Friday, July 29, 2011

The Sky is Falling!

Is it just me or does all the posturing and drama in Washington just feel a little like theater? There is all the fear that they make sure everyone is feeling - similar to having to buy the banks out or the world would come tumbling down. And then at the last minute they will make the deal hoping they look like avenging heroes saving the world.  In the end the only one that will feel the pain is the taxpayer.

Two years after the bank bailout and it is business as usual for the banks, Wall Street, and the politicians.

I'll think I'll pass on this particular Chicken Little scenario and pour myself a little glass of wine, put my feet up, and let them battle it out. I've decided that getting all riled up is just bad for my health and does nothing to change anything in the end.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


Brian Miller said...

seriously they all look like idiots at this point any way...i like your idea...

Bruce Coltin said...

You are right. Let's just enjoy the show for what it is.

DJan said...

Do you mind if I open the red? Thanks, I'll join you!

Anonymous said...

I agree that it looks orchestrated. I can't help thinking this is all designed to draw our attention away from something else, something bigger. Like the stage magician who uses misdirection to get the audience watching his right hand, while his left hand quietly slips the coin into his pocket. There is more going on here than we know.

But I have an inherent distrust of governments in general, so this could just be my conspiracy theorist side talking.

Leah J. Utas said...

Yup. It's all a big drama to keep the public off balance. It'll be fixed at the last possible second before the Destruction Of The World As We Know It. I'll be joining you in a glass of something as it all unfolds.

karen said...

Yay!!! My sentiments exactly. I'll join you for a glass of that lovely wine.

ellen abbott said...

Oh I totally agree with you and Jeff. It's why I quit listening to the news and especially paying attention to politics. It's all just a shell game. The politicos will make sure all their perks are intact while pulling the rug out from under those who can afford it the least. Business as usual.

Steph said...

I keep hearing that what's going on with the economy and the government's debt is terrible news, but nothing I read will tell me why it's so terrible.
I can't tell if it's that I'm young and I don't get it, or if we're just supposed to be afraid for no reason.

R. J. said...

I like your quote from Will Rogers in your sidebar. Why do so few get to sacrifice so many for so few? Because "we have met the enemy and it is us." We need a voting option called "none of the above."

Anonymous said...

Great advice. I think Jeff may be on to something!

gypsywoman said...

- sigh - you are SO right - there are way too many wonderful and exciting things on which to focus - and about which we can do something - like spending time with that nice glass of wine - our grandchildren - ourselves - a good book like synchronicity and the other side - the sunshine - sparkling skies - a sip of cool water - or blogging with friends -

cheers, all!

gypsywoman said...

oh, and ditto jeff's comment!

Nancy said...

Brian - They cannot get anything accomplished. Period.

Bruce - It's getting repetitive and boring, don't you think?

DJan - I have a nice bottle of red with your name on it. :-)

Jeff - I never used to be a conspiracy theorist, but that's changing. You could very well be right.

Leah - Exactly. Then they will want accolades for something that never should have happened in the first place had they been doing their job all these years. Don't forget; Congress has voted for all the wars, deregulation, taxes, etc.

Karena - Red or white?

Ellen - And they think they are still pulling the wool over our eyes...

Steph - The country not meeting it's debt obligations could be the start of a world-wide economic meltdown. The problem is that they will wring all the fear they can out of everyone, and will come to agreement anyway - just getting as much air time as possible before they do. I'm not sure an economic collapse isn't the best thing anyway - we need a new start with a level playing field. We still have everything of value - which is our ingenuity, intelligence, and abilities. But that's just my opinion...

R.J. - Or a third option. Great quote.

T - Yeah, me too.

Gypsy - Cheers to all of us!

claudia said...

Budget - smudget...
How 'bout them (fill in your favorite teams name here)?
If we all lived our lives and treated our money the way that these guys do, we would REALLY be in a pickle. A real pickle.

Gemel said...

Your idea is a grand one, pour a glass for me and I will join you!

fear is powerful emotion, seeing it pushed upon so many is indeed so dreadfully sad, many will act upon the prompts of what is being said....

Nancy said...

Claudia - Yeah, it's not like we can contine to spend beyond what we make forever.

Gemel - I agree. Red or white?

Pat said...

We're waiting with bated breath because it could affect my husband's pension, being that he was a government employee for 33 years! And we live on this paycheck that comes in once a month so we're hoping this gets resolved SOON!

Hilary said...

Exactly the conclusion reached around here, yesterday. .. some of us with wine.. others with beer. ;)

Nancy said...

Pat - For all of the people depending on this being resolved, I certainly hope it is done soon as well. People's lives are on the line, but I think the maximum amoung of stress has to be wrung out of the situation first - our government doesn't seem to work any other way these days.

Nancy said...

Hilary - Cheers to not getting caught up in the fear.

Linda Hoye said...

Well said. It certainly does seem like a lot of theatrical hoo haw going on. I like your approach, and I will join you with a glass of cold Chardonnay.

Rob-bear said...

"Never let reality get in the way of partisan political goals."
Sorry you American folks are having to put up with all this drama, drama, drama.

Expat From Hell said...

Brilliant move on your part, Nancy. I, too, refuse to share in the cacophony on the television. Where is that beer, anyway? EFH

susan said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if instead of frightening people they decided the war machine was too much of an unnecessary expense?

Nancy said...

Linda - Wonderful - I found a really good one in the wine country...

Rob-bear - And that is exactly what it is!

Expat - Nice to hear from you! Yes, beer will do nicely.

Susan - That particular cost never seems to come up - they would rather gut Social Security - despite the fact that it is not adding to the deficit. Medicare could be afforded easily if we weren't in three wars. But of course then those defense contractors might have to retool.

Al Bossence said...

I feel this sums it up:

Winston Churchill once said that "Americans will always do the right thing ..... after they have exhausted all of the alternatives."

good post Nancy


Anonymous said...

The more I read or watch the news on this, the less I understand. I wish there was a way to cut through the clutter or trust what the men or women in DC are saying and doing are in the best benefits of us who put them in office.

Cold comfort but, we still hold the power to vote for them or not.

Linda Pendleton said...

I agree with your idea, Nancy. Let the jerks play their games. The wisest thing to do is to dump Congress. Then maybe things would get accomplished for the benefit of citizens and not their selfish interests.

I had no doublt that it would be resolved before Tuesday. Fear seems too often to be the game they play. So why buy into it?