Sunday, April 17, 2011

Crop Circles & Discloser

Crop circles first gained notoriety in the late 1980's in the UK, but weren't actually studied until the 1990's. They have appeared all over the world, most recently in Indonesia. Some are man-made, often for advertising purposes, but many do not appear to be man-made because of the intricacy and the time-frame in which they appeared, literally minutes in some cases. Also a great many of them cannot be understood until viewed from the air.

I said in a previous post that I would pass on information as I learned more about this phenomenon. Alan Foster in his talk "Discloser, Exopolitics, and Planetary Changes" at the Leeds Exopolitics Expo in London last summer gave his interpretation about what they might mean in an hour and a half talk. It appears as though we are being communicated with in such a way so that it cannot be hidden from us.

Most extraordinary is the complex mathematical equations. Some are Mayan translations pointing to planetary time frames, and some appear to be trying to bridge the different religions. Several show the orbits of the planets around the sun and are stunning in their complexity. One seems to be actually pointing to the date of December 21, 2012. Another, with a Mayan headdress may be pointing to the Mayan Prophecies. One appears to show another planet entering into our planetary orbit.

Some of the stalks in the fields are not just bent, but actually appear to be woven in some instances

He makes a good case as to why he thinks they are extraterrestrial communications of planetary changes, and why he feels our government has known about these beings for many years. If you are interested you can listen here for free on CMN, or You-Tube here.

I think crop circles are one of those mysteries where you need to make up your own mind about what they might be trying to communicate. 


Von said...

Presumably you've found Lucy Pringle's fine photos?

Sarah Lulu said...

Love the mystery of them!

Natalie said...

I think they are beautiful.

Brian Miller said...

regardless of the origin of them they are fascinating and beautiful...think i will give it a listen...

Unknown said...

Strange phomenon all right and I'm listening with an open heart and mind, as we should all do.

Bruce Coltin said...

Nancy, Were you always this curious? Or did this trait kick in to high gear in your second half? Just had to ask.

ellen abbott said...

they are beautiful and in some cases mysterious but I just have a hard time attributing them to extra-terrestrials.

Leah J. Utas said...

Interesting. His idea makes sense. You can't hide a crop circle. And it is insulting to think every last one of them is made by a couple of guys dragging a board behind them.

DJan said...

These are so beautiful. Some of them remind me of fractals. Whatever their origin, they are mysterious and romantic. Do you think one day we will know what they mean?

Hilary said...

These have always fascinated me. Their existence always prompts more questions than answers.

luksky said...

Ya know, I've never really thought or read much on crop circles. You have my interest now.

Anonymous said...

They're lovely. The problem started when a couple of Brits said they had created crop circles and then the media immediately dissed all of them as fakes. Too bad. They hold messages. Linda Moulton Howe has been studying them for decades. Her website is filled with info.

Whitney Lee said...

These are gorgeous. I believe it's awfully arrogant to assume that, in the vastness of the Universe, we are the only beings...

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

For years now the crop circles have intrigued us. My husband and I watched the video. Thank you so much for sharing it!

You know (?), the information is there. They have been trying to tell us a lot... and most people are not paying attention.

It is refreshing to meet people (you) that think along similar lines.

Thank you again, Nancy.

Umā said...

Fascinating talk and photographs, I'm going to watch it a second time soon, with J. I'm really loking CMN - I just joined today and I've already listened to 5 interviews (4 while at work and 1 while on my bike trainer tonight!) My mind is buzzing with new ideas!

Umā said...

As for people's inability to pay attention to the crop circle messages — many people can't even hear/interpret the messages their own bodies are trying to tell them - never mind messages from outer space! Hopefully that is changing, however, and will continue to change.

Jen said...

They are so beautiful and symbolic. I really can't imagine that there are hoaxers out there putting this much work into creating them with the huge amount of meaning that so many of them contain in the small amount of time that some of them are created in.

A true mystery!

Nancy said...

Von - I have! They are just unbelievable.

Sarah - Yes, I do too.

Natalie - Beautiful and mysterious.

Brian - It was an interesting talk.

Jane - I agree.

Bruce - Yes, I think so - but now I have endless time to use the internet to follow up on anything that peaks my interest. :-)

Ellen - There is some intelligence behind them, that's for sure. If not ET - then who could do that so fast? Some are done while people have watched. They say white orbs do them.

Leah - You cannot hide a crop circle, that's for sure!

DJan - I do, I really do think that someday we will know what they are all about.

Hilary - Very good way of putting it.

luksky - They are truly fascinating!

T- I have listened to her talk about them. She is very knowledgeable on the subject.

Whitney - I have always felt exactly the same way. We are such specks, yet think we are the only intelligent beings in the universe - it is almost laughable.

Negerigeletschtempoit - How great that you have a husband that shares your interest in crop circles. I agree with you - the information is there...

m.heart - I'm so glad you like CMN! I have enjoyed so many of the different interviews they have done over the last few years. Some are too far out there for me, but I try to keep an open mind for the rest of them, especially the science-oriented ones.

Jen - No, not all of them are man-made. They are too intricate and way too big to be done my a bunch of guys pulling boards around. Besides it would take them much longer than overnight for the ones four football fields long!

susan said...

I can't remember the name of the woman whose video I bought but I'm pretty sure I read about it here first. Now it's either been left behind or is still packed somewhere but I do remember while marveling at many of the circles I found myself wishing there were fewer people talking. It would have had much more impact without some of the sillier explanations for things that weren't meant to be described. What's most amazing about them is that they emulate music in action. I promise to watch the new video you've linked to.

Nancy said...

susan - I felt the same way about that video. I posted about it before watching it - one of the reasons it has taken this long to post again about crop circles. This man takes a completely different approach. He believes the government has been in contact with ET beings, and has used new technologies from them but kept it from the people to further their own agenda. This is their way of trying to communicate without censorship. He does leave you with something to think about, especially since there are sightings all over the world but never any kind of response from the government except to say they are weather balloons.

Reya Mellicker said...

When I was in Britain, we went to a pub where the guys who cut the crop circles sit around and drink beer. I'm not saying that every one of them is created by humans, but some of them definitely are.

The whole idea of it is what fascinates me - gigantic earthworks that can only be appreciated from the sky. Now THAT is cool!

Nancy said...

Reya - Yeah, some of them definitely are made by humans - some are actually advertisements. But there are some that are far beyond what a few guys dragging boards around can do in one night. Some are gigantic!

Shrinky said...

Fascinating stuff - I may need to read up a little..!

Linda Pendleton said...

There has been credible research done on these over the years and many circles are valid, and not man-made. I believe they are messages in much the same way as early man carved on cave walls. Extra-terrestrial in nature? I think so. There are numerous researchers who have information out there for those interested.