Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wake Up Interview

For all of you that watched the movie Wake Up, and might like to hear more about the documentary, Coast to Coast interviewed both Jonas and Steve Hutinksky on December 1st.

The interview was quite interesting as it's been awhile since the documentary was released. Oprah will be showing the film on her network, OWN, as well.

Here is the trailer to the movie if you don't know what I'm talking about:


Brian Miller said...

nice...have to jump on the satelite and see when this is coming on so i can dvr it....

Grandmother Mary said...

Now that looks interesting. Things are pretty delayed here but I'll watch for it.

Nancy said...

Brian - I found it pretty interesting - especially because this come on suddenly.

Grandmother - You can watch it on your computer.

Marlene said...

I saw the film and his interview on
Oprah..it was very interesting and bizzare..all I kept thinking is..please don't let that ever happen to me...it would be a nightmare...

Leilani Tresise said...


Anonymous said...

you have to love Oprah.

susan said...

I hadn't heard about this before and now I've seen the trailer and read a few of the online articles. I'll make an effort to watch the whole thing online. Thanks, Nancy.

Anonymous said...
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