I thought I would take a break from Memory Lane and give you my take on Avatar, the movie. If you like science fiction, and action, you will like this movie. I thought it was very well done. It is not a child's movie by any means, it has adult content and message. The theater was full of people our age, who had waited until the kids were back in school to go see it. The 3-D took a little getting used to, but was worth choosing the version that required the glasses, in my opinion. The message was great, and one that we need to heed.
All in all - TWO THUMBS UP!
It is awesome. Classic Hero tale. It took me about 15 minutes to adjust to the 3D.
My son-in-law and grandson went and loved it. My grandson offered to go again so that I could go. A big sacrifice, I am sure!
My son is at the theater watching it as I type. I'm sure I'll hear more about it in an hour or so.
I have heard so many good things about this film but haven't seen it yet. It sounds really well done, will def put it on my must-see list. And a Happy New Year to you, Nancy, with best wishes!
I've not seen it but from what I heard the teenagers are loving it and are getting the message of the movie. My 17 year old grandson said it is awesome and spiritual and had messages. One of his friends who saw it prior to my grandson told my daughter-in-law he thought it was awesome and gave him new understanding of the American Indian history and had important messages.
These are seniors in high school.
Since I love science fiction I will be seeing it very soon.
Glad you enjoyed it. I heard it was good, but not my cup of tea.
My H wanted to take me but I didn't want to go. He saw it on his plane home. I saw Fern Gully too many times & even though I've heard this one is good, I just couldn't do it ...
I'm so glad you reviewed this movie because I told my husband that I want to see it for my birthday this weekend. Now I am sure about my wish!
I keep hearing about this one. James Cameron does it again! I hate going to theaters (people bug me for various reasons, the talking, the cell phones, etc.) but I just might break down and go see this one.
I'm looking forward to seeing this film too. I have seen clips on the internet and it looks very interesting. Glad you liked it.
Blessings, Star
We saw this movie over the holiday when we in Michigan. I am not a huge fan of sci-fi and action but TBHITW and kidadults are. However, I LOVED this film. I thought it was very well done and the message was poignant. We saw it in 3-D also. I think I would like to see it in flat screen as I find the colors to get a bit washed out in 3-D.
nice, i hear the 3D is phenomenal! alas it will probably be 2D by the time it gets to tht dollar theatre...
Glad to hear that .....it is on my list of things to do soon.
FANTASTIC MOVIE! And such an important message ... even if you are not into sci-fi ..... you should see it!
Okay, Nancy, now that the kids are back in school, I'll go! My brother has already seen it twice, and I'm glad to hear you liked it.
I've promised a couple of friends I will go to see it but I'm still of the opinion the Ewoks in Star Wars were a lot cuter.
Sorry for this one guys. It really bothers me when it comes to invading other people territories... It was an awesome movie partially.
The beauty of this movie is in all ogfthe different extremes it goes through.... Action, Romance, War, Losing, Winning....
I disagreed with all of the bad reviews it received...
Both my sons loved it. Oldest one has seen it twice, once in 3D. I trust their judgment in most films, excluding the dopey testosterone films by Judd Apatow, etc. Glad to hear a grown up's opinion.
I am a fan of science fiction, Nancy. I've heard mixed things about this movie from my scifi loving friends (all of us proud geeks ;-) ).
One is that it struggles to live up to the hype, which is to be expected, but delivers an entertaining visual package, even if you've essentially seen this story before, in various forms.
I'll just quote the best two remarks, "It's like Killer Ferngully met Dances with Wolves." (a comment that had me rolling). and "It really was a bit too 'white men speak with forked tongue' for my taste."
Yet, no one I know has said, "I didn't like it." they've just had some story reservations, but agree that visually, it's amazing.
The run-time alone absolutely guaranteed that I'd be waiting for this one on DVD. Two hours and forty three minutes? I'd have to stick a tranq dart in my husband to get him to sit in one of those theater seats that long.
Or as one friend put it, "If you see it, for the love of God, don't sit there drinking a huge soda, or you will pay, and pay, and pay."
Yay verily, I'm saving this one for the "pause" feature, and the sprawl of my home couch.
Thanks for chiming in with a review, though. It's been fascinating to see the diversity of reactions to this.
i have to go see this too - haven't been to a movie theatre in forever as i now prefer grabbing dvds for home - but, 3-D on a big screen! be still my heart! thanks so much for posting this, nancy!
I really liked this movie, the storyline, the effects, everything. It revolutionizes #-D like never before! Maybe a time will come when we won't even need actors (except maybe for voice overs). I really had fun watching it!
Well, now that means I'll go and see it! I'm not a science fiction fan, but that makes two recommendations for this movie from people whose opinion I value. Thanks, Nancy.
I'm still waiting til ALLL the ankle biters are gone... probably in a week or two
I have heard nothing but positive reviews from it. Now I need to go see it!
visually amazing but a so-so story...didnt live up to all the hype for me...just another fancy take on the story that is Pocahontas...
I love the movie. Yet another best from James Cameron!
Saw it today. Just fantastic!
I haven't brought myself to see it yet, but Don wants to before it leaves the theater. So I will go with him. I want to see Up in the Air.
I LOVED it! Even saw it twice (both times in 3D of course) in one week! But to be fair the only reason I saw it the second time was 'cause it was in English (the 1st in Spanish) and I was going with friends, one of whom had worked on some of the special effects. Made it even more interesting after! :o)
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