Friday, January 9, 2009

No Luau for me

The economy has definitely moved in to our home. This morning my husband made the call to our friends to cancel a trip we had planned with them to visit Hawaii in March. We really felt that taking a vacation, when one is unemployed in this market, might not be very smart. Vacations have always been difficult for us. My husband usually has the kind of job that is difficult to get away from. He can never be been gone longer than a week at a time, no matter how much vacation he has accrued. It can only be certain times of the year. Usually not when I really want to go. It was always frustrating trying to find someplace we could go and be back in a week to ten days, max. Now, he has all the time in the world, but prudence dictates where our funds are spent. A vacation is not a necessity. 

Many people thought we were crazy to remodel what was once our vacation home, but is now our only home (thank you, God, for sending that buyer for our home in Minneapolis!) But we had budgeted for it for some time. We also knew it would have to be done before we ever put it on the market in the future. Which we do not intend to do, at least at this point. You also need to be around when remodeling is going on. There are tons of decisions, daily. We also felt that what we were spending the money on was also putting people to work. Northern Nevada has been hit hard the last two years. My contractor said he is having a hard time finding skilled construction workers to work for him as they have all moved on looking for work. So, in the end, we have a nice, updated, albeit small, home, and the money was not spent on something dumb.  (A vacation? But are vacations really dumb?) We have downsized to one truck (my Yukon going to son-in-law), and my husband's motorcycle, until new employment is found. It really has not been a problem having only one car because most places we go together. We feel very lucky, compared to many people in our country that are really hurting right now. Somehow giving up a vacation doesn't feel very deprived. I guess we will just have to wait until my husband eventually retires to take that long trip to wherever. 

1 comment:

Jo-Mama said...

No fear, you are living now in one of my favorite vacation destinations! How fortunate that you don't live in some congested, unfriendly environment that you can't wait to escape from. I agree that Hawaii would be spectacular, especially this time of year, and with good friends...well even better. I bet you will do it one day in the not too distant future. I must say I love your attitude and positive outlook on life. You have been such an "upper" to read. Thanks so much for all your good vibes.