Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Whether you are a believer or not, it's obvious the world is amassing some major events. It has been a wild week - especially for Libya, Turkey (earthquake), Thailand (flooding), and of course, here in America with the GOP debates. (Always entertaining in a sad sort of way.) Not to mention Occupy "Everywhere." (I think the sleeping masses are beginning to stir.) We also have a hurricane building as we speak.

So here are a few things I have my eye on:

We have a new moon in Scorpio on the 26th - which is supposed to be great for new beginnings. Or in my case new partnerships. You can read all about that here, and find out what that might mean for you.

The end of the Mayan calendar ends on Friday, if Dr. Calleman is correct, as his date is different from December 21, 2012. You can read about that here.

We have 11-11-11 coming up just around the corner and the Mayan elders have revealed some new information. They have always kept their traditions within their inner circles, but have now been instructed to perform all of their ceremonies in public. The Ceremony of The Thirteen Skulls was last performed 26,000 years ago. They will be traveling with the thirteen Crystal Skulls from New York to Los Angeles for the end ceremony on 11-11-11, with several stops along the way. You can read all about that here, just in case you are like me and had no idea what the Crystal Skulls are all about. Now I wish I was available to watch a ceremony - maybe in Sedona.

Dr. Kashonia has done an in-depth analysis on geomagnetic and total pole reversals, and how they may tie in with 2012 prophecy. You can read about that here, just in case that has been a concern of yours. As you can see - she has been busy. I always like her research because she uses a variety of sources and utilizes critical thinking in her analyses.

We had a major solar flare yesterday, compressing Earth's magnetic field, you can read about that here.

With all that's going on in the world right now, I guess it's time to relax, think good thoughts, make sure you are prepared in case of an emergency, and then hang on, because this roller coaster seems to be picking up speed.


Brian Miller said...

fascinating stuff...and all coming together to a point, maybe?

DJan said...

I have felt that feeling of the world's picking up speed heading toward... something. Thank you so much for all the links. Now I've got some reading to do. I never heard of the Thirteen Skulls before.

Umā said...

Wow, Nancy, thank you this is really interesting. The woman who was (briefly) my landlady in NM was a Mayan Priestess and had a beautiful ceremonial space on the property we shared. I wish I could be there for her 11-11-11 event. There is indeed so much happening in the world right now.

ellen abbott said...

Are more things happening or are we just better at seeing, measuring, knowing that these things are happening? Is the earth more restless or do we just know about everything that happens all over the globe. There was a time when we did not know what went on on the other side of the world and so things like earthquakes and floods seemed like rare events. Now we know every time a mosquito hiccups.

ellen abbott said...

I am interested in these events though. The world's magnetic field, for example, has flipped more than once. I'll definitely check out these links.

Nancy said...

Brian - It seems that way - but who really knows?

DJan - I feel that as well. I have heard of the skulls but always thought they meant something kind of evil - which is not the case at all.

Uma - How interesting about your landlady!

Ellen - That's my husband's theory - we just know about these events as they happen, which in times past that was not the case. Part of me says that makes sense and part of me senses something more. The magnetic poles have indeed flipped more than once, in fact many times.


great post, nancy - and illustrates my comment earlier at the macgregors in terms of a "safe or better" place to be than on the tip of florida in terms of storms, etc - our world grows smaller with each passing moment in terms of there being one geographical place safer than another in terms of natural disasters, political and other unrest, etc - your post brings that home very clearly - time to relax - think good thoughts - stock up on necessities - and think more good thoughts....

Nancy said...

Gypsy - Yep, that's what I'm thinking. Everyone should have emergency boxes by now. It just makes sense and it's what is being recommended by our government. Being responsible in an emergency is not doomsday thinking - it's just prudent. After that, we need to relax, think good thoughts, and be open to change.

claudia said...

I for one, cannot wait for the change! I'm excited!

Anonymous said...

Time to watch Indian Jones and the Crystal Skulls again...13 skulls. Good pot, Nancy. You've gathered a lot of different info. Interesting times, indeed, and quite accelerated now.
- Trish

Rob-bear said...

New partnerships, you say. Among the 99% of the world, perhaps. With the 1%, hopefully.
At the end of the Mayan calendar.
Such interesting times.
Blessings and Bear hugs in these fortuituous occasions.

Nancy said...

Claudia - I have to admit - I am kind of excited as well.

T- No doubt! Did Rob write that one? ( I think we have the video somewhere...)

Rob- bear - Thank you - same to you :-)

Lothiriel said...

Wow! This is very interesting! I've just bookmarked this post, so I can read up on the links later!