Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can You Hear Us Now?

Dr. Kashonia from Australia has posted on Occupy Wallstreet and the worldwide effects she sees coming. She's posted several videos and does a good job explaining some of the organizations involved. Here is a song that I think speaks to many of us:


Expat From Hell said...

Thanks for posting this! Now I have a good line of background music for what has been occupying my thoughts and fears for so many weeks lately. Best to you and yours. EFH

Bruce Coltin said...

Expat said it perfectly.

Nancy said...

Expat - Thank you and I agree - the song fits the feelings.

Bruce - He did.

California Girl said...

I listened to an interview with spokespersons from OWS Boston group on WBUR-FM last night. They also had the former director of the SDS from the early Seventies on the phone. Not only were the two twenty somethings from the movement well-spoken and respectful (hear that Rush? Glenn? Sean?) but they articulated the objectives. Nobody thinks they are going to "overthrow" Wall Street. What they have done, however, is create enough noise to force the media to give coverage to the frustration of the 99 Per Centers.

Brian Miller said...

ah very nice...these are interesting times...and i think this is only just beginning...

Cloudia said...

together we are learning a new song with very old words!
My post echos yours today-

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Nancy said...

California - Exactly.

Brian - So do I.

Cloudia - Off to read your post.


thanks so much for this great post, nancy - i've put it on my facebook page!

power to the people!

Rob-bear said...

Thanks, Nancy, for the music. I have posted it on my Facebook page, and have dedicated it to other Occupy people.
As we've seen, the powerful have a plan to shut down this movement — which is upsetting to them. Will they kill the movement? I don't think so. I may simply go underground. It will be around for the 2012 election cycle.

Nancy said...

Gypsy - They're finally waking up.

Rob-Bear - There is no stopping this movement. It is much bigger than NYC. Check out:

Anyes said...

There is a shift in mindsets happening all over the world and the transition feels so uncomfortable.
Perfect song for the times, Thank you Nancy

Anonymous said...

Love it. Perfect music for this movement!