Her book examines the healing that takes place when children, who are often dealing with specific issues unrelated to anything they have experienced in this life, can remember past life events that are affecting quality of life in this one. She uses quantitative, qualitative, first-person and anecdotal evidence to back her claims. Her book is interesting and well-written.
This book could be of interest to those exploring the idea of reincarnation, past-life regression, unexplained phobias, anxieties, night terrors, or disturbing dreams. It could be helpful for those searching for the meaning of life, and why bad things happen to good people.
She has a second book out about children reincarnating into same families that I will read another time. For now, she has given me plenty to think about.
One of my all time favorites!
Looks intriguing. Since my daughter was old enough to talk she has always spoke of her "old mama" and has an intense fear of lightening and loud noises related to light.
When my niece was 2 years old, she asked for a violin. her mum said "Steph, you don't even know what a violin is!"
Yes I do, I used to play one.
Linda bought her a tiny violin, and yes she could play. :)
Traditional religion would have us believing this is evil to even think about. I wonder, though.... Maybe I will read this, knowledge is power. Lots of conflicting thoughts from my pentacostal background. I choose to believe that the more you question...the more you will discover.
When I was three years old I announced at the dinner table that I did not like dumplings. My dad laughed --gently--and said I'd never had them.
I kept my mouth shut, but I knew perfectly well I had had them and I was sick of them. To this day I cannot eat them.
Exploring past lives is a wonderful way to heal and it takes away the power of the Church. Best I stop there.
I have read several books on this subject, including this one. I agree with you that it is very interesting. Another good one that I would recommend is "Past Lives, Present Loves", which explores present day romantic relationships and possible links to past lives.
I haven't read this book, but have read other books on the subject. I think I'll get this one. You have to be careful who you approach about this subject. Some people get downright mad!
Thanks for the tip.
This sounds fascinating. And I'll say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the other books you have suggested (I'm still slowly working my way through The Intention Experiment). I'll be adding this to my list. Thank you.
intriguing. may have to check this one out.
Trish - Good recommendation.
luksky - She talks about children saying the same types of things, with similar fears.
Natalie - Interesting!
Kathy - I know. I was raised in a similar environment. But I am on my own spiritual path now, and it is an amalgam of many beliefs.
Leah - So funny about the dumplings!
Marguerite - That sounds interesting!
Elizabeth - Interestingly, she talks about why people have such strong and negative feelings about this subject. I share more about my beliefs on this blog than I do in "real life."
Whitney - The Intention Experiment can be a slog! It took me a while to get through it too. Glad I did though.
Brian - I think it would be interesting to read if you have young children. My grandson is having night terrors, just as one of my daughters did, so I thought I would explore this issue a bit more. Glad I did, as I now know how to handle the situation if he should bring up why he is frightened. He is just starting to talk.
I think your third paragraph covers just about all of us. I think you are probably ready for that Evanovich book. Turn your brain off and enjoy.
I can't remember if I have read this particular book but I have read several on the subject. I'm a believer in reincarnation and I also think that we 'set the stage' so to speak for our present life, that we choose certain things, lessons to learn, people to incarnate with. Whether we follow through is where free will comes in. a friend did a past life regression on me once (she is trained) and it was very interesting (no, I was no one famous). My own daughter had an irrational fear of dogs from the time she was a very small child. She would practically climb me if she saw one within 50 yards.
Interesting that you can reveal more about your beliefs and interests on your blog than in real life. I have been the same for many years, although I'm "coming out" a bit more now.
This does sound like an interesting book. I resonate with the idea that we choose this life to work on unresolved things from past incarnations.
I want to read it! I have read her blog posts and they are so interesting!
I've always thought we'd be wiser and kinder as a culture if reincarnation were generally accepted. As you well know Tibetan Buddhists have marvelous stories about the subject and they've been paying attention for a very long time.
Sounds very interesting, Nancy. I would like to learn more about what the author has to say! Thanks for the nice review :D
Midlife - Yep, it's time for that Evanovich novel!
Ellen - We have a similar worldview.
Joanna - I've been thinking about the fact my friends really don't know the real me lately. What does that say about me? Or them?
Jen - I will have to visit her blog. She also has a website which is linked with her name on the post.
susan - Oh, yeah.
Yes, it is an excellent book filled with fascinating stories of past lives. Young children can be so open with their memories.
Dr. Ian Stevenson was a pioneer in this area of children and past life studies, and of course, Dr. Brian Weiss has written much on it in several of his books, starting with Many Lives, Many Masters.
Fascinating. :-)
Carol Bowman's book is in my library along with Weiss and other past life studies.
Linda - I liked Dr. Stevenson's research because it was quantitative. Needed, I think, for this issue. I read Many Lives, Many Masters several years ago and believe it to be a classic. I plan on reading her second book at some point and also one by Jim Tucker. Fascinating subject.
Chic - She also has a website (linked by her name in my post), if you're interested.
That book sounds fascinating. I don't know whether I believe in past lives yet or not. I do know that talking to some people is like talking to someone that I feel like I've known forever. Odd, right?
Meeko - I know the feeling. You can meet someone sometimes and it feels like you have known that person before somehow. Maybe you have.
I believe in reincarnation and I have read many books on the subject. Dr. Brian Weiss is one of my favortie authors on the subject. I haven't read the book you reviewed here, but it sounds intriguing.
Jarie - Dr. Weiss's books is one of my favorites.
Wow. I have a good friend whose son remembers when he was the Pope! He told her about it when he was 3!
Thanks for the review! Infants always carry so much energy from the time before they returned. They always seem like very old people to me.
maybe thats why my youngest daughter was so afraid of water from day one. But its nice to know they can get over all that because now she's a champion swimmer! after I almsot died twice I read lots of books about childrens past lives or kids that remember, or kids that have near death experiences mostly kids because I thought, usualy kids dont lie about this stuff. I'm convinced.
I will pick it up after I finish reading "A New Earth," by Eckhart Toll.
I really really like it, Nancy. I have been reading and taking notes because there is just SO much to take in. Some things confuse me about the book, so I'll have to ask you or post a blog about it when I finish the book.
A dislike of dumplings hey!? Isn't it great how some of these 'rememberances' are about the most basic of things,mundane parts of life which might pass un-noticed.
It's a fascinating subject..so much we don't understand, thank goodness!Hate to think we knew it all!
Good wishes to you all our there with open minds.
fascinated with this subject - have several several of weiss - with bowman in my amazon cart - still -
great post!
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