I had one of those days today. I know you know the kind. Starts out okay, and then some bomb drops and scares you into the tough reality we are facing in these difficult times. It ended up okay, but not before making me come face to face with all the emotions I try so hard to keep at bay. I know by reading other blogs that many of you are facing your own difficult problems, and issues with depression and anxiety. Today reminded me how hard it is to keep those emotions under control.
So I had to take a deep breath and ask myself - right now, in this second, am I in pain? The answer was no.
Am I in danger right in this moment? No...but...
Well then, am I hungry? Well, maybe a little - but only because I am a box on wheels and have to diet.
Well, then in this very second can I do anything about my bomb/problem? No, not now, out of my hands.
So, in this very moment, am I okay? Yes, I'm okay, but...I have so many things to worry about!
But the reality is...in this very moment, I am okay. Taking stock of where you are in any given second can give you power. Power over anxiety, sadness, helplessness, and depression. Staying in the Now is all-important. And no one knows better than I how hard that can be sometimes. But it really is all we have. The past is gone. Nothing can be done about our mistakes, decisions, triumphs, that are gone forever. The future can change in an instant, and often for the better. So staying in the very moment you are in is the only refuge from the storm around us. Worrying won't change anything.
This too shall pass, and tomorrow is another day.
sage advice and a great line of questioning you ask yourself to regain a modicum of control when overwelmed. it becomes easy to make silly decisions when we get like that. great post!
So true! Trying to live in any other moment is too stressful. Hubby is a worrier... Wears me out just watching him!
Wise words. A thought precedes an emotion, so if we think we are okay, then I suppose we will be. :D
Hugs to you.xx♥
I really needed to read that because I've been in the dark place for a few days now. This great post of yours reminded me of a wellness course I participated in and all of the things I wrote on my list to self soothe when I have a day like you had. Maybe I could have headed off my decent into the dark place too, but I doubt it as that is a horse of a different color...still, I will try your way next time. Living in the moment is my ultimate goal and the best any of us can do. I hope you are feeling better and today is a much better day. Sending ((hugs)) your way.
Like Attracts Like...the original post that gravitated me toward your blog.
Funny, how now I keep seeing people in my life that are depressed. I am supportive, but I cannot change how they feel. I understand it is something that must be confronted by them, and them, alone.
I still feel positive in my life and with the universe. Yes, tomorrow is another day and today presents another moment to challenge, embrace and accept. Be well...
what a post! its very positive! u said it right ! at this moment im happy! and i wont wont about anything that happened in the past... when i was in a terrible pain .. blogging brought me out of it!.. so when i have too many issues around me.. i try to forget everything and blog!
in my future i have plan to be surprised, because anything may happen.. good or bad!
thanks for the lovely post! it was very helpful to realize myself!
Wonderful to remember that tomorrow is another day.
I see why the plaque I posted resonated with you..."staying in the Now" sets the course to Be Still. I suppose you can stay in the Now without being still, but I don't think it's possible to Be Still without staying in the Now. :)
This is a wonderful and useful post which will serve as an eye opener for most of us.
Many of us sit and regret the past or worry about the future. We forget to live in the present.
It is said that yesterday is a canceled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note and today is ready cash.
Lovely photo and a very educative post with full of wisdom.
Many thanks for sharing.
Have a bright and beautiful day:)
Good work with your round of logical questions. :) It does not make sense how we sometimes worry and it does not help. Panicking never solves problems. My other thought when I am stressed out 'In every adversity lies an opportunity'. When over worked and feeling scared, I think I am growing as a person and when it all passes, I can look back and say 'Wow, I have surpassed my expectations'. Its hard work to keep this thought, but I try. Thanks for your post as a reminder to keep up with this.
Have to thank you for that entry of yours.
Took me to see a butterfly to return to happiness, yesterday.
Today I found your blog.
Much happiness.
Please come by my blog and pick up your award.
Have a good day.
Wise advice. Whenever I find myself in that place I always ask myself these two questions, and the answers are always the same:
Where am I? Right here.
What time is it? Right now.
And that brings my mind right back to where it should be.
Hope you have a better day today.
When I first started practicing living in the moment of now I couldn't believe how much easier it made my life. It's unbelievable what our "thoughts" can do to sabotage our lives. Great post.
I live by that philosophy too. A simple thought process, in the here and now, that keeps reality in focus.
That's interesting LOL, when I have those moments, I have to force myself into the present too, sometimes it works, sometimes I have to make it work! The past is gone, but sometimes unfortunately never forgotten. I make it a point to stay as busy as possible and get outside every day to keep me distracted so that those moments show up less and less. But that's me, we all have our methods, I'm glad that you don't allow it to take over!
Wow, as you so often to, you posted just the right words, as just the right time I needed to read them. Many thanks!
Whenever I catch myself in the "worry" or "depressed" mode, I wallow a bit but talk to myself that I'll just wallow in it within a given time frame, after which I replace with counting my blessings. I came from a 3rd world country and I've seen many people feel grateful about their existence even if they just live in shanties without a bathroom, nor clean water, nor even food for the next meal - and yet they were happy. I'm blessed to live here in California and have all my basic needs met. Just thinking of this helps lift the blues away.
My mother was a worrier, and she passed that trait down to me (and my sisters). My husband always says, "Is worrying going to help the situation?" Of course not. He's right. So I have to train myself to think of the consequences and deal with them logically. And of course, I always PRAY. That seems to ease the worrying.
We ALL have our bad days - you are not alone.
So relevant and helpful to me right now! And thanks for visiting my blog. It was getting a little lonely!
Hi Lover of Life! :) It's like I always say, "No use stressing out over the things you have absolutely no control over." Yea, I know . . . Easier said than done. Good luck! :)
Sensible advice. I'd must remember it for when a colleague goes into a 'downer'. If it happens to me I tell myself not to worry about something I cannot change, but it took years to reach that stage.
Well thought through, and so simple really. We just have to stop and remember it.
great advice, I do that sometimes just ask myself, "but how am I right this minute?" Usually its "fine". And later....its still fine so I can only assume that not losing it is actually the right thing to do.
My favorite song quote-- "Most things I worry about never happen anyway." (Tom Petty)
It's become my personal mantra.
I have separate boxes I keep, the worry box one has a strong lid and is fireproof. I discovered a long time back the only true thing to fear is fear itself. I love this post, living in the moment is our only true reality, everything else is either supposition or history. I hope your present moment is a happy one. x
Thanks, I needed that!
Mountains and mole hills or Chicken Little? I don't do guilt and I'll worry tomorrow. I don't do guilt because I have a magnet on the fridge that says so. xoxo.
thank you for writing about what so many of us feel on a daily or weekly basis. I do feel defeated by emotions at times. Then I say to myself "Are you healthy right now?" and I say "Yes" . Some days are harder than others. Especially when I am trying to look at the big picture of life. I worry so much, but it really does no good, except motivate me most of the time.
Sometimes I realize I can be my worst enemy and I am trying so hard to change that.
Thanks for the beautiful words and blog.
Hi there,
We need your help.
I am shamelessly promoting a project at my website for everyone to see.
Just click on my name and then I will also ask if you will join me to shamelessly join in and promote it too. The more who join, the more shamelessness for us all. This should be fun for everyone and we are doing something good.
God bless.
Great advice! I love the yellow flowers too :D So pretty.
I've learned to live in the moment....this took many, many years of trials before I finally got it. It truly is the only way to live. We have this day, this moment....we can only do what we can do and the rest just needs to wait. A time and season for everything.
I say stop and smell the roses while you can...who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Have a Beautiful and in the moment day!
Such wisdom. I'm a worrier by nature and struggle to keep such control. Thanks for the reminder. I'll think f this next time. Truly I will. There, I just did! Told you I was a worrier. ;)
Seriously, thank you. :)
I wish I had the strength you seem to have to apply that to myself... but lately it just seems my nervous emotions overwhelm me from time to time and I'm pretty useless for a while! Keeping busy helps, unfortunately it's not usually the type of busy I'm supposed to be doing, the one that will help reduce the anxiety in the long run (if I could just face it today).
sigh! I hate it when your head refuses to listen to itself and be reasonable! I'm off to deal with one of my demons...
This is just what I needed, right this very moment, day, hour, week. Thank you.
Ah, there it is. Finding exactly what you need, when you need it. I've had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach all day. My one child is out of the state visiting his father; the other is near but I haven't had much contact with her the past few days. That's unusual for us. Anyway, my instincts are almost always right on target with my kids. Something doesn't seem right.
When I get this feeling, I often don't learn of the negative "thing" that has caused it for a few days. So I go through this mental checklist in order to keep myself from getting too anxious. Basically, I'll ask the same questions you've mentioned. Today was just one of those days, all day. Then I got home from work and read your blog......All I can say is "thanks." We're all okay, even if we don't feel okay sometimes.
The best advice my father ever gave to me was to live in the moment. Don't worry about what has passed and think about what may come but don't worry...you can't change anything. Something I have always remembered although it IS hard to live by!
My mother ALWAYS says This Too Shall Pass. I used to not understand it and almost resent it, and then I started saying it too others. It is so valuable. Hang on to it, it will get you through!
I so very much needed to read this post. Thank you for reminding me to live in the "present moment."
I have this problem: I'll be driving or riding along and I look at billboards. I get so sad reading all about Rolex watches and Texas Angus Beef Steaks that I start to cry right there. If I have friends or family in the car they ask "Phoebe, what's the matter?" I say nothing of course.
The world does get overwhelming and it hurts so terribly. Not only is our world crashing around us, but our own lives tend to have loads of stress as well.
Asking "Am I okay?" is a really good idea. Taking your life one day at a time, moment by moment, is the best thing any of us can do.
Since I am a worrier, this is good advice for me to follow and I like the way you presented it!! Thank you mucho.
Now...... the hard part. I will try to see the ok-ness of the moment.
Well, LOL, first I want to say thank you for the kind comments on my blog. Since it's hard for me to think of myself as any kind of "hero" I will try to live up to it. You said it all with "tomorrow is another day."
I think you are brave, talented, and very well put together. Thanks for being out there.
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