Friday, April 29, 2011

Emergency Prep Find

As most of you know, I have been working on emergency preparedness. I see what is going on in the world and think it only prudent to have some things set aside in case of emergency. In my case, I do not see being prepared as something that is fear-based, but more of being there for my fellow human beings in case the need arises. As we see tornadoes whip across our country, leaving devastation in its path, I'm reminded of how quickly something like that can happen. We had the largest snow pack in 50 years here in Northern Nevada. Weather is changing, there is no doubt about it.

That being said, I wanted to pass along a website to those of you who might be interested. In our case we have some medicine, medical supplies, food, and water. I think 30 days is reasonable and doesn't need to take up much space. I have been dehydrating food that I can use everyday, some canned, and some freeze-dried for long-term storage. One of the things I have been looking for is a high-quality product for eggs. It has been impossible to find - until now. I think this product is a good one, and actually has supplies available. The #10 cans can be opened and the pouches used for backpacking, which is something I really liked. Each can has six pouches, I think. No need to use the whole can before it spoils. You can also buy it in smaller packaging.

Anyway, I thought it a great find and wanted to pass it along to all of you.


Brian Miller said...

hmm..nice...will check this out, if for nothing more than my trips to the wild...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, Nancy!

Grandmother Mary said...

That's a great idea for us who like eggs and who have emergency supplies.

Rose said...

I'll search for these eggs whenI go shopping. It is always good to keep an emergency supply of food.

susan said...

Being prepared for what the wild world can possibly throw at us is a very good idea. With material things safely at hand it's easier to relax the spirit.

Pat said...

You are a step ahead of most people!


thank you so much for the info nancy - i've now talked to each of my kids and have begun a "backpack" kit project - getting each one of them a backpack filled with emergency med supplies, flashlights, etc - and i have begun setting aside $ a bit at a time to get non-perishable items to go into a separate container - just a start but at least a start -