For those of you who follow my blog, you know that after living my entire life in one place, the miraculous finally happened and I convinced my husband to move from the home he had known for 25 years (and the company he had worked for 23 years) and take a chance elsewhere. He was offered a job in the city that I had always wanted to live - Portland, Oregon. Our children followed, and continued their education at the universities in Oregon. My daughter married a native Oregonian and gave birth to another native Oregonian.
I was happy, but I never
really felt a part of that wonderful city. I thought it would just take time. After all, I needed to learn new friend-making skills as I had always lived near the ones that I had known for most of my life. Not much effort needed there. (They were always visiting, so the need to expand my horizons didn't seem urgent.) But before that could happen another opportunity came our way. It was timed in such a way that the decision to leave our children and move to the Twin Cities seemed appropriate at the time.

That too was short-lived. My husband's company merged with another and we chose not to move to the small Midwestern town that was to be their new headquarters.
Luckily, we sold our home in Prior Lake, Minnesota and moved to our small vacation home in Lake Tahoe. We have remained here during the economic tsunami that has threatened to drown our country and much of the world. Grateful to have a home when so many have lost theirs.
Now he has accepted a new job offer. Where, you ask?
Well none of the places that have come calling over the last couple of years. Not Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Washington, Hawaii, Oklahoma, or Boston.

No, the job offer that was offered and accepted is in ..... Reno, Nevada. Yep, full circle in just six years. It looks like I will be just 22 miles from our home here at Lake Tahoe, and back in the city where I was born. Weird, huh?
Nevada is drawing new companies due to favorable business taxes, and the lack of a state income tax. It is thought that it will be new companies that will drive the most growth in the near future, especially when it comes to employment opportunities. After all, we know big companies are not worried about keeping their employees any longer. That ship has sailed.
So we will be moving once again. I guess it's time to go home. Those deep, mysterious, roots that started in the 1800's with my great great grandparents have claimed their prodigal daughter.
At least for now.