Monday, May 30, 2011

Time For a Little Break

To catch up on a few things...

Blessings, all!


Negerigeletschtempoit said...

Go gently and take care! And don't forget to rest. Stop thinking for a while... let your mind breathe. I hope you are having a great day!

My Inspired Reality said...

That sounds great...time for me to take one too, soon:):)

Brian Miller said...

enjoy your break and see you soon enough nancy...

karen said...

Have a good break...see ya soon. xo

Linda Hoye said...

See you when you return.

Rob-bear said...

Hope you have a grand time on your intentional pause.

By time you're back, I will probably have returned to normal blogging. (If you can consider any of the Bear's thoughs to be "normal.")

Hilary said...

I know that feeling well. Take your time. We'll all be here when you return.

Anonymous said...

Time for all of us to take a breather!

gypsywoman said...

yes, me, too - this cross-country thing next - and then some beach R&R i'm thinking! in the meantime, while i'm out and about i've put a few things from words unspoken into gypsywomanworld for those who don't make it over to unspoken - have a great down time, lady - see you later!

Reya Mellicker said...

Have a wonderful "vacation" from writing. But do come back!

Joanne said...

Have a nice break, enjoy that coffee :)

Shrinky said...

We will still be here when you find your way back. Hope it won't be too long. Everyone needs a break every now and then, especially when the summer sun comes to call!

susan said...

I hope you enjoy whatever you do during your time away from the internets. I hear the sun is shining somewhere.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Enjoy the break. Good for all of us sometimes. Most of the time.

Paula said...

We all need a little break! Enjoy yours!

Rosaria Williams said...

Hugs and best wishes.