Friday, October 23, 2009

Winter Reading

(A view of a sand trap on the golf course behind where we live, taken on a walk yesterday. Now that the golfers are finished for the season, it is a great place to take a walk.)

(The fall colors are beautiful right now - another view of the golf course.)

I have decided to do some research on my "dream" post from yesterday. This winter will be a perfect time to do some reading on alternative living styles. If anyone has a good book you think I should check out please let me know. I will start a list on my sidebar, and share the results of my research with you, or you can come along for the ride. It should be interesting, and it gives me a project for those cold wintry days. My husband can bake bread, we can have a pot of soup simmering, and I will see if this thing is even in the realm of possibility. What do you think?


Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh, Nancy...what an absolutely beautiful dream!!! I know that I am not alone when I say that we will all eagerly read of your progress in your pursuit of it!!!!Thank you for being the one of the most wonderful friends in the world!!!! You have shared my heartbreak and now my complete joy!!!! I am so grateful to know you!!!!! You have touched my life in a deep way...and I send you my love especially today!!! ~Janine XO

Expat From Hell said...

I vote for "Dakota", by Kathleen Norris. This book has set me in my place this time around - I would highly recommend it to any you!

Meeko Fabulous said...

I'm gonna have to send you the recipe for the slow cooked Chili I made last night to go with some of that bread . . . :)


sounds absolutely great and right to me! power to you! and if anyone can pull it off, i know it's you!

Brian Miller said...

very cool. will get back to you on the book i was reading...cant remember the title...would be very interested in checking out a few of these myself!

The Good Cook said...

I recommend, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver - if anything, she has some great recipes for living of the land...

DJan said...

If I have read any books about how to create alternative lifestyles lately, somehow it has slipped my mind. :-) No, but I will be curious to learn what YOU learn in your quest, however, I have found what I consider to be my alternative lifestyle here in retirement. Blogging is a huge part of it. BTW, thanks for your loyal effort with comments. It means a lot to me.

TheChicGeek said...

I'm so proud of you, Nancy :D!! Follow your dream, see where it takes you! It takes courage to try, but you will never know unless you do!

Ooooh, I have the biggest smile on my face right now!
Hugs and Love to You!

Tess Kincaid said...

Mmm...homemade bread and soup. I love the comfort food of this season!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I really can't recommend an alternative lifestyle book that I have read of late. I do however, find it a fascinating idea. I had recently read an article of a woman who "had it all" be it with education and the dream job. She left the city, the job and all the plush life to go live in the canyons (I believe it was Arizona?). There were several in the group, raised all their own food, did communal cooking etc. Her total life was getting back to the land and simplicity. Quite interesting!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Winter is a good time to begin a project. Go for it!

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

Time to brainstorm! Gorge, here we come.

Mike said...

UMMM??? A golf course that looks like that, and they are done for the season? wow! They will play here with a light snow! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Only what can be dreamed of, can become a reality.

A wonderful weekend to you !

Pat said...

If anyone can accomplish a dream, it's you. You are a very determined lady! Sounds like a good winter project to delve into. Good luck!

Cloudia said...

Go for it!

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I think I'm going to watch that list of suggestions for books. I don't have one to offer, but am anxious to see what comes your way.

So admire the searching - or rather the doing of something instead of just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy! I think your dream is realistic! I've personally always thought about homesteading, a community of homesteaders though...that might be tough to find! People love their "stuff". I think as you do your research, your passion will grow too!

susan said...

It isn't a book in the usual sense but The Whole Earth Catalog has been around since 1968 and they keep getting more interesting. I think it fits your requirements :-)

Deborah said...

Nancy, I'm very intrigued by your idea. Of late I've been toying with the idea of eventually building a 'tiny house' - a compact, minimal-footprint, green house - but doing so in an urban environment, perhaps with as many as four houses on a generous-sized lot. I see country living as isolating, however, what you're suggesting brings a different perspective in that this would be a community of like-minded people. I'll be following along to see what springs from it!

Lori ann said...

I think i'd like to come over and read with you while eating that soup and bread!
This may end up being a book you need to write.

Reya Mellicker said...

Your dream is definitely NOT a waste of time, and is something I've heard lots of people of our age talk about. Getting back to the communes in our older ages makes sense to many of us boomers. Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I say that sounds amazing. I also say you should throw some recommended readings my way.