I did something really dumb the other day, and it has been haunting me.
We have decided to use all the small merchants in our local area, as much as possible. We know they are all hurting. Lake Tahoe has more than enough tourists, but this winter has not seen much snow, thus fewer skiers, a mainstay for merchants. Not to mention the economy. We all know what is going on with that, and how it is affecting everyone but WalMart. Anyway. We headed out the other day to run some errands, and as usual, I didn't have lunch before I left. Let's just say I am having a hard time with schedules. So we stopped at a little bakery we have passed many times to grab a sandwich for me and a cup of coffee for my husband. The bakery was empty but the shelves were fairly well stocked. I ordered my sandwich, took a cup of coffee to my husband, and then did a dumb thing. Or was it? You decide.
I noticed whole wheat bran muffins and thought that sounded healthy - I should grab a couple for the next morning's breakfast. Then all hell broke loose, and I ordered six of the bran, six of the fruit, and SIX of some other kind of muffin. What was I thinking? EIGHTEEN MUFFINS? Need I remind you that it is just my husband and myself? He is diabetic, and of course, does not eat sugar. These muffins obviously had sugar! What had come over me??
As the nice man was counting them out and bagging them, and I am furiously trying to figure out why I needed this many muffins, I noticed he did not take ATM cards. So I dug for cash, found a twenty and a five, some ones. Surely this will cover it.
Ummmm no! The bill for these muffins and the sandwich was $53! Embarrassed, I asked if he was sure he couldn't take an ATM and he said, sorry, no, but I could write a personal check. Who in this age takes a personal check over an ATM card? He also said if I lived nearby, I could pay for the rest the next time I came in. Now, how nice was that? Of course, I would never do that. I ran out for the second time, got more cash from my befuddled husband, and ran back in to pay for them.
My question to you ... why in the world did I pay $53 for a bunch of muffins we won't eat?? Why didn't I just say that was more than I expected to pay, and have him put them back? Because that was exactly what I was thinking. Was it my ego? Or was it something else? I don't believe in coincidences. Could it have been possible that we stopped right at the moment in time, at that particular place, for a reason? Did that $53 make a difference to that man, right then? Or am I just being silly. Looking for a cosmic reason for a really dumb thing? You decide.
P.S. I thought the "Thought For The Day" still applied.
LOL! Double LOL! Nah, I truly believe in your physic sense made you stop in, and gave you the notion to buy more than your hunger would need, that's that way i see it..sorry you had such an expensive breakfast but I like to think he went and told his wife that today.. a lady bought some extra muffins and now they can keep the gas on alittle bit longer. It's happened to me! You were his angel today!
Thanks, I feel better :-)
You're not the only one. A couple of weeks ago we decided to order a pizza from a local place that delivers after not having done so in most of a year. The guy said $35 for a large pizza and rather than recheck the size (we usually paid around $20) we said fine. The pizza came and it was huge. The delivery dude got his $5 tip and we figured it all must have been for a reason too.
These things do happen for a reason as Faithful said.
I agree with what faithful said. Maybe there was a reason that it happened. Maybe you were an angel to him at that time. How kind that man was. He told you to just pay they next time you visited the bakery.
Anyway, after this,perhaps you will do a lot of reasoning when you buy...hehehe..
I enjoy reading it..
Those are ridiculously expensive muffins but I'd say that since this fellow suggested you pay another time, he has a good heart, good intentions and good vibes about you, so whatever cosmic reason there might be, I think you ultimately did the right thing. Now go freeze those leftovers so they'll be available when someone stay overnight unexpectedly. Yummy breakfast for all!
Wow, those were expensive muffins!
As for why you ordered so many, I'd have to chalk that up there with those other great mysteries of life, like why did the chicken cross the road and why do people care about Paris Hilton?
Some things just defy explanation.
LMAO and I have one word for you....HORMONES!!
The same reason I picked up the school phone today and me being secretary I have a little speal....but oh no what came out of my mouth "Hi"!!
Thank god it was the Coach's wife who had a good laugh after a stunned pause!
I think you have a great outlook on the situation. I don't think it was dumb at all, I am sure it served a great purpose. I would have been looking for the hungry person I was to feed with the extra muffins on the way home.
You did an incredibly good thing. Believe me! I do stupid things like that too ...
You can freeze the muffins and thaw one at a time as you want them, or you can hand them out to hungry people.
You know what I think? I think you were sent by an angel to turn that man's day (and perhaps life) around. It's called hope.
They do look good though, would have bought a few too... We went into a bakery to buy a cupcake one day and they were $3.50 each and you had to buy at least six! Not as much as your muffins, but we thought that was a bit out there.
LOL...I could barely get to the metaphysicalness of the situation and just got stuck on the BRAN of it all. Go gently on those bran muffins...
I drink a lot of protein shakes and the other night I made a chocolate truffle protien powder, fresh strawberries, and milk smoothie....my mistake was I added a heaping tablespoon of psyllium husk to the mixture. It thickened it up quite nicely but I wish I had eaten a couple of bran muffins instead.
BTW...you gave a perfect demonstation of the Law of Circulation....and Abundance. JMHO
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I do feel better about something that was really bugging me. After all, I am trying to be more frugal. But maybe sometimes money is supposed to go in another direction! :-)
The muffins are in the freezer - wish you could stop by for a cup of tea and a muffin! Ha
this was a great post as was your research into Ina's new book and your review...I have been wondering if I should buy it, having most of her others..so it's healthier, is your opinion? I would not make this dish in the middle of winter in tahoe but in summer, but it sounds wonderful, especially with a little cheese and fresh italian bread...YUM...as to the YUM post, it's good karma, you did the right thing, is my opinion, and the man was probably thrilled to have sold his muffins for the first time all winter! you can freeze them and they thaw in minutes too unless you're like me and eat them before you freeze them...NOT those bran muffins!
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