Monday, May 9, 2011

The I-Ching

I noticed a post on a friend's blog this morning on I-Ching, or The Classic of Change. Since I didn't know much about this ancient divining system, I thought I would check out I-Ching Online, which she suggested as being fairly accurate.

I have a healthy dose of scepticism when it comes to online sites such as this one, but I was amazed! I asked two questions, and both were very accurate. If you try it - remember I-Ching is about the present, not the future. It has been around in written form for about 3,000 years and the Chinese say it has been around another 2,000 years in oral form, making it one of the oldest known written documents. From I-Ching Online:

It takes you past the tunnel vision and gives you a 360 degree view of your situation. It goes beyond the realm of your five senses and picks up the subliminal signals that sailed right past your conscious awareness to become filed away in your subconscious. When you are obsessed with a desire, intent on an outcome, the I-Ching gently nudges you and says, "Yes, but have you considered this ...?


Anonymous said...

Nancy, I am on my way to visit that site right now. Thanks for test driving it.

Glad the tour of the wine country was such fun. Can't wait to learn more about your trip on your future posts.

Anonymous said...

Back from the wine country! Hope your trip was terrific. I've been using that site ever since nancy told me about it last year and prefer it to the manual coin toss and the wilhelm text. Thanks for linking us, Nancy!

Brian Miller said...

nice. i will check this out...sounds intriguing...

Pat said...

Hmmmm......I'm just a click away!

Amanda Summer said...

looking forward to trying this......if it's at all like a recent numerology link you posted, it should be very interesting!


OMGosh! i spent a good hour over there this morning - at iching online - and have several pages of notes from my couple of questions! the responses were so incredible i just sat and read and re-read - it was phenomenal! a great experience and i'll be going back - and back!!!


oh, meant to ask, nancy, did you try to print any of your responses? i was unable to get it to let me reproduce my individual responses at all! thanks!

DJan said...

Years ago I used the I Ching to guide me, but I lost the stones I used and now it would be interesting to see if the Old Man even remembers me... thanks for the link!

ds said...

Fascinated, but always from a distance as I've never tried it. Maybe it's time...
Thank you.

Natalie said...

It is a wonderful tool for sure.
I have an I-Ching book that I bought for $2 many years ago and it has never steered me wrong. ♥

Simonbuc said...

I think it's all about tuning into the web of interconnectedness that surrounds us - that Jung called 'synchronicity'. Normally, it's like we're walking through a dense forest, only able to see what's right in front of our faces. Divination tools like the I Ching give us an extra sense, so we can glimpse where we came from and where we could be going next.

ellen abbott said...

i couldn't think of a question but I had been looking at some glass art that I would really like to own a piece of (and can't really afford). my result was about being frugal and casting off desire. can't get much closer than that.