Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Human Connections

I listened to a Coast to Coast segment with Lynn McTaggart this morning regarding human connections. I found her content very interesting, not to mention timely, considering our discussions on like-minded communities. It seems we are much healthier when we are part of communities and groups. The most at-risk segments of society have nothing to do with money, and much more to do with fitting into the larger whole. I did a review of her book The Intention Experiment here.

We act and think differently when we realize we are part of a whole - it includes a whole new paradigm, in a much larger context, contrary to the way most of us have grown up - which is all about competition and survival of the fittest. We actually thrive when we work together. In other words we are "wired to care, share, and be fair."

However, she also talks about negative intention. It also has effects! It works really well. One example, from a caller, was the power of thought on celebrities - such as Farah Faucett - could all those not so nice thoughts from men regarding sexual fantasies, or negative thoughts from jealous women, have had an effect on her health? She says the way to protect yourself from negative intentions is to go into your "homing thought." That is the place that has to do with why you were put on this planet. Not your job, but that place that has to do with your mission. She says that gives you immunity to negative thoughts.

I downloaded her new book, The Bond, and will certainly let you know what I learn since this is such an important topic not only from an individual point of view, but also from a societal and world view. If interested you may want to catch this segment on Coast to Coast.


Anonymous said...

Nancy, negative thinking is like an inner pollution, isn't it? I am still learning to protect myself from it. One of the things I am doing to get myself off this track is to simply make myself aware of it, like I'm outside looking in.

Brian Miller said...

heck yeah what we focus on will determine out attitude and our day...please let us know about this book...

Natalie said...

Well now, that post was right up my alley. I will be most interested to hear your thoughts on The Bond.
A bit of a synchro for you....at my workshop the other day, I was reminded to not let little things drag me away from my 'power'. I was so busy protecting myself from the big things, little throw away remarks were getting in under the radar. Thanks for the tips and a very timely post. ♥

DJan said...

I hope you review the book. Right now I have so much reading to do that I can't even think of a new book, but this does sound really interesting.

ellen abbott said...

we are a social species. like cows and dogs and wolves. like so many species, we prefer to be a group. it's why shunning is such a powerful tool.

Amanda Summer said...

wired to care, share and be fair --- this is wonderful stuff, nancy. I love lynn mctaggart's last book so am very interested in this new one.

now off to see the crop circle post i missed.......

37paddington said...

i love the idea of all this. but how do we identify our homing thought?

Nancy said...

Here - Negative thinking is exactly like inner-pollution. Very well put, and I think you have a great way of trying to get a grip on it.

Brian- Interesting too, was the way the caller recognized that if your intention has a positive effect, then it can also have a negative effect on people.

Natalie - I think staying centered is very difficult right now, but so necessary if we want any kind of quality of life.

DJan - You and me, both! I could do nothing but read and not even come close to all that I have stacked and downloaded.

Ellen - You are absolutely right.

Amanda - That was a quote from Lynn's book, but I really liked it. :-)

Angella - That is the million dollar question! Esther and Jerry Hicks sent me my daily quote today, and it seems to fit here:
"An activated thought means a thought that when I think it, I have a feeling response. If you're not having a feeling response to something, a feeling that feels good or a feeling that feels bad -- the thought is not that powerful, and it is probably not a big player in your vibrational mix."
Maybe we start by paying attention to how we feel when we have certain ideas about what it is we are here to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Another book for my list.
I like the Hicks take on negative thoughts. It seems that most negative thought originates within, although in Natalie's kind of work, I imagine there's plenty of need for protection.

Hilary said...

I think Ellen's comment nailed it. And there's no doubt that negative thinking is damaging to oneself. It could well be that it has farther-reaching results as well.

Jayne Martin said...

I believe like attracts like, so if you're sending our negative thoughts you're really just creating them for yourself. I don't believe you can influence another's health that way, although the studies that have been done on how our thoughts can influence a plain glass of water are quite amazing.

Interesting post.

karen said...

Have never thought about the negative that comes at me, and think I might need to take a look at that. I've been to a few readers that have each mentioned that I'm surrounded by jealousy. Never gave it much thought until reading here that it might be an issue.
Thanks also for the crop circles links...very interesting. Got so sidetracked I almost forgot to get back here to thank you for them. Thanks. xo