I was happy, but I never really felt a part of that wonderful city. I thought it would just take time. After all, I needed to learn new friend-making skills as I had always lived near the ones that I had known for most of my life. Not much effort needed there. (They were always visiting, so the need to expand my horizons didn't seem urgent.) But before that could happen another opportunity came our way. It was timed in such a way that the decision to leave our children and move to the Twin Cities seemed appropriate at the time.
Now he has accepted a new job offer. Where, you ask?
Well none of the places that have come calling over the last couple of years. Not Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Washington, Hawaii, Oklahoma, or Boston.

Nevada is drawing new companies due to favorable business taxes, and the lack of a state income tax. It is thought that it will be new companies that will drive the most growth in the near future, especially when it comes to employment opportunities. After all, we know big companies are not worried about keeping their employees any longer. That ship has sailed.
So we will be moving once again. I guess it's time to go home. Those deep, mysterious, roots that started in the 1800's with my great great grandparents have claimed their prodigal daughter.
At least for now.
Yes very powerful and eventually not to be avoided.My life too has come full circle.When I stand on my top paddock I can see the mountain I grew up on 50kms away....in between I lived for 29 years in the other Hemisphere.
Hi nancy
Life is so interesting in the cards it deals us and the cards that we choose...
This sounds to be an exciting and a longed for move for you. I wish you well in this new chapter of your life.
Happy days
How exciting for you; you have to have something 'on the go' all the time to make life so absorbing! But to leave that lovely home!?
We have to make a move again soon and it will also be the full circle, back to whence we came!
oh, how interesting...
wow thats pretty kool!!! =0D
Aaah..Nancy..life always does have a way of coming back full circle, doesn't it? Strange yet true.
My father used to love this girl when he was very young. They had grown up together but fate had other plans for them. She got married to a Muslim guy and shortly after that my dad got married to mom. After that they had no contact. Years after my mother passed away he contacted her..only to find that she had been divorced barely 3 months after her marriage. Till date, I know she loves him and ge loves her too. I'm glad they are finally together. Another example of life coming full circle. It happens but for the best :)
Hope you're well my friend.
Much love,
Oooh! Excitement for you both.
Hub and I are planning a move back to my roots too.
Blessed are we all, to have a choice in these tricky times. xx♥
Well, Nancy, how about that?! I am excited for you and think this should generate some amazing new posts at your totally remodeled (looking beautiful) blog.
I've been really homesick lately, as I have been back in touch with several childhood friends who still live in Reno. I think your moving back home is just magical.
The photo is a perfect companion to the story. I moved away from home when I started college, and except for short detours back, I have been gone for the past 20+ years. It's funny, though, that I still think of it as home, even after all this time. Roots, indeed, run deep. (Incidentally, I'm typing this in the airport, on the way north to go home for a week. (o: )
Oh my goodness, how exciting! As my old gran used to say, "What is for you, won't go past you." Looks like this is meant to be. When are you moving? Good luck with everything, hope it goes smoothly.
It sounds a little like winning the lottery.
very cool. sounds like this is great news...wish you luck with the move and welcome home. smiles.
What a wonderful journey, full circle as you say.
I wonder how it will look now after all these years and what ghosts from the past will rise up to greet you, in the nicest possible way of course, and in the form of lovely memories revisited
It's almost as if our place of origin has energetic roots with magnetic powers ...
Hope your move proceeds smoothly and that you find a wonderful place in which to create a new home.
How exciting! I like Reno so that is a good place to return full circle. A new start is always fun.
That is fascinating. Lake Tahoe has always seemed to me a beautiful community and place to live, though I've never been. I will be interested to watch your plans and move unfold.
Only 22 miles and you're going to move? that's like driving across town in Houston.
The place where we were born, where our family has lived for generations is hard to refuse.
Life's full of interesting twists and turns, often ones we never see coming. Best wishes on your move!
It will be interesting to follow this thread of your life. You know, Washington state doesn't have an income tax, either, but they probably don't try to make companies set up here, like Nevada does. Very interesting, indeed.
What goes around, comes around, they say! And this is so true! After living in three other states, I ended up coming back full circle, too. Sounds like a great new adventure for you and your hubby. So happy for you! Cheers!
Proud of you for taking a risk and an adventure and moving AWAY. Most people never do!
Von - How interesting! It's kind of comforting, isn't it.
Delwyn - I'm not sure it was longed for, as I would have preferred Portland where my children are located, but better than learning another big city all over again. I have to admit to feeling relieved it wasn't a place further from my children. I'm only 1.25 hours away by plane, and in a place I know, that's for sure.
alaine - You, too? I wonder what kind of energy is calling so many home?
Linda - Weird, huh? Of all the places in the world? Or at least the US?
leilani - Yeah, it is. :-)
Deboshree - I'm sorry you lost your mother... but happy your father is happy with his new/old love. Life is full of surprises.
Natalie - You, too?? I will have to stop by and see where that is...
Lydia - I thought you, of all people, would find this interesting since it was your hometown as well!
Lynn - Home seems to be the topic, today! Have a safe journey, and a wonderful visit.
Shrinky - Your Gran was very wise. We have found a place in Reno and hope to have our things shipped from storage in Minneapolis by June 1st.
Bruce - Well at least a paycheck, LOL!
Brian - Thank you!
Elisabeth - Actually it has changed in six years. An explosion of growth happened just before the housing collapse. Over-built, like so many communities.
Bonnie - Thank you. And yes, it does seem that way!
R.J. - Yes, it is a nice place, I have to admit. Small, easily traversed. I hadn't realized that until I lived in two large cities in a four-year time span. Minneapolis was very spread out, and Portland is much larger than Reno, as well.
Ruth - Lake Tahoe is wonderful, but this last winter was difficult. The snow is just now melting and has been on the ground since before Christmas.
ellen - We have our home in storage in Minneapolis, so we will have a home in Reno and keep our little place in the mountains. The mountain can be dangerous to drive in the winter every day. Sometimes they close it do to blowing snow and high winds. It tops out at an elevation of around 9,000 ft at the top. I wouldn't want my husband to drive that every day, although some people do commute.
Joanne - Yes, it seems so. Thank you.
DJan - A recruiter called my husband for a job in Seattle, at one point. He wasn't interested in the position, but I was interested in Seattle! Oh, well.
Marguerite - And it has turned out so well for you! Strange how life moves us along...
Viv - Thank you. I always felt I need to do that, and I think we will retire elsewhere, but for now - I'm home!
Only a few miles..... you could stay where you are! New possibilities, even though you are back where you started....
Hi Nancy! I know Reno very well
I have a friend that lives in Virgina City which is close, and we always go to reno when I visit there.. Houses values are great there now..I especially like the rural communities in the nearby area..I am sure you will be happy there...funny how life works you going there again huh?
Kathy - We could stay here but the commute is up a very windy and treacherous road in the winter. Besides, we have all of our furniture in storage in Minneapolis. Not to mention - shoes!
Marlene - It is very interesting how life takes takes twists and turns. I love Virginia City!
Omigosh...! Congratulations. That's obviously where you are meant to be.
Keep us posted. :-)
That's so strange and wonderful. It is fate. I like how you said you've come full circle... It makes perfect sense.
Congratulations and the best of wishes!
Ironic! When is the move going to happen!!?
Isn't it funny how those things work out.
Congrats on the new job! But here's what I don't get... if it's only 22 miles... why move at all??? Seems like a more than reasonable distance, not worth the hassle of a move...
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Congrats to you, Nancy. It's a wonder how things work out sometimes.
Occasionally I wonder if I'll ever end up back in my native Montreal. I feel something of a pull at times. I think I might just need to visit.
Funny how life comes full circle sometimes. The post is perfect with your quote of the day!
Jo - Thanks - will do!
Phoebe - Thanks!
Trish - I think we found a house and hope to have the stuff moved from storage in Minneapolis by June 1. I haven't verified that with the moving company however. But how busy can they be??
Pam - It really is - I find this very strange.
Otin - Stuff happens for a reason - you have experienced that lately, too, haven't you!
Chris - We won't move the stuff from where we are living - it was, and will revert back to a vacation home. (Which is something we used for skiing in the winter and beach in the summer long before we started this adventure.) But we have our "real" home in storage in Minneapolis - waiting to see where we would end up job-wise, before we moved it. Which appears to be right back where we started.
Kathy - So very true. That old adage certainly applies here.
Hilary - You just never know, do you? I can't believe you would ever want to live too far away from Frank's cabin, however. Benny would be sad...
Otin - Stuff happens for a reason, doesn't it? :-)
It seems like the best of all worlds Nancy, close to your kids, the mountain and your husbands job, which is so important. I kind of love moving since it gives me a chance to evaluate what is really important to me (simplify!). happy planning!
We have to adapt with each new cycle. Glad to know you going back to your roots.
it takes some time to adjust to new places, I know you miss old home and recall all the benefits of it, but life goes on, you can find new support, new friends, and new jobs by reaching out and read locale news...
Happy moving!
blessing for you.
Wow! Another move! I am happy for you both; yet, what a whirlwind it has been for you. And it is truly extraordinary to be returning to your roots! You will be home. And that will be a wonderful feeling! I love the way you think! You are such an encouragement to us all! Love, Janine XO
Well, what the heck. It's just another move and not one far away although I'm wondering why you don't remain in your home in Tahoe while he works in Reno, unless you're 22 miles as the crow flies and it's a much longer drive, winter weather, etc. NH is a no income tax state too and it's nice although they make up for it in property taxes and vehicle fees.
I am covered in chills with this news. I love the Universe. LOVE IT!
First of all, congratulations! I'm so happy for both of you that your financial situation is taking a turn for the better.
Except for nomadic peoples, most humans throughout the history of our species have been born, lived, and died in approximately the same location. We become a part of a the landscape on which we live, though that becoming takes time. Andy Goldsworthy says it takes twelve years. I'm sure other people have different ideas about that.
I've lived in every time zone in the U.S. during my 57 years. My body as well as my brain has no idea where my roots belong. I envy you, going home again, I do.
Congrats and bravo!!
Congratulations to your husband! Everything happens for a reason...
Lori - Thanks. I can't wait to be reunited with all of the detritus of our lives that has been stored for almost two years. But I can see the time we will downsize and simplify. The move after this one will look very different.
lakeviewer - I wish it was Portland, but retirement is not that far away, and I'm grateful it isn't some big city where I would be anonymous again. The Midwest felt very strange to me because I didn't know a soul for thousands of miles in all directions. I've lived my life in the West.
Jingle - Funny you mentioned the news - the same commentator has been there since I was a young woman. It felt kind of nice to see him again. I know all the histories of the politicians, too. :-)
Sniffles - Thank you! As always, you are so sweet.
California - The mountain from Reno to Tahoe is dangerous during the winter at times. I wouldn't want my husband driving it twice a day. Nevada also has high vehicle fees, but normal property taxes due to legislation a few years ago. The big casinos pay much of the taxes, but with that is a price to pay - they also wield more than their share of clout.
Mama - My husband is happy to be back at work. He's had a two year vacation. But it was time well spent. I'm grateful.
Reya - Thank you. Interesting about the 12 years needed to feel part of the landscape. That explains my not feeling part of Portland right off the bat. You see, I had such limited experience living anywhere but my home town. I am so grateful for the experiences.
Scarlethue - Thanks. It appears so.
Amazing. It reminds me of this guy I met at a train station in Vienna. I had my water bottle but it was empty so I went up to the guy and asked to buy one. He asked me if I would like to just fill up my water bottle with tap water. I was like absolutely, I am traveling and broke! So he said no worries, it was free for all. And then we talked a bit more and he said something I'll never forget. He said, "The spirit is like a parachute, it only works when it's open." And I love that. And I think your journey has been so fortuitous because of your open spirit.
It took a lot of words to get there huh? Oh well =)
Have you found a place ? My Mom loved going there. We even flew there after she past away to let her ashes blow in the wind above the brown hills that she so loved.
Boomka - Very well said. (BTW Jen sent me your Cold Eze video - I loved it!)
JC - Wow, really? That was the most beautiful thing I've heard in a while! Yes, we've found a house - I'll do a post on it soon. It has quite a story!
Wow - well, at least he's GETTING job offers, right? And now you're moving back to the area that you've called home for so long. Sounds good to me :)
Pat - Really? Would you give up the road?
How awesome! It will be great to get back into your old circle... like putting on your favorite slippers!
Wishing you the best in the new adventure.
I love to move! Something about a fresh start is appealing to me. I stopped doing this for the last ten years, for the welfare of my kids, they needed stability! But I cant see staying here forever.
Counting on you to be a voice of reason in Nevada. The Republican candidate for Senate has suggested we barter with our doctors for health services offering chickens. ;)
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