Friday, April 8, 2011

Raining Worms?

Here is an interesting story - a school in Scotland had a cloudburst - of worms. Yep, worms rained down from a cloudless sky. You can read about it here.

I have to admit - I've seen it rain frogs out in the desert. One minute you can be on a dry dirt road, and the next minute hundreds of tiny frogs everywhere after a cloudburst. I've never been able to get a logical explanation - any ideas?


Brian Miller said...

interesting...i need to find a link...i watched a vid on it...think it has something to dowith water spouts pulling them up...i may be wrong..have to find it...

ds said...

No, you could not make that one up. Read the article--incredible.
Thanks for passing it along.

Natalie said...

Would that count as land animals?

Gemel said...

Lets hope it never rains elephants :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder...if I were a bird, would I think this is manna from God and I'll be in heaven right now. LOL.

Interesting, while reading your blog, it is starting to rain. I'm staying inside just in case something tries to "worm" its way in. (sorry couldn't resist). -M.

DJan said...

How very strange. Who knows what caused it? If you find out, please let me know! :-)

Jayne Martin said...

Were they radioactive?

Nancy said...

Brian - I would appreciate it if you find one.

ds - I'm not surprised by anything anymore.

Natalie - I'm thinking so...

Gemel - LOL!!

Here - I agree, the birds were in heaven! Yeah, I think we all better not take rain as water for granted anymore. :-)

DJan - Have you noticed there are some strange things going on lately??

Jayne - LOL! Maybe...

Bruce Coltin said...

I don't need to know the cause. I happen to like living with a tasty mystery or two.

Jen said...

Interdimensional worm hole. ;)

Nancy said...

Bruce - This definitely falls into that category!

Jen - It wasn't a cloudburst because it was a clear day, so your suggestion is as good as any.

Amanda Summer said...

i love stories like this - i've heard of raining blood - moisture picking up red dust from the desert in one place then dropping it on another. yet another of life's mysteries.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of thing Charles Fort studied most of his life -anomalies. Worms...hmmm...maybe scotland needed them?

Pat said...

I don't know.....things are getting weirder and weirder....between the birds falling from the sky, the dead fish, and now worms? Should I constantly walk around with an umbrella or just stay inside?

Nancy said...

Amanda - Mother Nature certainly has a sense of humor, don't you think?

T - Maybe their birds were hungry.

Pat - LOL!

Natalie said...

Maybe a golf umbrella for you, Pat to ward off the elephants. :)

Hilary said...

Very strange indeed. I know of at least one angler who would love to have this sort of control over the environment though.

Though the reason is still a mystery, I suspect these sorts of unusual events have always happened throughout history. We just now have the means to spread the word about each occurrence.

Nancy said...

Natalie - I'm sure a golf umbrella is just what you need if it rains elephants. :-)

Hilary - I suspect you are absolutely right about that.