Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have dog fever!

How can you watch the Westminster Dog Show and not want a dog? Or in my case, another dog? The Pembroke Corgi is one I've had my eye on for quite some time. A dog that's easier to handle (our lab is very strong) on a leash. One with short legs - and happy not to go ten miles, but maybe two or three. My husband loves running with Lucy, but I've wanted a dog more my speed. One that likes to take walks but is not big enough to jerk my arm out of the socket when she sees a squirrel or another dog. The Pembroke Welsh Corgis was bred to be a companion and family dog, as well as to herd sheep and cattle. Intelligent, sensitive, and easily trained. Sounds good to me.

(And you notice no tail - that's because Lucy's is lethal. We literally have to grab her tail sometimes so that she doesn't do damage to herself or others, especially around our grandson).

Of course, I'm just dreaming.

(I think.)

What about you? What's your favorite dog?


Mike said...

My favorite dog is definitely not one of the hyperactive ones that I own! My favorite dog is someone elses dog! LOL!

L'Adelaide said...

mine is the rough collie and i have yet to find one :( but i also am partial to the border collie...and corgis have always been a favorite too!

Butternut Squash said...

We love our new black lab but I don't love the hairy house. I've never cleaned so much in my life.

Nancy said...

Otin - Now, Otin... you know you'd miss them if they were gone. But I will admit, I'm not much for dogs that dart too much. :-)

linda - I love collies. The border collies are supposed to be the smartest, isn't it?

Butternut - I know what you mean. Our black lab sheds, but mostly in the spring. It's pretty cold up here in the mountains. We take her for plenty of swims in the summer, just for this reason.

Nancy said...

Whoops - I meant - aren't they?

Jen said...


Eh, maybe because I am not a fan of Corgies? No offense to Corgies but there are cuter dogs out there. With tails. Aren't tails the entire reason for being a dog??

Joanne said...

To me, any well-trained dog is a beauty, but the German Shepherd tops the list.

Rosaria Williams said...

If I had a dog it would be a Golden Retriever. We did have dogs for decades. I miss them.

luksky said...

I have been volunteering at a shelter for the past few weeks and any dog that is in need of love is my favorite dog. :-)

Brian Miller said...

a big droopy hound dog...

cute pup...

Von said...

Greyhound, always has been always will be.I'm breed loyal!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

While I would like a lap dog for cuddling and cooing - my dream would be a Portuguese Water Dog. They don't shed!!! I did love having a Golden Retriever, and I love my daughter's Bernese Mountain Dog - but Portuguese W.D. it is or an Australian Shepherd - love the 'blue' in their coats.

Hilary said...

I have had pit bulls for over 10 years now, and find them to be the sweetest, easiest dogs ever.
My Eddie is almost 13, and when he is no longer with us, I will go to the shelter, and find another deserving pit.....Eddie would like that.

Marlene said...

Well your post jumped up at me cus I ALWAYS have dog fever! You know I have Jujube my jack Russell who is very active..and Toby my Queensland Heeler..more sedate but focused and dislikes all dogs...I did have a Corgi ..she was the sweetest dog in disposition calm and easy going..she died at the age of 19. My all time favorite dog whihc I have never been able to the Scottie ..Like Sadie...I just love that breed..but in reality..any dog whatever breed would always be wonderful to love!

Teri said...

If I were going to have another dog, it would be a retired greyhound. And for a "Lethal Weapon" tail -- try a Great Dane! Egads! My "puppy-niece" is a Rat Terrier. No tail... she wags her whole body!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

My old Cocker Spaniel

Jayne Martin said...

The light of my light is my 4-pound Chihuahua, Dixie. I wrote a post about her complete with photos.

She likes to cuddle inside my jacket close to my heart.

Trish and Rob MacGregor said...

What a little cutie. We love our golden, but like butternut observed, there's lots of hair around the house.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Nancy - so behind on your posts. Promise to catch up soon.

I love Golden Retrievers.

Nancy said...

Jenin - Did you see that puppy on the bottom???

Joanne - I love German Shepherds!

lakeviewer - We had two Golden Retrievers for their lifespan before Lucy. I love Goldens - they are the sweetest dogs.

luksky - You are so right. I've been looking into rescue Corgis.

Brian - Hounds are so sweet!

Vonn - I've not had much contact with Greyhounds - other than to hear how important adoption is with that breed due to racing.

Bonnie - The Obama's family dog!

Sophia - A scottie breed won Best In Show in NYC this week!

Hilary -I think the pits have had a bad rap - so many are mishandled and neglected - you are doing the right thing for the breed.

Marlene - Wow - 19? That is really old for a dog! I love the Jack Russell and it is on my list as well. I don't know much about the Queensland Heeler - other than they are beautiful. I love scotties too!

Teri - Adoption for a retired greyhound is a very kind thing to do. I love the little dog that wags her body - how cute is that?

A Year - Ohhh, we do miss our old friends, don't we?

Jayne - They are such sweet dogs. I'll check out your post!

Trish - Yes, we have lived with dog hair for years, but our Goldens usually only shed in the spring in summer. Lucy sheds, too. And it's black!

Amy said...

Oh Nancy, I've always had a yearning for a corgi - Tasha Tudor style! Your Lucy reminds me of our Jack - his tail, too, is lethal.

I would love to have a smaller dog to compliment Jack. A corgi would do very nicely methinks!

Nicole said...

awww...adorable !!! i totally understand your wish for a second dog. we just got our second dog last weekend, a 10 month old husky. A wonderful companion to our little alaskan husky girl !!! we already love him dearly and I wouldn't wanna miss any of the fun we have with them :) go for it !!! ;)

susan said...

I imagined for years I wanted a Jack Russell Terrier just because I liked the one Nick and Nora Charles had in the Thin Man. Then I learned they're so energetic they'll actually run around the walls if they don't get enough exercise so I've decided a bassett hound might suit me better :-)

Mary Ellen said...

While my elderly collie-shepherd mix was getting and ill, I started dreaming of (and surfing rescue sites for) poodles - poodle-mixes - medium-sized, not too toy-sized. And some weeks after Rufus passed, I "happened" to visit the Humane Society and came home with Charlie - poodle-mix, not too big, not shedding at all (!), and adorable - though he's quite a rascal (increasingly). We're in training, which I've never done before. I'm slow.

Nancy said...

Amy - I say we both go for it - corgis and labs!

nikina - My cousin loves his Siberian Huskies - he has six! The one shown in Westminster this week was his youngest at 2 years old. He also uses them as sled dogs. Congrats on your new baby!

susan - I love Jack Russell terriers, but they are very busy - have you seen Hilary's dog on Smitten Image? He is adorable! But Basset Hounds are so sweet. We are visiting friends in a few weeks who have had a few Bassets, including one now who's previous owner could no longer keep him because of illness. Nice dogs!

Mary Ellen - Charlie is a lucky guy! So kind of you to get a dog from the Humane Society. I swear if we have a bigger yard in the future, we will rescue at least one.

Deborah said...

I was all about the Belgian sheepdogs, only because they were my first and only dogs. Then my son got a Malamute! I have never seen a cuter puppy, bar none. Not even a Labrador puppy is that cute. AS a plus, Malamutes are laid back and relaxed, and only shed twice a year.
However, I'm done with dogs of my own and am happy to be a grandma to this one.

Nancy said...

Deborah - My husband once had a Malamute - and really loved the breed. I keep asking myself if I'm crazy! Geeze, we're finally able to travel! Lucy is already not easy to leave behind. But that Corgis puppy...

Nancy said...

Midlife - I just noticed you up there - I know you're busy these days! I love Golden Retrievers, too.

The Good Cook said...

I love my German Shepherd and KC, the shepherd before her was the "dog love of my life"... TBHITW wants Australian Shepherds next - two of them! Imagine.. and him not being a dog lover and all.

Display Name said...

I love all dogs!!! Right now, my favourites are pugs, for obvious reasons, lol! But I think having a big dog that can keep up with me hiking and jogging would be cool too! I totally have dog fever too, all the time! :)

DJan said...

I like littler dogs myself, and am especially fond of terriers. But if I had one to own, it would probably be a border collie like Far Side's. Beautiful, wonderful dogs, all.

Reya Mellicker said...

Corgis are sooooo cute. I don't watch the dog shows ... maybe so I don't get dog fever!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

We have always had St. Bernards. Being in small living quarters has prevented me from getting another. The best dog I ever had, though was my Collie. Easy to train, super obedient and eager to please. I don't miss the shedding, but our little terrier mix with short hair sheds just as bad. For little dogs I would have to say that I love doxies the best.

Nancy said...

Good Cook - I really like German Shepherds, too. I've heard Australian Shepherds are very intelligent. But two? LOL! That's a handful. Your new property would be good for that breed, however.

Rain - I think having a big dog to keep you company on hikes would be an excellent idea. Labs are very strong and have long puppyhoods. But they are loyal and very sweet. They just need tons of exercise because they're sporting dogs. I like taking Lucy when we're in the wilderness areas, I always feel a little more secure. Your pugs are soooo cute!

DJan - I love Terriers! I've had my eye on a couple of different breeds. Border Collies are wonderful dogs. Our friends used to have one. They take off if not exercised enough, however. And they can jump high fences! But they are very intelligent. Love those dogs.

Reya - Smart! Because watching the show, I found about ten different dogs I would like to have.

Kathy - I love St. Bernards! Our friends had a couple of the big sweet hulks. I also like doxies and they have not been ruled out when the time for a new dog comes. But for now, I really want one that will make me get out and walk a few miles at a time. The corgis is a big dog in a small dog body. I like that.

Anonymous said...

well I have had several types of dogs in my life, an american staffordshire terrier, a labrador, a little mutt that looked like a corgi, a yorkie, a poodle and a chihuahua. My favorite of ALL these dogs was my poodle Teddy. He was a little white/slightly apricot miniature poodle, about 8 pounds when he was an adult. He LOVED to go for a walk, he was my constant companion, very high energy but not needy at all. He loved to be cuddled and petted but also loved to just sit at my feet. He was alert and watch-doggish and very very intelligent. He learned every trick we attempted to teach him, was up at the crack of dawn looking frisky and happy. I miss him so much. Before Teddy I never though I would like a poodle, I thought that is the silliest breed of dog I have ever seen, and who wants something so girly and ridiculous. But he was non of those things, he was the best dog ever. I have a chihuahua now and he is cute, cuddly, loves to take a little walk, but happy to sleep the day away too. We love him but he doesnt like tricks (he is annoyed by all that) he is very stubborn (old habits die hard with him) but he is very social and lovable, everyone loves him that comes into contact because even though he doesnt do tricks, he is an entertainer, running around doing his own thing which is so adorable you cant help but love him.

Nancy said...

Nancy - My husband's family had a poodle that they still talk about after 50 years! They are a very sweet breed.

Missy said...

I want a Westie (don't know how to spell it) and my son wants a weiner dog (dachsund), but we are allergic so no more pooches for us. :o( Oh, and regarding the tail, we had a dalmation growing up and he broke a window wagging his tail!

Nancy said...

Missy - We have had some dog allergies with my youngest. Her dog, Roxy, died a few months ago and she wants a little chocolate lab, but I think she may have to look at one that doesn't spark an allergic reaction.

Saz said...

labrador followed by jack russell, and only because we had one of each up until very recently...