I have long felt that the world would be a less violent place if women were in charge. And I certainly
do not mean this post to be a rant on men. It is just an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective. Most women are not apt to kill when they know exactly what it takes to reproduce. In fact, it's rare when women kill. It usually makes headlines. There are many historical women figures that that were also violent creatures, of course. The world has a few right now. But the reality is that in the 20
th century alone, the human race killed over
one hundred million of their own species. Think about that for a moment.
One hundred million! Most were killed in wars, totalitarian regimes bent on eliminating dissent, and various other means of annihilation. One common thread? Well, let's just say it wasn't women. If I were an alien, this planet would freak me out.
So now that
Iran's women are exerting their presence, what will that mean to the world? Put another way, if all the women came together throughout the world, what would that look like? I, for one, would love to see a massive, grass-roots women's movement. Not against men, but in favor of life. I believe in
grass-root movements, seemingly the only thing
working right now. We could solve the world's problems instead of destroying it, take care of our children, elderly, and less fortunate, work on saving our ecosystems, put effort into clean fuel sources. March to a
different drum. Insist our governments take us seriously.
It can be done. It was done last November, and it's being done in Iran right now. People,
men and women, taking some control of their lives, their future. Old regimes, not paying attention to what it's people are telling it, need to move on and make way for a new understanding. A planet united in it's desire for equality, for all people, in all countries, throughout the world. What would it look like if the entire human race understood the dire consequences we face, and worked together to solve these problems?
Let's look at the planet as One, because we really are.