well, it worked....I felt NOTHING!! I thought this is not for me...I would rather ride the emotional roller coaster than be a zombie...I can't imagine taking the prescribed dosage...1 pill 3 times a day...Well, I kind of wrote my post!

Marguerite said...

Great post! I agree with Grandmother that the majority of illness is lifestyle related. Exercise and healthy eating are a must if we want to avoid being ill. A friend gave me a book in the early 90's called "Natural Remedies for Women" and I have been using it ever since. Thanks for the links!

Kathryn said...

Couldn't agree with you more Nancy. The answers are out there -we just need help with application and dosage (and patience; herbs are not always the quick-fix so many seem to want). The trouble is getting anyone to fund studies on non-patentable products.
But, the times they are a changin'!