Saturday, September 17, 2011

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Biology

I think Dr. Bruce Lipton is one of the true geniuses of our time. He has the ability to take complex material and make it easy to understand. I have his book, Biology of Belief , on my I-Pad but have not read it, as yet. However, I found this interview with Lilou where he talks about the body's ability to change spontaneously. We are literally so powerful that we are able to change our genetics by changing our thoughts.

He also discusses the reason so many of us are incapable of changing the things in our lives that we would like to change - because we are running our subconscious about 95% of the time - which was programmed by the time we were six. We literally run on about 5% of our consciousness that we program. He believes we are not victims of anything more than our belief.

I found so many things about this talk interesting - not the least of which is his view, again through the study of science, that we are actually in heaven, not hell. We are here to experience what it feels like to taste chocolate, to fall in love, to feel heartbreak, to know what it is like to feel happiness. In other words, we are an expression of the Divine Source, (God), experiencing what it feels like to feel.

The media has not jumped on this idea because it goes against the corporate desire to have us doing what they want us to do. If we believe we are in control of our health, why would we buy all those pharmaceuticals, for instance?

This hour is well worth your time.


Brian Miller said...

def some interesting stuff...will follow the link and get a full feel for it, but def sounds plausible...

good to see you!

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

There you go. I am all for it!! From the start of our lives, we have been programmed to think according to already pre-established lines of "can do", "cannot do", "can be", "cannot be", and so on. Yes! The power of the world is in our thoughts, but we have been manipulated since day one. Therefore, it is in fact a struggle to rework our "hard disks" and allow all of our positive power to come to the surface. Tough!

Fantastic subject!

Nancy said...

Brian - thanks!

Negerigeletschtempoit - This interview is right up your alley - you're already halfway there!

JeannetteLS said...

Nancy, I have the link in another tab all ready for me to listen to as I wind down this evening, before I go to sleep. I think it's the perfect food for dreams.

There are days when I am defeated by my pain in ways that I am not on others. Even when there are debilitating weeks like this past one, when I THINK of the future as something exciting, full of possibilities, I find myself being better able to breathe.

"Disability" has made it impossible for me to be "gainfully employed." I won't pretend this THOUGHT does not hurt sometimes, BUT... Somewhere along the line I realized that my spinal fiascoes have "forced" me to do precisely what I've always dreamed of doing. I devote my upright time to painting and writing, two of my three grand passions. I see my back as having saved my life years ago--a wake-up call from a very harmful lifestyle.

Now, once again I think of this worsening spine as a wake-up call to living my life as fully me. It is what it is, but how I live a rich and wonderful life with it and perhaps BECAUSE of it--that is entirely up to me.

At least, that's how I am working to look at it all. I bet the link will help. Thank you for this blog!

Bruce Coltin said...

For us optimists, this helps validate our optimism. This is like chocolate.

Gemel said...

Yes, he would not get media attention, god knows what they would do if we all realised we are creator gods in our own right!

Hilary said...

I totally believe this!!! Thanks for the tip.


how intriguing, nancy - a topic right up my alley at the moment as i've found myself in a couple of health issues recently - thank you SO much for such an insightful post - now off to get more of it all! wonderful to see you again, too!

Nancy said...

Jeannette - Wow. You have taken this understanding and put it to use in your life. What would the world look like if everyone did that?

Bruce - Agreed!

Gemel - I think that idea is as repressed as any idea on earth.

Hilary - Dr. Lipton has been able to connect the dots in science and metaphysics.

Gypsy - Thank you. I know you will like this interview.

luksky said...

I also have the Biology of Belief on my IPad...after watching the link I just may push it to the top of my shelf.

Hilary said...

I took your advice, and listened to the whole thing.....all I can say is WOW.
Thank you so much for this.....I am passing it on....via FB and email.

DJan said...

Thank you! I will go check him out and possibly change my biology!

Nancy said...

luksky - I'm thinking the same thing.

Hilary - I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I thought it worth passing along.

DJan - You never know! :-)

Wenny said...

Hi Nancy, thanks for sharing about Dr. Lipton's book. I'm so going to get one too!

It seemed so timely that I have written about the power of our thoughts and choices and then to read more about it from you and other blog-friends. It has definitely influenced a change in my support system to encourage me onto a new bold step forward.

Rob-bear said...

Great to see you back, Nancy!

I'm going to take a look at this, probably tomorrow after worship. Or before.

One thing struck me in your side bar. You've got a quote about "Evolution can happen this afternoon." I would suggest that "Evolution is happening this afternoon." Without us being aware of it. I first got a clue about the whole larger dimension of reality when watching What the Bleep Do We Know. Now, I'm aware of dwelling in multiple realms of possibility.

Nancy said...

Wenny - Wonderful!

Rob-bear - Thank you. I've watched that film as well. I think these films are opening up our eyes to a whole new world around us. I find it very empowering. I think you will really like this interview.

ds said...

Fascinating stuff, Nancy! I'll have to come back to follow the link, as it's too late now, but I know there is so much in the mind/body connection. Scary to discover that we are 95% "hardwired" by the age of six. Wow.

Glad to see you, and thank you!

Grandmother Mary said...

Welcome back, Nancy. Bruce has been my husband's hero for a long time now so I get to hear and read his ideas, which are fascinating and empowering. It has enabled us to live our dreams and I'm grateful.

My Inspired Reality said...

I have missed you Nancy:) Bruce Lipton is one of my favorites - he makes things simple for anyone to get it:):)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! His book is just as good!

d page said...

I love his theories. I hope people will listen to, and read his material.
Good post, Nancy.

Nicole said...

Oh Nancy, I knew you wouldn't be gone too long! So nice to have you back, you write on such interesting topics! I have heard of Bruce Lipton and I am a true believer in such theories. It isn't that easy though to only believe in such things in order to change all those old messages and core beliefs but I know that is all it takes and I will spend a lifetime trying to do so, because ultimately I know I can. Off to tuck in and watch the link. Thanks for sharing.

Linda Pendleton said...

Hi Nancy,
I do believe "change your thoughts, change your biology."

I will check his interview soon, thanks. I have heard him before, and look forward to what he has to say on this video.

Amanda Summer said...

beautiful, nancy. i always feel so good when i visit your blog and learn something new. thank you :-)

Leilani Tresise said...

I so love this.... so love it! Thank you!