Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where is Spring?

It is still cold here.
It is still grey/brown here.
I have not seen one tulip or daffy outside of the grocery store.
I have color envy as I visit other blogs.
There is still six feet of snow up at Lake Tahoe around our front door.

Where is Spring?


CrazyCris said...

hang in there! I'm sure an absolutely gorgeous Spring is just around the corner!!!

Grandmother Mary said...

I know, there comes a time when you don't want to wait, you just want Spring! I felt this when I lived in Maine and it seemed like Winter would never end.

Natalie said...

I can't even imagine that, Nancy!
We are in Autumn, and have beautiful sunny days, with a crisp breeze. 22 C. NOICE.

Happy Easter to you and yours.xx♥

Brian Miller said...

spring took a bit to spring here..but we are in full swing...though today now seems bitter cold....

Elisabeth said...

where is spring indeed? For us here on the other side of the world, we are now into the colours of autumn.

DJan said...

Here in the northernmost county in the continental United States, spring is pretty darn late, and it's a full month since it began on the calendar!

Judy said...

Spring is SLOW here too in Iowa. Snow this week in the northern part, here in Des Moines just dark and rainy.... but my flowers are up and ready to open, once the sun appears again. Seems more like March instead of late April :(

Leah J. Utas said...

Spring may have found us up here although I don't want to speak too soon. I'm sure it'll find you soon.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

It seems to have happened here while I was away! It was snowing when I left Minnesota and came home to see lots of green!

luksky said...

Bless you. I couldn't imagine ever living anywhere where the winters are long. What little bit of cold we get is so dreary and depressing that I wish I could hibernate through it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the colors to burst through soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, six feet of snow???! It's been in the high 80s in Florida, hot and humid. A little cool weather would be mot welcome. Send some down here.

Marguerite said...

It's been here in the South since February! You just need to get on a plane and fly south! :) Hang in there and have a Happy Easter!

Kathryn said...

Spring is in our hearts Nancy!
(or at least I hope that's what all the gurgling and wheezing is about, heh heh).
We have the forsythia and daffs out here (south western british columbia) but still have the cooler temperatures: 0 to 12 C (about 32 to mid 50s F).
Yesterday I woke up to snow on my car; today I may get to wear a t-shirt outside. So, until you see Spring outside, just keep it in your heart.

Teresa said...

it finally showed up here, minus the rain - which we desperately need.

claudia said...

You are close enough to come down the hill to the Bat Area and enjoy some of our sunshine and color! Come to the beach!

claudia said...


Hilary said...

I've been having an unsuccessful look around here too... while I shiver.

gayle said...

Hope Spring comes to you soon! We have had so summer like days here already!

Linda Pendleton said...

It's not here yet. Sounds like some more rain. Of course my roses are ready to break into bloom. :-) But I'm in no hurry for those hot summer temps.

Al Bossence said...

No Spring here in southern Ontario either Nancy.
Cold, gray, damp and dreary days.


Pat said...

Spring has not sprung in IL, either. Well, at least not since we've been here. It was warm BEFORE we got here, but since we've been here it's been nothing but rainy, cold, and windy. EVERY DAY for a week! Enough already!