Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Are You Feeling Odd?

My husband has been complaining of feeling very tired at odd times lately. He is a very high-energy person, training for a marathon in October, so being really tired is usually out of character for him. It is not all of the time - just at odd times. He has also been having very vivid dreams. I've had similar symptoms. Lee Harris's August Energy Report suggests these symptoms may be part of a larger picture:

Ongoing 2012 symptoms which have been strong in July and will continue through August are:

• Strong Dreams – Dream activity is stronger than normal for most and intense for some – death/destruction featuring strongly, or beautiful visions of the future

• Strong/sudden tiredness – Solar Flare activity and the movement of our planet giving you a kind of spiritual jet-lag experience. Rest and sleep as much as possible.

• Mental conflicts – Mental confusion involving doubting aspects of life/doubting yourself and your decisions. Everything is changing – you couldn't avoid these mental shifts.

• High highs and low lows – New heights of clarity and feeling and/or intense burning off of the old emotional memories within you. The burn is fast if you allow it.

• Fear/anxiety/emotion – working through the body, in response to everything that is changing fast. Breath, re-find your centre and stop 'doing' until you do, let go of a need to control, and surrender the past.


Brian Miller said...

well i dont have the dreams yet, but i got the rest...i def feel a sense of unrest...beyond just being out of work right now...

Rob-bear said...

Sorry to hear of your husband's malaise. I feel those things all the time, not just in July. Or August.

Point to note. You are not old until you reach the age of 80 years. Thereafter, you are "venerable." (Bear would NOT lead you astray on this.)

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

Interesting. For me, it's frenetic energy. And yes, also the dreams.

DJan said...

I've been having those dreams, exactly as described. I wondered why... Free floating anxiety too...

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I don't know if I'm more tired, or dreaming. But I definitely feel a bit off. Emotions arrive uninvited. Tears leak down my face, something without even knowing they are there. I suppose this, too, shall pass.

Nancy said...

You would think I have tourettes - no filter! I just say exactly what I think. That may fall under "mental conflicts." Glad to see we're not alone - thanks.

Grandmother Mary said...

This so describes me that it's scary! I thought it was the invasion of the body snatchers but now I'm choosing to go with your version of events. Thanks!

MCO Admin said...

I've been feeling the same as well for the past 2-3 weeks... feeling very weak and restless..

I believe there is something to do with the sun which is being very active in sunspots lately and as though the body's bio field is affected by something else..

would be going to take an aura photo in my local crystal shop nearby to compare if in fact there is anything changed or not.

I'm a very active person and plays sports very often.. and nowadays i find myself sleeping around 10pm as oppose to my usual sleeping times of around 12-1am.

Anita said...

Okay, so that's August. What can I attribute September through July to? :)

Seriously, I have never been able to detect my emotional pattern, except when there is too many days of non-stop rain and cloudiness.

Anita said...

oops... excuse the grammar :)

Unknown said...


The feeling you have now is not uncommon. Male menopause is what the doctors would like to decribe it as. Instead of taking aura photo i suggest you pay a visit to your doctor.

YOu might need some hormone injection to replenish something that is missing from your body.

Unknown said...


This article might be of your interest.

It speaks abit on male menopause. I would still suggest you seek out the help of a doctor.

Male menopause can be a mess if not handled carefully.