Monday, October 10, 2011

Our Little Angel

You may remember my posts here and here about my great niece, Lilly. She is a very special little girl. She is fighting the fight of her life right now and needs your prayers and positive energy. Please take a moment in your day and send her love and light. We know it makes a difference.

She came off the respirator today, but is still in ICU, so it is still touch and go, minute by minute. Her heart stopped earlier this week, and her mother literally saved her life.

If you can help by becoming a bone-marrow donor, or have a few dollars to send her single mother, here is the website for Team Lillian

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.

Thank you to Hilary for Post Of The Week:


marie alexius said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. These kinds of stories tear me apart.

Nancy said...

T - It is so hard to see her suffer, but she is fierce! She's a fighter, and a very old soul.

Rob-bear said...

Blessings and Bear hugs for Lilly's family. Including you! Such a challenging and frightening time.

Nancy said...

Rob-bear - Thank you so much for your kindness.

Gemel said...

May God embrace her.
Sending ♥ and hugs

Natalie said...

Will send healing stat.xx

Brian Miller said...

glad to hear the progress...prayers...

DJan said...

She is so precious, Nancy, and my prayer is for her old soul to grace our planet for a long time. We have never needed her more. Blessings.

Whitney Lee said...

Sending healing thoughts and strength now. Amazing how it all helps.

The Good Cook said...

Sending prayers to the universe and I will be visiting the site. How are you???

Nancy said...

Gemel - Thank you so much.

Natalie - Thank you. I know it works.

Brian - Thank you. She is fighting hard - she will not go down easy!

DJan - Thank you so much - and I totally agree.

Whitney - I will be joining two world-wide prayer groups today, one for the problems in Europe and one for Unity. I do believe it works. Thank you so much.

Nancy said...

Good Cook - I've been thinking about you! Thanks for visiting the site for Lilly. You definitely know what we are going through, don't you? I hope your nephew is well.

Hilary said...

Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear that Lily is struggling. I will keep her in my very best thoughts.

Be strong, little Sweetie.

Anonymous said...

this is heartbreaking. Her little face! What is her illness?

Nancy said...

Nancy - She has a very rare auto-immune disease and has just had a stem-cell transplant. Unfortunately, her perfect-match bone marrow donor backed out at the last minute and they used stem cells. I wrote more about it on one of the links in this post. Thanks for asking.


i remember this sweet child from your previous posts, nancy, and am so sorry that her struggle continues - was so hoping for better news by this time - but she is a strong little princess warrior, no doubt - her spirit shines through the screen - am sending many many healing and caring thoughts to her and to her mom - we here all know that thoughts change lives - here's to all good changes for precious lilly! thanks so much for keeping us posted -

Grandmother Mary said...

Sending love and light from Italy. She's on my prayer alter as is her Mom. So much struggle for such a little girl is heartbreaking.

Nancy said...

Gypsy - Thank you, it means so much to me.

Grandmother - Thank you so much.

susan said...

I hadn't seen the picture of her with Santa before but I did just now and it took my breath away. Team Lillian has a new member.

Nicole said...

It just tears me up to see little ones suffer like this. This should be healthy and happy times for them. There is such strength and courage in her you can tell. All my wishes and prayers and healing to her and much hopes for comfort and support to the Mother and you. God Bless.

Nancy said...

Susan - (sniff) Thank you so much. She is sooo special.

Cole - I agree - she should be bouncing around like a four-year-old. Soon, maybe with enough prayers she will be - soon.

L'Adelaide said...

oh what a sweet heart....her little face looks pained but hopeful here....i do hope she is doing better and will keep her in my heart and my altar....i am sure she is very blessed in life. thankyou nancy, for sharing her inspiration for us all. xoxox and it is also good to 'see' you again. :)

Anyes said...

Sending prayers and healing energy your way

Nancy said...

linda - Thank you - yes she has a very hopeful heart and she is such a fighter. If anyone can make - Lilly can!

Anyes - Thank you so much. That is such a wonderful thing to do for Lilly.

Butternut Squash said...

I will send prayers for Lilly her mother and your entire family. Peace to you all.

Nancy said...

Butternut - Thanks so much. I know it will help.

Barbara said...

Hilary pointed me here - I'll be praying for that precious little girl!

Leilani Tresise said...

Each day, our lives, our children... gifts... I am humbled by this childs fight . Much Love and Aloha going her way.

Pat said...

This really got to me since my granddaughter is named Lily and is almost 3. I will pray that they find a donor for her.

Nancy said...

Barbara - Thank you so much and much love to Hilary for sending extra prayers Lilly's way.

leilani - The spirit of Aloha is just what she needs, thank you.

Pat - Unfortunately her donor back out at the last minute so they had to use stem cells instead. Hopefully the work. Thanks for your prayers and give your little Lilly an extra hug. A healthy child is a gift.

Unknown said...

The biggest gift I can give you is hope. So from Israel - The Holyland where fears are faced and dealt with, I give you hope now I wish you better health and faith has a lot to do with it!
Good luck Lilly you are not alone!