I have watched Nightline this last week, and it was talking about Scientology and David Miscavige, as well as, James A. Ray, the "guru" leader who was responsible for the sweat lodge that killed several people and sickened many more. I'm sure you have all heard or read about these people in the news.
I would just like to say, as someone who has spent the last 20 years reading and studying a myriad of materials relating to human nature, the mind-body connection, spirituality, etc. - if someone tells you they know more than your "little voice" - run, don't walk, as fast as you can in the opposite direction. No one has the definitive answer to anything. You have just as much spiritual value as any one person, and your intuition is geared to keep you alive and healthy. It is nature's way of giving us a sixth sense about the world around us.
When I think of these people, and others like them, who think they know more than anyone else, the quote "absolute power corrupts absolutely" comes to mind. They may not have started out that way, but I think the ego takes over and these people actually begin to believe they are greater than the people around them. Sadly, it sometimes takes a tragedy to bring this fallacy to light. I can recall several cults over the last many years that proves this point. Anyone remember Jim Jones, and The People's Temple? I always wondered how such a tragedy could transpire, and I think it's because people give away their personal power to someone else.
We need to listen to our own intuition. We have it for a reason. It tells us it's time to leave the sweat lodge for some water and find a new way to spend $9,000.
Such a good piece of advice. Even those I admire the most have faults and foibles. We have to filter everything through our own unique sensibilities.
If any of your readers is considering Scientology, please send them my way. I had friends who tried to get out of that church a couple decades ago after racking up tens of thousands of dollars in "free counseling." But when they wanted out, they had to pay up. It was nightmarish.
Hey Nancy,
How are you??
I had read about that incident in one of the blogs. It was unbelievable! To think how people mint money using these tactics! And people believe them! That's the most astounding and tragic part.
Well written. You are right. Nothing can tell us which path to follow as well as our own intuition.
Good for you, Nancy. All of us have it, and no-one can take it away...hard as they might.xx♥
seriously...listen to the voices in your head...are you sure you are not one of them....lol. just kidding, you are exactly right...the thing is i wonder if they had so tuned it out at that point by buying into this guy...really its sad...
Excellent advice. In fact, that horrible Jim Jones incident was branded on my soul to remind me to listen to my own little voice.
Sound advice Nancy. I posted on this Ray incident a couple of weeks ago. So sad and shocking. He gives seminars on "wealth harmonics" - how to attract abundance into your life. It has such a pull for so many people and in their rush to acquire they give away their power (and their wealth to him???) as you say. I think the same can happen in our longing for the spiritual sometimes. We assume someone else has more access - will share it with us - and we succomb.
Amen to that! I have watched some of that too and it truely is sad. We really do have that "little voice" inside and we need to listen to it. I know the more I listen to it, the stronger it gets!
Very good post this, great common sense. Listen to your heart, listen to your soul... for sure you always know what feels right and good. Well written piece.
Always trust your intuition and you'll never go wrong. Great advice Nancy, brings it home.
Our intuition, that 6th sense, is the most important voice of all, by far. Always.
Yes. You are right. The little voice, "the still, small voice" as Edgar Cayce termed it, knows best.
I had a hard time getting my mind around that phoney *&Y^%%$ #$$ with the sweat lodge. I certainly home Karma catches up to him.
Nancy, I sometimes wonder why people cede their power to others, but I know I have done it. Being brainwashed to believe you have no power, no wisdom... I am just so sorry those people in the sweat lodge had to die. It seems from what I've read that Ray still doesn't get it. I didn't see the show; I'll look for it.
Oh, goodness, I completely agree with you. I could never understand how people can join cults. Do you remember the Heaven's Gate cult who died, thinking a spaceship behind the Hale-Bopp comet was going to take them away? How can people be so stupid?
I'm very much a contrarian, and when someone tries to convince me of something, my inner voice instinctively tells me to "run away! run away!" :-)
So true.So much danger out there for the vulnerable..watch out for Landmark too.
Ruth - I had the very same experience with some friends of mine! Same deal - they went there for counseling and ten thousand dollars later they tried to extricate themselves and it was really weird how hard it was!
Deboshree - I like your phrase - "how people mint money" - well said.
Natalie - Not unless we give it away, I think.
Brian - LOL - No! I'm not one of them - too poor!
willow - Me, too!
Bonnie - What a dichotomy - he is supposed to bring weath into their lives - but look what he charges? Whenever there is big money involved, my little voice kicks in.
smiles - Absolutely. It is our very own birthright.
Susie - Common sense and little voice - maybe one and the same?
Gaston - And never give that power away to anyone!
Joanne - I couldn't agree more.
Leah - I think he started out by telling people how to make money and then evolved into a "spiritual guru". Which tells me his main desire was money, not spirituality.
DJan - I have never given my power away, but I have done things that went against my little voice. Oh yeah! And always paid the price.
Jo - You and I have similar voices - I will believe, but it takes awhile, and only after I come to it on my own. I do, however, acknowledge that others can have their own belief system that works for them, but not for me. We all have our own path.
Goose Breeder - Landmark?
flowrgrl - Thanks!
Yoga teaches us to listen to our inner voice and it will not fail you...unless you're psychotic! hahahaha!
Seriously, people are always looking for a guru/leader/person to show them the way rather than trying to find it on their own. There are no easy paths, unfortunately.
Nancy, for me, when it comes to meeting people, there are two things I throw out of the equation immediately. The persons religious affiliation and their sexual orientation. Both of those are none of my business. To me, people are people. When cults are organized, by groups or individuals, you have to wonder how many bolts are loose in their head. At some level, you know they are in it to prey on those indivduals who are searching for some form of salvation. For some reason, this reminded me of the anti-gay push by Anita Bryant back in the 70's. Pushing her own personal beliefs, to disrupt the rights of individuals just smacked of religious hypocrasy. I would rather just live in a world of Spirituality and remove any tags that could lead to any unnecessary conflict.
California - I couldn't agree with you more - there are no easy paths. They all take time, energy, and the realization they are all different!
Bogey - You and me, both. Everyone has a right to their own sexuality, and for their own religious beliefs. Unfortunately, people are vulnerable, and are often preyed upon by others with ulterior motives. That's when your little voice kicks in. Unfortunately people don't always trust their own intuition.
Very thought provoking post! It is a sad thing when people surrender to cults, but some people, who have been brainwashed and abused in their childhoods, forget HOW to listen to their inner voice. In fact, their inner voice is so suppressed that it doesn't even kick in when it's supposed to. And not everyone can afford the therapy needed to bring it back.
Short, to the point... and spot on, to me. And we might apply this in ways beyond cults--following that voice for the good, not just away from what is harmful. Believing our own perceptions sometimes, when "reason" says otherwise. I think this is why I have stayed far away from any organized religions that tell me "THE" way to anywhere. Thanks, as always, Nancy for remind me of the importance of that still voice inside. And how important it is to be quiet and still inside to LISTEN to it, and ignore the loud clamoring that says "I'm IT. OVER HERE." Great blog, as always.
People are sucked in because they want a place to belong. A place that they can call family. I also feel horrible for someone not trusting their gut instinct. They may just be too tired with life to really care anymore about what their inner voice is saying to them.
...I do run!!! I run from psychos all the time. I actually need a new job because there are more psychos than sane ones where I work.
I couldn't agree more. Anyone that asks for money and promises to connect you up to a higher power is a good old-fashioned charlatan, I don't care what they call themselves. I had no idea that huckster was tied to Scientology. How did he end up ripping off Native American cultural practices? My niece's husband belongs to a tribe that uses sweat lodges, and they have no problems. They know what they're doing after thousands of years.
I don't know anything about this story - thank God. Sounds heinous. Scientology, like EST (remember that?) and similar cults are always all about power over. There has to be a charismatic leader and followers willing to follow.
The absurdity of anyone knowing better than "the tiny voice" is huge. For heaven's sake!
Marguerite - Very good point!
Jeannette - Thank you! You make a good point, as well, to listen to the direction we should take, not just where we shouldn't go.
Hit 40 - Yes! A sense of belonging is what we all seek. Unfortunately some people really know how to play on that. If you have psychos at work - and we have all had them one time or another - find another job as soon as you can. They can drain the life right out of you!!
Elizabeth - No, he was not connected to Scientology - that guy was also on Nightline this week - his name is David Miscavige, and he is being accused of being physically brutal to some of his Scientology members.( I should have been a little more clear in my writing.) The sweat lodge guy was James A. Ray. He was known for attracting "abundance", but your comment applies to him as well. Obviously he didn't have a Native American culture helping him, or his sweat lodge wouldn't have become a tomb. It was not breathable.
Reya - It reminds me of one of your comments about trying to control what you attract. (One of my posts.) Didn't you say it was too easily hijacked, or something to that effect?
Ahhh! Trust yourself! That is the key!
Otin - Absolutely! Never give your power to anyone.
The scary thing is that someone would pay 9K to sweat.
Good post, as always, Nancy.
Trish & Rob - Can you believe it? Ghaaa I do not like to be hot!
Sad story but good advice Nancy. I really appreciate your blog. I'm loving it more and more every day.
Nancy, you may well have read the book 'Blink' (by Malcolm Gladwell) but for those who don't know it's a fascinating, worthwhile read about how we make decisions, with or without input from our gut, but how often our gut is right.
This horrific incident has prompted discussion in my family about giving yourself over to someone elses promises - a very worthwhile post.
Sophia - Thank you so much!
Deborah - I have started it, but haven't finished it yet. I like all of his books, though. I think this discussion is a great one with children. Helping them to understand intuition at a young age is important. I still have this discussion with my children - and they're in their twenties!
Obviously 50-60 people ignored their intuition and good sense to even go into that death trap. And then to stay in there?? What bothers me the most is that James Ray has not talked to the sheriffs and left Sedona, and came back to CA and continued giving his seminars all over the place. He's not taking responsibility.
All the millions he made over the years will go fast with all the lawsuits. A lesson in "wealth" ?
His "Secret" is no longer a secret at all.
Linda - There is no "tricking" your true intentions.
yes, very very sad that anyone at all lost their life! sad too is their lack of personal identity/whatever that allowed them to be in such a situation - and then, there is stupidity!
Do you think that people are afraid of recognising that small voice inside them?
Too sad.
I had read about that incident in one of the blogs. It was unbelievable!
Work From Home
Good for you, Nancy. All of us have it, and no-one can take it away...hard as they might. Work From Home
I hadn't heard of James A. Ray until you mentioned him. I need to watch the news more.
It's all so terrible..
I don't have much to say on this subject other than these occult leaders and their targeting of the weaker minded humans.
They need approval...
Gypsy - I think it was all about the people thinking someone else had better instincts then they themselves had.
Emom - I think they don't recognize it as being of value. They trust someone else more than themselves.
susan - I hope people heed this one.
Nishant - Absolutely. It's a birthright.
Phoebe - And they are in many forms, unfortunately.
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