Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Vortex

I am in the process of learning. I'm reading all sorts of books on a variety of subjects. An ever-evolving education. So I will pass on what I read if I think it might be of value to others. I don't always believe everything I read, just as you probably don't believe everything you read. But sometimes I can extrapolate information that resonates, using it to further my understanding from sources that may seem strange, or out of the ordinary. I try to keep an open mind. This book is different from the science-based books that I've been reading. Believe it or not, many of the practical activities could be collaborative with some prominent psychological theories. Especially using a "wheel" as a device to change negative thinking into positive thinking. I can see how it could work. And it might fit right in with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

This was the first book that I've read by Esther and Jerry Hicks in the popular Law of Attraction series. This book is third in the series, and deals with "The Vortex - where the Law of Attraction assembles all cooperative relationships." The premise being that we are all creators in our lives, but that most of us have no idea how to go about being in control of what we create. This book goes into the steps needed to align ourselves in such a way that we get out of the way of what we want to happen in our lives.

If you can take the material from this book and suspend disbelief about where it is coming from - Abraham, a group of Beings (collective consciousness) and just listen to the teachings, you can gain much from reading this book. The main point is that we are not aligned with "who we really are - an extension of source energy (God?), when we are feeling bad. We feel bad because we dwell on bad, or negative thoughts. Thoughts that are thought over and over until they are beliefs. Changing these thoughts is a process, but one that can open up our lives to manifesting the things that we want to happen.

This book would appeal to those individuals who believe energy creates, and we are the creators. It might also appeal to people who are looking for a way to bring their thinking into alignment with how they want to feel. In other words, how to concentrate on the good things in life until it becomes habit, or a part of our belief system. Whether or not you believe any of the ideas relating to the Law of Attraction, it behooves each individual to understand how our thoughts affect our bodies, our relationships, our happiness.

So in the spirit of passing on what I've read that might be of value to someone out there, here is my mini review of The Vortex.


Jayne Martin said...

I've long been a believer. 30 years ago I was reading the Seth books which are very similar.


great review, nancy! one i really appreciate as i've not yet read it although it is certainly my "intention" ;)

gee, so many many books - i keep them everywhere literally - as i'm sure you must! right now, am into several of trish's - can't put them down once you start! but vortex and holographic universe are next - well, right in there with a couple others!

great post, nancy! yours are always so informative and on-point!

Bruce Coltin said...

In case I haven't mentioned this, I love your energy.

Von said...

Great review Nancy and a very useful way to look at changing lives.One I've personally found very useful in my life changes although I haven't read this book.Hope it helps many people. CBT is always a useful tool.
Love the Bug Sur photos!!!!

Natalie said...

I was wondering about the book after i saw you mention it over at T& R's place.
Cool review, thanks.x

Joanne said...

Kudos to you for being in the process of learning. May it never end! The immense power of the mind is fascinating, isn't it? I do believe that when we think something often enough, we come to believe it, good or bad.

Rosaria Williams said...

You never know what you can learn that will change your life forever.

Reya Mellicker said...

I believe in life long learning and I do so much believe in the power of the human mind.

In the movie in my head, we all co-create this reality, which makes it a lot more complicated than the Hick's would have us believe. Oh. If only we could think our realities into manifestation, I mean without the interference of everyone else's thought patterns, dark matter, electro-magnetism, gravity, fate, etc. etc. etc. Wow.


Unknown said...

have not read any of these, will put them on my list next stop at B & N...thanks for the tip...I love to learn from my readings

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

I loved this book. I love all the books by Esther and Jerry. They're practical. My daughter and I are going to one of their workshops in March. I'm really looking forward to it.

Cloudia said...

Good review.

These sorts of books are irresistible. I just judge the wisdom and don;t worry about the whys and wherefores....

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

luksky said...

I just finished reading Hollagraphic Universe and watching "The Shift"...this one is next on my list...keep 'em coming!!!

Marguerite said...

I've been a firm believer in the Law of Attraction for a long while. I would love to read this book. Great review and photos!

susan said...

A very good argument can be made for the fact our ancestral wiring is based on survival instincts but now today acts against us by causing chronic illness, depression and anxiety. Any form of relaxation technique can help in changing old patterns. My personal preference is for Buddhist meditation simply because of its long history and the availability of many excellent teachers. As you say, different ways of giving similar lessons to different people is beneficial.

Sarah Lulu said...

Me too ...I'm a believer in all kinds of things. xx

Gemel said...

I agree the Seth books are very similar, great review, thank you :-)

Unknown said...

Your review has certainly made me want to read the book. Thanks for sharing that!

Hilary said...

Well thanks for this. I happen to have this book but had a bit of trouble with accepting some of it. I will approach it again with the wise suggestion of suspending belief for those parts.

Lothiriel said...

This looks like a good read!!!

Linda Pendleton said...

Well, if you've read about any of my books or writings you know I am very much in line with channeled material and I have found if it resonates with me then all is fine.

Although I've not read this book I am familiar with the Abraham teachings, and am often reminded very much of the spiritual teachings of spiorit guide Dr. James Martin Peebles (who I write about).

We do create our paths and it is our action and reaction to not only our own energy, but the energy around us.

The law of attraction is not new at all but Abraham and Esther Hicks do put it into terms that make it easy to understand and use for our spiritual growth.

Deborah said...

Nancy, I really appreciate your very balanced and rational way of approaching topics like this. My reaction to what I have interpreted as the idea behind the 'Law of Attraction'(having not actually read the book!) is not positive, and I see it as yet another feel-good, pop-pysch, new-age philosophy that only makes its authors rich.

However, because of what you've had to say, I'm ready to look a little further. I do absolutely agree that negative thinking gets very entrenched and guides our actions, and that finding your way out of that trap is an important piece around leading a productive and satisfying life. And if this book has some workable strategies as to how to achieve that, then it's valuable. Thanks very much for posting this. And thanks also for your kind response to the Caroline post.

Jo said...

Hmmmm.... sounds interesting. The power of positive thinking, which I have always believed in.

Mike said...

You know me, I never read anything! LOL

gayle said...

This book sounds like something I would be interested in reading. I do need my mind to be more positive!

Unknown said...

I believe that the very act of being willing....makes us open to change, positive change. I also believe that physics may have an influence on attitude...weird, huh?

Anonymous said...

I really need to start reading!! I am too hyper to sit with a book :)

Mike Perry said...

Lovely review. Not one I've read so it's now on my list (it's a long list already!)


Unknown said...

I am like you, I like the idea of learning something new and becoming smarter. In college I started reading "A Brief history of time" by steven hawking. Well I was about halfway through the book before I realized I didn't remember or understand a single thing I had read. I put that book back on my shelf and haven't touched it since, so I admire your aspirations!